India Canada Relations

They really do not have any other option. It's now a case of saving a man vs saving a country's image, economy,trade , and foreign relations.

This is such a massive fiasco that is affecting almost every Indian living in the West, especially in Canada. My friends and relatives are increasingly getting anxious as the society there has started looking down on the Indians.
Abe shaant hoja bhai, they can play KABBADI with Headley and Rana and can still sell their SANCTIONED PRONE weapons but India is weak and will bend it's ass for them because YOUR RELATIVES are looked down upon.

There was no FIASCO, JUST some westerners jumping too much as they always do.

For your relatives, India should be divided? heeh.
Abe shaant hoja bhai, they can play KABBADI with Headley and Rana and can still sell their SANCTIONED PRONE weapons but India is weak and will bend it's ass for them because YOUR RELATIVES are looked down upon.

There was no FIASCO, JUST some westerners jumping too much as they always do.

For your relatives, India should be divided? heeh.

His relatives can crawl on the ground and rub their noses to polish white master's boot and prove themselves as True Canadians® and disassociate from their Indian identity altogether, this is done very easily for a lot of coolies.

Or if they don't have the maple leaf passport behave like a rabid liberal-leftie

I don't get what the fuss is about.

It is only these NRI coolies who do gymnastics to prove themselves as True *insert anglo-saxon country denonym here*, even when white masta doesn't ask them to.

As compared to literal "enemy nationalities" like Rooskies, Chinese or Iranis in the West.
My friends and relatives are increasingly getting anxious as the society there has started looking down on the Indians
Whites have always looked down upon Indians, nothing new. Every Indian who immigrates to the west should know that they're essentially going as slaves; they'll always be treated like second class citizens.
Strategic Mistake Leading to Trudeau’s Downfall

Why did Canada engage with Khalistani terrorist activities over the last decade, when its previous experience in this regard led to the Air India bombing in 1985? That tragic event, in which 327 passengers and crew died when a flight from Toronto was blown up, also claimed the lives of two baggage handlers in Tokyo when a similar bomb detonated.

Despite this, Canada mounted a flimsy prosecution against the bomb maker while erasing crucial evidence to protect politically connected individuals tied to the crime. This marked a shameful episode of political interference, initiated by none other than the current Prime Minister’s father, Pierre Trudeau. His government’s actions effectively invited terror masters into Canada on the pretext of supporting the divisive and unrealistic demand for the partition of India—much like the separatist movement in Canada, led by the Parti Québécois, which has been seeking Quebec’s independence for over 50 years.

Given this dismal track record of managing law and order, it would have been wise for the current Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, to avoid similar missteps. Yet, he has allied with Khalistani sympathizers within his coalition government and appears determined to harm India’s interests. This may be a calculated move to secure 300,000 Khalistani votes, or perhaps an extension of the anti-India stance held by his father.

Today, Canada faces a diplomatic crisis with India. Diplomats have been expelled on dubious grounds, and India has retaliated in kind. The fallout is impacting Canada’s economy, with significant losses expected as Indian students—a key contributor to the Canadian education sector—reconsider their plans to study and stay in the country. Furthermore, India is likely to cancel a military deal to purchase American-designed, Canadian-built Stryker armored vehicles, while Canadian provinces grow increasingly dissatisfied as their business interests and jobs are threatened.

Why is Trudeau acting so recklessly? It could be anyone’s guess, but his actions seem to echo his father’s anti-India sentiments from decades ago. In this diplomatic standoff, other nations, notably the U.S., have seized the opportunity to pressure India for its continued purchase of Russian oil. The U.S. has even lodged a flimsy case against two Indians for allegedly attempting to assassinate a Khalistani terrorist in the U.S., a former Indian citizen and a declared fugitive.

Like it or not, India is now a $4 trillion economy, with 600,000 Indian IT professionals working in the U.S., Canada, and other Western nations. Alienating India could have far-reaching consequences, especially if these workers begin to view U.S. and Canadian actions as hostile.

The wiser course of action would be to stop providing safe havens for terrorists to thrive. The good situation is that both the Trudeau and Biden are on their way out; the newcomers may take a different view.
This is a question * never * dealt with on Canadian mainstream TV. Even on an Indian channel in India, the Canadian former intelligence official on the program, wasn't really grilled. There are 26 requests by India for extradition from Canada. Even if 2 or 3 are questionable or trumped up, doesn't mean all of them are. And India is not vocally and noticeably making itself heard on the matter.
They really do not have any other option. It's now a case of saving a man vs saving a country's image, economy,trade , and foreign relations.

This is such a massive fiasco that is affecting almost every Indian living in the West, especially in Canada. My friends and relatives are increasingly getting anxious as the society there has started looking down on the Indians.
Inside as of now. India must be firm that he won't be extradited, and if he is, it must be in exchange for Pannun and/ or Headley.

No country extradites it's own citizen to another country, no matter what. There will be no exchange. For the enemies of India who are living with a false sense of security after the recent events, it is not over yet.
Same language as Congress.


Canada Foreign Minister Melanie Joly says India, Russia involved in "transnational repression". Russia has done that in Germany & UK. Adds, "since the beginning of entire episode with India, we would seek the truth"


This is a spurious equation repeatedly brought up on Canadian TV, linking India with Russia, China and Iran. Why should India be equated to them? Why not place India in the same bracket as the U.S, U.K, France and Israel? They have all conducted transnational operations, a few of them more nefarious than what India stands accused of. They have even destabilised democratic and progessive regimes, and replaced them with autocracies. And all this has been done with the full support, approval, at the very least acquiecence of Canada. Almost none of this comes out in the oh so free Canadian media.
They really do not have any other option. It's now a case of saving a man vs saving a country's image, economy,trade , and foreign relations.

This is such a massive fiasco that is affecting almost every Indian living in the West, especially in Canada. My friends and relatives are increasingly getting anxious as the society there has started looking down on the Indians.
There is no such feeling. Indians are pretty resilient. Mind you, India has not even used its 0.01 strategic options. There is no need to put pressure on the Modi government. We all criticize Modi without any censorship, but this is not even a case to crib; rather, it is a good show of seeing Sikhs' traitors slowly getting smoked and the so-called five-eye wagging its tail in a few months.

Just relax no one is galloping you.

Seriously. :Noding:
No country extradites it's own citizen to another country, no matter what. There will be no exchange. For the enemies of India who are living with a false sense of security after the recent events, it is not over yet.
And also extraditing him will set the precedent that any indian citizen can be extradited by Burgerdicks for some bogus charges and face american law.A state that cannot provide legal protection to its people from outside forces has no right to call it self a sovereign nation.
They really do not have any other option. It's now a case of saving a man vs saving a country's image, economy,trade , and foreign relations.

This is such a massive fiasco that is affecting almost every Indian living in the West, especially in Canada. My friends and relatives are increasingly getting anxious as the society there has started looking down on the Indians.
Since from when do Whitey is looking up on the Indians to now look down on them? And Why are Indians in West especially Canada which was worse in wiping out Natives are so ignorant and turn blind eye to worship Whiteys?
. Moodiji tried to win over some Khali votes and failed
. Even if pappuji becomes pm (imagine) even he will not allow Khali pandering of goras (imagine the pressure he will be in to act tough if tonty tonty are conducted under his watch)
. Us and Canada pander to khalis while ignoring heathen India's dossier and pleas because they can
. While it may appear that India has failed but I think it's a tactical defeat and a strategic victory
. The willingness, resources , persistence even with repeated failure and time that India is willing to invest in making gora sahib see the light, will be much greater than what gora sahib will be willing to spend on protecting khalis under false garb of freedom of expression, sovereignty etc
And also extraditing him will set the precedent that any indian citizen can be extradited by Burgerdicks for some bogus charges and face american law.A state that cannot provide legal protection to its people from outside forces has no right to call it self a sovereign nation.

I don't think he'll ever be extradited, it will also be risky because he might reveal a lot of RAW internal operations etc in exchange for some plea deal and lesser sentence. They can file all the charges they want, but he'll be staying here. They'll probably have to put him up in some safehouse somehwere due to <threats> from cia agents.

Basically like the Saudi Arabia Khashoggi situation.: bas bhool jao bhai. jo ho gya so ho gya, g**nd me ghushao apna extradition.
This is a spurious equation repeatedly brought up on Canadian TV, linking India with Russia, China and Iran. Why should India be equated to them? Why not place India in the same bracket as the U.S, U.K, France and Israel? They have all conducted transnational operations, a few of them more nefarious than what India stands accused of. They have even destabilised democratic and progessive regimes, and replaced them with autocracies. And all this has been done with the full support, approval, at the very least acquiecence of Canada. Almost none of this comes out in the oh so free Canadian media.

Because the murders they (or the ones approved by them) commit are "just" & "moral" as they are "moral civilizations".

The air of audacity, thick-skinned smugness & nonchalant zombie like nature with which they further this drivel is mind boggling.

But it does not stick anymore. Huge sections worldwide just laugh at these sermons, for which they blame RT or Russia.

I mean, do they think the rest of the world are comprised on non sentient beings?

Till two days back, i never heard of "Odessa Trade Union Massacre" aka CIA Euromaidan Nazi turds burning around 48 Russian linguistic minorities in Ukraine. Guess why?

Without a global reset, this will continue.

A lot of us get upset at sections of Indians doing US simping & taking up their talking points.

But i console myself saying that this is not just an Indian phenomenon. It is global. Take Hungary or Mexico. Not a day goes without the Lunderican viceroy putting his nose in a place where it does not belong & then complaining of bad smell. Yet there are huge sections who side with US on their own counties internal matters.

Unlimited dollar printing, attracting global talent from elsewhere after creating problems etc. has its advantages. I mean just guess, all the geniuses/budding scientists/potential innovatots from Iraq/Syria/Libya, <next-destabilized-zone>..where do they end up?

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