India Canada Relations

Disagree on the student visa. Student visa is decisively needed to colonize Canada. Sure, Canada itself may wisen up and put a stop to it ( unlikely, as Canadian unis are basically profit-making orgs who prefer international student to domestic student as then the govt doesnt have to pay anything for student fees and more funding from govt can go for muh research) but we should never close the pipeline that will turn Canada into little India.
Which is happening quite fast (which is also why the goras are going bat-shit crazy and making street-shitter fake news and fake videos to streotype us).

Sure, Canada derives income via student visa. but keeping it open will be a long term win, as Indians who are coming in are seeing through the Khalistani BS (unless they are Sikhs, who make up ~30% of desi immigrants here but not more and most of them do NOT come on student visa- less than 1 in 5 Punjabis in Canada come on student visa - they come on family sponsorship/refugee quota etc. visa.).

Ergo, these Indians represent a long term investment into Canadian geopolitics for India, as they will be indo-centric than most in the past are. Ergo, project colonization must continue.
I don't believe in this thing, Indians especially Hindus who go outside are the MOST FATTU group of all time.

Once they arrive in other country, they take it upon themselves to get colonized more than needed, readily forget India, their homeland interest and most of time don't care what their stupidity can do.

We all are going to see it in upcoming USA elections where despite knowing that how much that chudail Kamala is dangerous and it's democrats party is dangerous to India, so called "Indian colonizers" will go and vote Kamala only.

Let me give you a picture of Indians in west.
Sorry though, but they are this.
I don't believe in this thing, Indians especially Hindus who go outside are the MOST FATTU group of all time.
brother, there are millions of us outside of India and are doing a lot work in the country we live in as well as in India.

Stop saying such stupid things.

Even in Canada, it is hindus who are standing on the opposite side of Khalis and banging them,
In Australia, same.

So, just learn a bit more before you spew your nonsense.

Imagine if some one said Hindus in India are ..... after every time a murder happens and the hindus rush to police.

The worst thing about this is not just the ignorance but sowing another fault line between hindus living in India and abroad.

if you can't strive to bring hindus together, just STFU and let people who are trying to, do their work.
I don't believe in this thing, Indians especially Hindus who go outside are the MOST FATTU group of all time.

Once they arrive in other country, they take it upon themselves to get colonized more than needed, readily forget India, their homeland interest and most of time don't care what their stupidity can do.

We all are going to see it in upcoming USA elections where despite knowing that how much that chudail Kamala is dangerous and it's democrats party is dangerous to India, so called "Indian colonizers" will go and vote Kamala only.

Let me give you a picture of Indians in west.
Sorry though, but they are this.
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Although Hindus being fattus is partly true.. what @GaudaNaresh is saying is also true, and as Indian economy and power grows, and Indian accomplishments grow more canadian Hindus will come forward to defend Indian interests..
YOu can already see this playing out.. Pannu on canadian TV directly blaming Canadian Hindus for remaining silent on Khalistani deaths.. and blaming them for loyalty towards India..
After reading the census fig of Canada I am really puzzled about the inability of Hindu society to form effective and vocal interest groups. Look at the no. Of Hindu MPs and the influence of hindus despite their population in Canada. Despite their considerable no.s neither they are able to shut down Khalistanis like Pannu from making hinduphobic/genocidal threats nor are they able to effectively raise voice for hindu issues like temple attacks. Wonder why this pattern is repeated everywhere whether India or abroad


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What we have heard today only confirms what we have been saying consistently all along - Canada has presented us no evidence whatsoever in support of the serious allegations that it has chosen to level against India and Indian diplomats. The responsibility for the damage that this cavalier behaviour has caused to India-Canada relations lies with Prime Minister Trudeau alone: MEA

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Trudeau is emerging as a 🤡 clown & his party as jokers in this latest clown fest. Why is he doing this 😐
Except trade between India and China is reaching new heights every year and with China is now self dependent in mostly if not all critical tech the trade with India will rise up

Yes , there is a incentive on the US part to be wanting Balkanization of India but that would mean more dangerous dragon . With India gone , good luck for US or western powers to access Indian ocean region. Currently it's India which is holding fort for complete Islamization and China dominance in this part of region (and ironically this is the most populous region of the world).

You know that if Congress gets elected to the Parliament in majority, balkanization of India would occur immediately overnight and India becomes Islamized?
What are his chances of becoming the PM in next 10 years?
Conservatives are winning next election in all probability. So, after 5 years, if conservatives completely mess up, there is a chance that people will look at 3rd party (other than liberals and conservatives). Then there could be a chance for NDP. But don't know if hagmeet will still be the leader.
revdi canada style..
Check your bank account. The Canada Carbon Rebate goes out today.


tax more for hydro and hydro carbons, give money back as revdi, so that public can buy more and pollute more.

HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!! Witness how quickly Canada is gonna bankrupt itself!
it's pretty routine for canadian politics, it's looking weird to us because we only make guest appearance when that idiot does something stupid. even on normal days, their politics are mind numbingly stupid. watch their press conferences on issues and parliamentary sessions on YT, govt side talks but never give any meaningful answers, it's non-answers almost always.

for example : since covid, the guy is actually running a quasi-dictatorship by democratic standards. apparently privileges of ruling party MPs and ministers are handled by a parliamentary committee of sorts. this guy eliminated the committee and brought it under PMO. means any of his ministers and MPs dare to speak against him, will have to risk losing privileges, thus eliminating any threat to his position.

MP from ruling party is under attack for his religious identity and needs police protection to carry out his routine political activities, and yet backs his leadership fully.


You know that if Congress gets elected to the Parliament in majority, balkanization of India would occur immediately overnight and India becomes Islamized?
I don't see congress coming to power with full majority ever going ahead. I don't think Congress or any other party in power has the gumption to ban RSS or jail Right wing leader's. If they do so then they are inviting full on street violence. I don't think anybody can accept Islamic atrocities for long in India every action has equal and opposite reaction.

Turdue trying to create sem 2 sem narrative and targeting the softer moodiji to become a Canadian hero protecting it's sovereignty from heathen interference while still remaining loyal to his Chinese master.
Neither has hard 'evidence'. It is incredibly incredibly difficult to try and convict incumbent foreign govt officials of plotting 'state backed' assassination attempts at a public court. Uncle Sam is salty cuz Indian intel agencies are running amok in his own backyard, he is not used to such treatment from random faraway nations and does not want to set a precedent.

Well India is not the first nor will it be the last. Britain did it. Israel did it. Turkey did it. Hell, even Pakistan did it.

"I have 0 evidence but we *have to* work together, you reveal your secrets, give me the stuff that i have fabricated & then I will have conclusive evidence against you"

Based on this they have -

> Invited Khalistanis to white house prior to PM Modi visit
> Ganged up on India to "waive" immunity to her diplomats !!!
> Wanted to question the said diplomats
> Claimed to have expelled diplomats
> Accused Doval & Shah of "murdering Canadian citizen"
> Went to a spate of falsehoods, narratives via their pliant & state sponsored media
> Platformed Pannu, who threatened to blow India planes, attack parliament, attack Parliament/PM, placed bounties on Indian diplomats, went on a het speech against Hindus etc.
> & more..

It just means that they still harbor the delusion of using extremism from a certain demographic of a particular area as a geopolitical tool for coercive diplomacy, influencing internal policy formulation & fomenting physical trouble for weakening India.

Pipsquek vassal minnow state acting extremely uppity via it;s masters borrowed muscle.

India needs to raise the issue of CSIS role in terrorism against India, murder of India citizens & role of the incumbent PM's alleged dad Pierre Trudeau in all of this as well.

Were they really expecting India to waive off immunity to her diplomats?

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