Idiotic Musings from the West

The caricature of what left really thinks of current political scenarios. Even some people at our side are same level of delusional. Their description is so much artistic and fantastical. They think they are holder of enlightenment and right-wings are enemies.


Like Greens have their global chummah, in the same way the Librandus have theirs, librandu elite in New York and New Delhi think sem2sem and are basically a hivemind.

Right wingers meanwhile are loyal only to whatever their tribes is, for us it is Bharat and for some like Pignats it is "the WHiTe rAcE".

Libranduism is another religion like the more "traditional" ones centered around God or gods.
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I recommend all members not to indulge with these vermins, but if you really have an itch just say "We will take your jobs, marry your girls, have brown kids & will replace you. Your govt will facilitate all that. What you gonna do about it ?"
Enjoy these white rats cope and seethe, no need to be factua

Mods have purged the previous posts but quoting this just to highlight the "best practice" when dealing with pignats online.

twist the knife, add namak, mirchi to their wounds etc.

Do not bother "explaining" to the white pigs.
They wont come for us.
Because by the time they feel like they MUST come for us, two things already would've happened :
a) west's ability to project force in terms of boots on the ground would be even lower ( west is highly allergic to boots on the ground leading to bodybags) due to demographic decline
b) India is gonna close the gap further in ability to match projected force.
Just something to add here. Only country determined in the West to invade us currently is UK due to fact we see them as an existential threat just like USA did in its early years of independence.

Of course if Portuguese, Dutch, French, German and even Danish see an opening they will not hesitate to attack us

Their zeal to invade is not to steal our wealth, but to eradicate and replace our population with themselves
Examples- New Zealand, Australia and USA

India is best piece of real estate on the planet when it comes to sustaining human population. Unlike US and China we can even grow crops in the winter

Colonial powers are cursed with lands that cannot sustain their populations, even today UK imports 48% of all its food

The UK food supply chain represents 6.8% of gross value added (around £107 billion) and 4 million jobs with around 500,000 people in farming and fishing and over 400,000 people in food manufacturing. The UK is not self-sufficient in food production; it imports 48% of the total food consumed and the proportion is rising.

What will ultimately determine our safety is our ability to bring war to London, Lisbon, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam and Copenhagen etc

Best defence against invaders is extinction and genocide of invader

Russians have followed this policy and it has worked wonders for them.
Turks were invading and enslaving Slavs as early as 3rd century. Russians responded by genociding them, Rusification and using invader's lands as buffer against any potential future invaders.

Demographics will not be of any consequence because
  1. Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and other traitors within our subcontinent willing to collaborate with British or any external invader and compensate for numbers.
  2. Potential of small cheap drones is replacing the need for boots on ground
  3. The threat of successful biological warfare attack can significantly reduce our demograhic advantage.

When colonial British attacked us we had the upper hand in demographics, economy and even in technology in some cases(Mysore rockets, better quality ships)

Only thing we lacked was war of offence. No Maratha, Mughal, Sikh ever made a goal to target London and hence British outlived each of one of these empire. All British needed was one victory vs Indians needing to defend successfully each time.
Just something to add here. Only country determined in the West to invade us currently is UK due to fact we see them as an existential threat just like USA did in its early years of independence.

Of course if Portuguese, Dutch, French, German and even Danish see an opening they will not hesitate to attack us

Their zeal to invade is not to steal our wealth, but to eradicate and replace our population with themselves
Examples- New Zealand, Australia and USA

India is best piece of real estate on the planet when it comes to sustaining human population. Unlike US and China we can even grow crops in the winter

Colonial powers are cursed with lands that cannot sustain their populations, even today UK imports 48% of all its food

What will ultimately determine our safety is our ability to bring war to London, Lisbon, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam and Copenhagen etc

Best defence against invaders is extinction and genocide of invader

Russians have followed this policy and it has worked wonders for them.
Turks were invading and enslaving Slavs as early as 3rd century. Russians responded by genociding them, Rusification and using invader's lands as buffer against any potential future invaders.

Demographics will not be of any consequence because
  1. Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and other traitors within our subcontinent willing to collaborate with British or any external invader and compensate for numbers.
  2. Potential of small cheap drones is replacing the need for boots on ground
  3. The threat of successful biological warfare attack can significantly reduce our demograhic advantage.

When colonial British attacked us we had the upper hand in demographics, economy and even in technology in some cases(Mysore rockets, better quality ships)

Only thing we lacked was war of offence. No Maratha, Mughal, Sikh ever made a goal to target London and hence British outlived each of one of these empire. All British needed was one victory vs Indians needing to defend successfully each time.
Aap to bohot aage chale gaye :daru:

No gora wants to invade us to replace us with their own people, that fad stopped a 100 years back.

Gora elites don't care about their proles and are actively replacing them with 3rd world imports, The "white race" today exists only in the minds of useless Pignats.

They don't even have the numbers, nor the stomach to absorb losses to invade us in a ground war :bplease:

What most likely will happen is an air campaign, or an attack using Wuhan virus like deniable bio-weapon, that is if the low-effort methods like sanctions and blockades don't work, or regime change protests.
Only country determined in the West to invade us currently is UK due to fact we see them as an existential threat just like USA did in its early years of independence
Wait, why is the UK an existential threat? I think the only countries that actually pose a real existential threat to us are China and the USA. However, the threat from China is much greater. Based on what I’ve read on their social media , forums and news portals, the Chinese do actually make plans to try and balkanize us. This is because we pose a threat to them only as a united nation. If we are divided, we won’t pose any threat, so they want to see us balkanized.

I think the USA has two approaches:

1. If we serve them, they won’t try to balkanize us, as we might serve better as a strong thug. However, they won’t allow us to grow so strong that we become uncontrollable. (They might still support some seperatists as a controlling measure)

2. If we don’t serve them, they might try to balkanize us, create new ethnic tensions, support the creation of some exiled government on their soil, and influence or exacerbate ethnic divisions in India. This would hold us back and ensure we don’t grow strong enough to pose a threat to them.
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Update: I've rattled pigskins unintentionally, and have got them badly screwed by desi e-lashkars :lol:.
These Wignats have no idea the Tsunami that's about to come in next 10 years. India's internet penetration rate is just 65% and many aren't even English speakers. And it's not even 10 years since Jio was launched. Imagine the Tsunami that's gonna hit the world once entirety of India comes online. They are gonna get hit so bad, they won't have places to hide.
These Wignats have no idea the Tsunami that's about to come in next 10 years. India's internet penetration rate is just 65% and many aren't even English speakers. And it's not even 10 years since Jio was launched. Imagine the Tsunami that's gonna hit the world once entirety of India comes online. They are gonna get hit so bad, they won't have places to hide.
Username checks out. Infact it checks out too well.
These Wignats have no idea the Tsunami that's about to come in next 10 years. India's internet penetration rate is just 65% and many aren't even English speakers. And it's not even 10 years since Jio was launched. Imagine the Tsunami that's gonna hit the world once entirety of India comes online. They are gonna get hit so bad, they won't have places to hide.
Xitter isn't big in India. And the algo-boosts have been rigged in favor of pigskins since Elmo's takeover. They still get ratioed sometimes - in normie SM, rednecks do not stand a chance.

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