Idiotic Musings from the West

Seeing a lot of Latin American mutts claiming to be white and dissing Indians

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Twitter is nothing. See how they behave on Instagram. Especially the Mexicans.
End of the day how these Wignats flex is that all white people in India are Iranians, so Indians are supposed to be black, all Indian gods, monuments & good things in are due to the Iranians.
Indians don't have their own history.
Very clownish.
Looks like a pool sapoter of russia.
A lot of wignat Pool sappoters of ze moskal and got mad at the Endians pool sapoting ijrael,the reason this whole racism increased to a whole other level. Otherwise they kept their masks on.🎭
Ze moskals might have a hand in the rise of far-right online,since a vast amount of those social media accounts are from russia or russia sapoters
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Looks like a pool sapoter of russia.
A lot of wignat Pool sappoters of ze moskal and got mad at the Endians pool sapoting ijrael,the reason this whole racism increased to a whole other level. Otherwise they kept their masks on.🎭
Ze moskals might have a hand in the rise of far-right online,since a vast amount of those social media accounts are from russia or russia sapoters
Yup... 😂 Israel is the actual factor.
Sneaky Maos & Mullahs try to blend in to capitalise.
There are some Wignats as well who support Israel but hate India. Probably due to some Indians taking away blue collar jobs or high paying corporate jobs as well.
They're busted from all sides.
Didn't know white supremacy would be so inclusive in 2025.


>any non-white people perform well or achieve something great
>better if they have/had light skin tone
that guy's a Parsee, from surat side, which is near to Navsari where their holy fire is still preserved and so

so since he's ethnically from ancient persia, he a white, as per wigga logixx

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