Idiotic Musings from the West

This is another classic case of our retarded coolie media. Business standard is an Indian newspaper btw.

Subhuman IQ Indian coolie media will literally publish the worst crimes and stories from Dehat land on its front page, which later gets amplified globally by pignats and muslimes.

Literal zero degree of self awareness and perception by desi patrakars.

desi patrakars and their editors are fully aware of what they are doing, in their worldview and friends/peer circles they live in, this is what their profession is all about. that's what their education, vocational training , their editors and their bosses encourage them to do.

they'd rather allow the country to burn down, than make an effort towards reviewing the real world consequences of their worldview.
As I said, not all of them. Indians everywhere need to be habituated to fight back.

Fighting back with words won't have any impact.

You see, Anti-India racism is largely due to India's stature as a developing country. A country's global image is often tied to its economic conditions. It does not matter how democratic you're or how liberal your society is. The only thing that matters is how much moolah your country has. This is why Saudi Arabia, despite having a demented and primitive culture and its nationals being directly involved in the 9/11 terror attacks has a higher global stature than India.

The central and state governments should realize this and do something about it. Clean up the cities and make them liveable, improve the education standards, impart mass industrialization, and spend lavishly on R&D.
Elon muskova going against his groyper army which he supported and boosted for over a year is not something i expected. Total jeet victory
Is this the good old technique being used by our Parties in India for long time. Like Congress is protecting minority, Bajapa is pro minority, Bhim army really cares about Dalits, Communists selling their shit eventhough they know if Communism implemented they will die in riots.

Surprised to see average red american is too dumb to see this manipulation by political parties. They were taken ride by their Politicians for long time. Eg. Bush convincing the entire nation to go for war in Iraq based on muh WMD, Obama selling Obamacare for 2 terms and delivered when he is going out of office in an off-measured Scheme, Democrats student loan debt removal.

If Trump objective is to get US Industries flourishing then he need to import skilled workers to support them. Since average democrat were asexual and now where going to reproduce. Bible belt can only afford certain threshold.

Remaining will be Tech bros only.

UNPOPULAR OPINION: Indian English news media should be state owned. The news in Indian languages can be private.

These stupid news media have done a lot of damage to India's reputation.

All our Journalist were basically unofficial party members, Defence companies PR, big actors PR, sports person PR, Left wing lunatics, right wing lunatics.

There are very handful of people who do journalism.
This is another classic case of our retarded coolie media. Business standard is an Indian newspaper btw.

Subhuman IQ Indian coolie media will literally publish the worst crimes and stories from Dehat land on its front page, which later gets amplified globally by pignats and muslimes.

Literal zero degree of self awareness and perception by desi patrakars.

UNPOPULAR OPINION: Indian English news media should be state owned. The news in Indian languages can be private.

These stupid news media have done a lot of damage to India's reputation.

Yeah, India needs a state owned media alternative led by nationalist patrakars(not the luytens coolie gang). Something on the lines of BBC, DW, Al jazeera etc that can put forward an Indian view.

That quoted tweet has 41K likes, might be more now.

(We can say most are bots), Some people say ignore, others say this will have to be confronted as narrative builds up.

Anyhow, it is clear that huge sections of Indian mediawallahs have "other-ed" their own country/population & report in the same language/tone/tenor of Gorass.

Reminder to y'all that the top ((( editors ))) and ((( writers ))) in these orgs are either moral-less traitors or secular/liberal co-ideologists of the globohomo.

Like ezsasa says below, do not be under the illusion that they are fools and they don't know what they are doing or that they are "forced" to do what they do.

desi patrakars and their editors are fully aware of what they are doing, in their worldview and friends/peer circles they live in, this is what their profession is all about. that's what their education, vocational training , their editors and their bosses encourage them to do.

they'd rather allow the country to burn down, than make an effort towards reviewing the real world consequences of their worldview.

Their (((work))) continues unabated because they haven't faced the consequences yet of their dalali for foreign and domestic patrons.
No such thing as "free" media.
"Terrorist attack" in zoorica.

Jokes aside...... I would advise all Indians and Indian-origin people to exercise extreme caution.

White supremacists are not a fringe element anymore but the mainstream of the US society and they don't mind resorting to extreme violence. One of my friend's relatives was killed in a mass shooting in a Sikh gurudwara in 2012.

The Hate against Indians is pretty much mainstream now and things will only get bad from here as the population of Indians continues to grow and Indian Americans rise to prominence in the US politics.
Jokes aside...... I would advise all Indians and Indian-origin people to exercise extreme caution.

White supremacists are not a fringe element anymore but the mainstream of the US society and they don't mind resorting to extreme violence. One of my friend's relatives was killed in a mass shooting in a Sikh gurudwara in 2012.

The Hate against Indians is pretty much mainstream now and things will only get bad from here as the population of Indians continues to grow and Indian Americans rise to prominence in the US politics.

Hope the Pr0d """"Americans"""" there use their "God-given 2nd Amendment rights" and stock up on and learn to use guns.

Aside from organic freenge element attacks also these could be backed by the Deep State in an attempt to brow-beat the Indian diaspora there.
Hope the Pr0d """"Americans"""" there use their "God-given 2nd Amendment rights" and stock up on and learn to use guns.

Aside from organic freenge element attacks also these could be backed by the Deep State in an attempt to brow-beat the Indian diaspora there.
wth deep state actually wants? who the hell is deep state? I have read and heard a lot but still know nothing about what actually deep state is and what is their ultimate goal, motive
Jokes aside...... I would advise all Indians and Indian-origin people to exercise extreme caution.

White supremacists are not a fringe element anymore but the mainstream of the US society and they don't mind resorting to extreme violence. One of my friend's relatives was killed in a mass shooting in a Sikh gurudwara in 2012.

The Hate against Indians is pretty much mainstream now and things will only get bad from here as the population of Indians continues to grow and Indian Americans rise to prominence in the US politics.

First off, this advice relates mostly to USian desis. It doesnt really apply to those amongst us who live in kaneda/Ozzie/You-rope, etc. because in these places, its very very unlikely that u will get ur ass shot - in UK you do have stabbing risks, but stabbing is much easily avoided if you are smart about it, unless u r very unlucky and mass stabber starts with u kinda scenario.

Because in these places, if even one dude of any colour gets shot by some dude, that dude is dead and universal condemnation and if it shows racism pattern, then its game over, cons lose even more gun rights and shit.

As for our USian friends are concerned - yes, they should be careful. Get a gun if they can and learn how to use it at the range.
I am a gun owner and i will say this - first day at the range is the first day of your life as a gun owner because that is the day you realize how wrong hollywood/bollywood is about everything to do with guns.
And it takes a bit of time to get good with handguns, which really are the only ones u r gonna use for self defence, as long rifle is like wat de foc, r u in a treehouse holding out from KKK gang kinda self defence. And pretty much everything about shooting a handgun u see on tv is a lie - its incredibly difficult unless you got naturally stable arms ( which 95% of humans do not) and every single hero doing every single 'cool tricks with handguns like criss-crossing hands, jump-roll shooting etc are all dead' in real life is the conclusion you will come to after just a couple of hours at the range with a handgun.

And ironically, its a lot easier to get better with long rifle than with handgun, because long rifle is much easier to stabilize during trigger pull than handgun.

it doesnt hurt to learn to use a gun and knowing how to use one also gives one a sort of knowhow that gives confidence in situations involving a gun - because you are also aware of what a gun can/cannot do from what range/angle etc. because you used one.

This is also why when you have crowd shooters, the 'heroes' are usually ones with some sort of gun usage background- military or police or even civillian. Not because 'gun = jigraa people' but because gun users in panic mode know whether they can run for it or not depending on where the shooter is/what gun the shooter has, etc.
I would recommend anyone who lives in the US to be at the very minimum, gun literate because its facking stupid to live in a country where minors can buy a gun to kill u but u dont know how to handle one/ever handled one.
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wth deep state actually wants? who the hell is deep state? I have read and heard a lot but still know nothing about what actually deep state is and what is their ultimate goal, motive

Their 3 letter agencies( CIA, NSA, FBI ) + US State Dept bureaucrats + assorted social-engineer ultra-super-duper rich ((( financiers ))) like Soros for example but there are many more such "activist financiers"

All Burgericunt foreign and domestic policy is decided by this clique only.

Rest everyone else is their bitch ( Rep, Demo politicians except maybe Trump himself ), Military and Pentagon bureaucrats.

Then the 2nd tier of bitches is your media, NYT, WaPoo, BBC, various Academics, Hollywood, MNC suit-boots( In matters of dhandho there is some leeway but otherwise still bitch )

Ultimate goal is to spread their religion of globohomo Liberal degeneracy across the world and preserve US/Western hegemony over the planet, starting with keeping their iron grip on their 1st World Vassals including the Big 5 of Europe( France doesn't always agree to US commands however ), rest of the 5 eyes Anglo countries, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

And hammering any other "nails" that dare stick up into place, like Iraq, Libya, Syria, now Russia, India to some extent and the Chinese in the future
Hope the Pr0d """"Americans"""" there use their "God-given 2nd Amendment rights" and stock up on and learn to use guns.

Aside from organic freenge element attacks also these could be backed by the Deep State in an attempt to brow-beat the Indian diaspora there.
It feels like the Deep State (DS) has this weird, selective approach when it comes to Indians. On one hand, they want to strip away anything distinctly "Indian" culturally, but they still want to keep traits like hard work and meekness. It’s like they’re trying to avoid another Nijjer 2.0 scenario. They’re happy to extract talent and use Indian labor but don’t want those same people rising too far up the ladder and potentially challenging the Global American Empire (GAE). It’s almost as if certain "Oy Vey" feel threatened by that kind of upward mobility.

I think all of this has its roots in the digital era. The rise of tech has completely changed the game. Now, even some nobody without institutional wealth can rise to insane levels of influence. You don’t need a massive factory or tens of thousands of employees anymore. A team of 20 working out of a basement can create a billion-dollar company. It’s no wonder this shakes things up compared to the old, capital-intensive industries.

This is especially true for Indians, who tend to dominate in analytical and mathematical fields like computer science. Sure, we’re not great at core engineering compared to the West, but entry-level CS jobs pay ridiculous amounts compared to what experienced engineers earn in traditional industries like oil or defense. That kind of money and the low barrier to entry mean quicker social and economic mobility. A software company employing just 100 Indians can now have the same kind of clout as a traditional firm with 10,000 white workers.

This shift totally wrecked the old elites who relied on Deep State support. Back in the day, before WWII, the DS was all about isolationism and non-interventionism. Then, after the war and through the Cold War, the Neo-Liberal DS took over, backed by finance and the military-industrial complex. They pretty much outsourced traditional manufacturing to places like China, which killed off the influence of the old manufacturing elite. But the Neo-Liberal DS messed up big time. They assumed China would stay obedient, like Japan or Korea, and thought they could control the ARPANET (what became the Internet). Neither of those things happened.

Now we’ve got Techbros like Musk and Bezos who have more money and power concentrated in their hands than anyone thought possible. The real question now is whether these techbros will manage to topple the Neo-Liberal DS and create their own version of dominance. Only time will tell.
Their 3 letter agencies( CIA, NSA, FBI ) + US State Dept bureaucrats + assorted social-engineer ultra-super-duper rich ((( financiers ))) like Soros for example but there are many more such "activist financiers"

All Burgericunt foreign and domestic policy is decided by this clique only.

Rest everyone else is their bitch ( Rep, Demo politicians except maybe Trump himself ), Military and Pentagon bureaucrats.

Then the 2nd tier of bitches is your media, NYT, WaPoo, BBC, various Academics, Hollywood, MNC suit-boots( In matters of dhandho there is some leeway but otherwise still bitch )

Ultimate goal is to spread their religion of globohomo Liberal degeneracy across the world and preserve US/Western hegemony over the planet, starting with keeping their iron grip on their 1st World Vassals including the Big 5 of Europe( France doesn't always agree to US commands however ), rest of the 5 eyes Anglo countries, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

And hammering any other "nails" that dare stick up into place, like Iraq, Libya, Syria, now Russia, India to some extent and the Chinese in the future

Correct synopsis on the Deep State, but incorrect i think on GloboHomo.
GloboHomo isnt for us. It is for them. The objective of Globohomo is to make their own birth rate go to 0, so then they get to justify mass immigration into the west, aka siphoning off the 'talented future gen westerners who will come here and participate in globo homo' and that will in turn afford them the luxury to keep bombing third world to keep 'waao west' pipeline open.
We are affected by spillover phenomena/elimination of their rival societies with globohomo phenomena.
But make no mistake, the globohomo is primary for the west.
Because for this whole plan to 'commodize human capital & keep the west rich & developed as parasite to rest of planet' to work, western birth rate must hit 0 or negative, to keep it all sustainable and not turn the west into overpopulated shithole in true nigeria fashion.
It feels like the Deep State (DS) has this weird, selective approach when it comes to Indians. On one hand, they want to strip away anything distinctly "Indian" culturally, but they still want to keep traits like hard work and meekness

Nothing specific to Indians.
Their entire scheme is to strip the proles in their nations of any tribalism, family or religion, the void of which will be filled by the vapid ideologies that they produce.

The proles will still ((( work hard ))) in order to acquire more materialistic possessions, an infinite desire to consume at all costs.

The proles will also live in a swamp of degeneracy and social decay, where women are nympho whores, men become consoomerist manchildren because of said whores, men are also bombarded by propaganda to become f4gs or cut off their junk, consoom hormones and become tranny, birth rate plummets because of which you have to ((( import ))) more people for teh economy .

That is the end state.

For now we have the "churn" where various types of proles fight each other over tribalistic( pignats, chings, Indians, niggers, spics ) or religious( greens, khalikhopdis ) matters, with the "end state" occurring in parallel.
Correct synopsis on the Deep State, but incorrect i think on GloboHomo.
GloboHomo isnt for us. It is for them. The objective of Globohomo is to make their own birth rate go to 0, so then they get to justify mass immigration into the west, aka siphoning off the 'talented future gen westerners who will come here and participate in globo homo' and that will in turn afford them the luxury to keep bombing third world to keep 'waao west' pipeline open.
We are affected by spillover phenomena/elimination of their rival societies with globohomo phenomena.
But make no mistake, the globohomo is primary for the west.
Because for this whole plan to 'commodize human capital & keep the west rich & developed as parasite to rest of planet' to work, western birth rate must hit 0 or negative, to keep it all sustainable and not turn the west into overpopulated shithole in true nigeria fashion.

Nope it's for the world.

Rest of your stuff is correct but just like Capitalism there is no infinite growth rate, in chasing growth the whole planet will be ((( developed ))) and with automation there will be lesser need of workers in say 100-200 years

Globohomo will eventually come to everyone, we see it in nascent phases in India and China, our poverty keeps the degeneracy to a limit, for the Chinese it is their state and for the greens( yes they too are afflicted ) it is their murderous cult.
ofc all these schemes only work when you are the sole Superpower in the world

As the years pass by that will not be the case.


Anyway Globohomo will die the moment it's chief patron, the Shaitan -e- Bozorg i.e the Jewnited States of Weimerica collapses.

Inshallah it will collapse under it's own weight, just like the Romans did before them

Before this collapse happens we need to stockpile all the good tech, semiconductors, jet engines anything and everything else and become strong.
It feels like the Deep State (DS) has this weird, selective approach when it comes to Indians. On one hand, they want to strip away anything distinctly "Indian" culturally, but they still want to keep traits like hard work and meekness. It’s like they’re trying to avoid another Nijjer 2.0 scenario. They’re happy to extract talent and use Indian labor but don’t want those same people rising too far up the ladder and potentially challenging the Global American Empire (GAE). It’s almost as if certain "Oy Vey" feel threatened by that kind of upward mobility.

I think all of this has its roots in the digital era. The rise of tech has completely changed the game. Now, even some nobody without institutional wealth can rise to insane levels of influence. You don’t need a massive factory or tens of thousands of employees anymore. A team of 20 working out of a basement can create a billion-dollar company. It’s no wonder this shakes things up compared to the old, capital-intensive industries.

This is especially true for Indians, who tend to dominate in analytical and mathematical fields like computer science. Sure, we’re not great at core engineering compared to the West, but entry-level CS jobs pay ridiculous amounts compared to what experienced engineers earn in traditional industries like oil or defense. That kind of money and the low barrier to entry mean quicker social and economic mobility. A software company employing just 100 Indians can now have the same kind of clout as a traditional firm with 10,000 white workers.

This shift totally wrecked the old elites who relied on Deep State support. Back in the day, before WWII, the DS was all about isolationism and non-interventionism. Then, after the war and through the Cold War, the Neo-Liberal DS took over, backed by finance and the military-industrial complex. They pretty much outsourced traditional manufacturing to places like China, which killed off the influence of the old manufacturing elite. But the Neo-Liberal DS messed up big time. They assumed China would stay obedient, like Japan or Korea, and thought they could control the ARPANET (what became the Internet). Neither of those things happened.

Now we’ve got Techbros like Musk and Bezos who have more money and power concentrated in their hands than anyone thought possible. The real question now is whether these techbros will manage to topple the Neo-Liberal DS and create their own version of dominance. Only time will tell.

The hatred for Indians come from the simple reality of this threatens the power structure eco-system of the westerners, who are whites. Ie, the same threat they see in China.

The reality is simple - Rich people drive the world. Rich people interests is what moves wars, alliances, money, etc.
Its rich westerners who are propping up nations like Italy & Greece with hundreds of billions each year from tourism - where they go 'waao michaelangelo, waao parthenon'.
And dont get me wrong, they are truly magnificient art, but they are also overprioritized due to Euros being prioritized by rest of west as 'our people'.

Well, any Indian/Chinku who holds on to indian/chinku heritage/cutlure is gonna look the same 'waaao' way to THEIR own history - the temples in India or pagodas in China or cliff art or something. Those will be the must sees first and only once seen, we go later to YOU-ROPE like Westerners do for Asian tourism.

Given that India/China are BOTH INDIVIDUALLY bigger in human population than the entire western world, it means that over time, with Indian/Chinese super-class in western society combined with economic rise of India/China, the power structure of the world gets altered and the biggest loser to all this becomes Europe/western world itself.
Therefore, de-racinating Indians/Chinese is the ploy. This comes with propaganda 'eebil rapey india/fascist mass prison cheen' + danda of overt racism.
The hatred for Indians come from the simple reality of this threatens the power structure eco-system of the westerners, who are whites. Ie, the same threat they see in China.

The reality is simple - Rich people drive the world. Rich people interests is what moves wars, alliances, money, etc.
Its rich westerners who are propping up nations like Italy & Greece with hundreds of billions each year from tourism - where they go 'waao michaelangelo, waao parthenon'.
And dont get me wrong, they are truly magnificient art, but they are also overprioritized due to Euros being prioritized by rest of west as 'our people'.

Well, any Indian/Chinku who holds on to indian/chinku heritage/cutlure is gonna look the same 'waaao' way to THEIR own history - the temples in India or pagodas in China or cliff art or something. Those will be the must sees first and only once seen, we go later to YOU-ROPE like Westerners do for Asian tourism.

Given that India/China are BOTH INDIVIDUALLY bigger in human population than the entire western world, it means that over time, with Indian/Chinese super-class in western society combined with economic rise of India/China, the power structure of the world gets altered and the biggest loser to all this becomes Europe/western world itself.
Therefore, de-racinating Indians/Chinese is the ploy. This comes with propaganda 'eebil rapey india/fascist mass prison cheen' + danda of overt racism.

Totally correct on the deracination plot.

Both India and China are also only countries large and united enough to resist the Globohomo of the W*stern jamaat lead by the Caliph-Sultan America.

Afriniggers and Sooth East Asians are in pieces and the Latinos are the bastards of the W*st so no hope there either.

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