Indian Air Force: News & Discussions

How dare the ACM say what is the truth. HAL has been lying from day one. when GE said in the contract they can deliver 3 - 4 engines a year because the line is shut down and that it would take 2 years - 3 years before full rate production, what business did HAL have promising 24 aircraft a year.

FFS, they have 7-8 engines from the reserve, why the hell arent those Mk1As in IAF hands? because they are not ready.
Astra integration is pending. Python integration is pending. A2G tests are pending. Heck, it was only this week or last that mid air refueling got validated. Lazy jackasses at HAL are letting down the extremely impressive hard work done by the few.

Even DHRUV. For 6 years you knew the control rods will fail, what exactly did you do?

why should either of the 4 services that operate it risk the lives of their men AFTER knowing that HAL fucked around?

Believe me there are several skeletons yet to tumble out of the HAL closet. Including money and other gifts from certain slavic peoples.
As of today:

* PAF fields more number of fighter jets than IAF's Western, South-Western & Central air commands combined.

* The PAF has more fighter pilots in absolute numbers than these 3 commands combined. & overall the fighter pilot ratio of PAF:IAF is at an all time low of 3:4.

PAF fields 156 JF-17 with more on order
Certain Junk Fighters are receiving upgrades of AESA radar and BVR missiles from Chings too..

IAF playing games of IOC, FOC, not-mk1a-because-one-missile-wasnt-launched etc with Tejas.

IN meanwhile has no paucity in quantity and quality of ships vs PN
It's because they have been designing and building their own stuff since the late 70s 🗿

PN is now AAAAH I'M IMPOORTING :pmegusta: Ching and Turkan ships, they placed an order for 8 Mard -e- Chowmein AIP subs in a vain effort to do equal-equal with IN surface fleet in ~2015 but as of writing not even one of these subs have been delivered :bplease:

At some point we will have to fight China, and piecemeal gold-plated imports won't help there, but still they haven't learnt any lessons, Tejas is the red-headed step-child forced upon by the GoI even today and they still lust after Gold-Plated import du jure.

They have to internalize that part of their war fighting duties is preparing for war, which for a country of our size and facing an adversary like China means domestic design and production of platforms and weapons, they can't keep on playing the current "pass the file" games and chai-biscoot sessions with their IAS and -Minister counterparts any longer.
How dare the ACM say what is the truth. HAL has been lying from day one. when GE said in the contract they can deliver 3 - 4 engines a year because the line is shut down and that it would take 2 years - 3 years before full rate production, what business did HAL have promising 24 aircraft a year.

FFS, they have 7-8 engines from the reserve, why the hell arent those Mk1As in IAF hands? because they are not ready.
I have more confidence in what you say than in what HAL says.
You're not reading the situation right.

He's pitching for MRFA to be mfgd in India with a Pvt Sector player in collaboration with a Foreign OEM except it's a bit late in the day for that coz GoI believes in getting the balance 36 nos Rafales & closing the file on the entire MMRCA 2.0 / MRFA episode whereas the IAF is clinging on to the old story where Dassault would partner a local Pvt Sector player ( Anilbhai in this instance) & set up a FAL followed by a mfg line which would eventually emerge as a rival HAL.

This was the original plan of the GoI / MoD / IAF which got derailed.
This was a good plan in 2016 when we ordered Rafales, Any idea why it got derailed? why didn't gov made it MAKE IN INDIA from the start, it would have been good propagenda for elections as well as some backdoor donations through Reliance if at all. let alone all the boasting they would get to do that we set things right and bla bla blah highground.. morales... India first..
This was a good plan in 2016 when we ordered Rafales, Any idea why it got derailed? why didn't gov made it MAKE IN INDIA from the start, it would have been good propagenda for elections as well as some backdoor donations through Reliance if at all. let alone all the boasting they would get to do that we set things right and bla bla blah highground.. morales... India first..
We got that thing called Pappu which barked SCAM SCAM at behest of either Eurof@ggots/Burgerchods. Surely we couldn't proceed with such political environment then.

But one silver lining is it didn't happen because the money-upto 20B would have gone to gutters since F*rench are anyhow not gonna transfer that if we go by their shenanigans until now. I had more faith in Burgerchods transferring more ToT and Know-How than French.
This was a good plan in 2016 when we ordered Rafales, Any idea why it got derailed? why didn't gov made it MAKE IN INDIA from the start, it would have been good propagenda for elections as well as some backdoor donations through Reliance if at all. let alone all the boasting they would get to do that we set things right and bla bla blah highground.. morales... India first..
To my mind 3 principal reasons - the first being RaGa's campaign insinuating Anilbhai stood to make a fortune thus linking that to Modi & the BJP which made the GoI put the entire procurement on the back burner ( there was a court case on as well which ended in humiliation for RaGa ) , the second being GoI being tight fisted with defence CAPEX as a result of which it was proposed the Rafales could come in piece meal fashion ala the MKIs instead of through the MRFA tender route which brings us to the third point & the role of ex ACM Chaudhari in this affair , who in turn shot down the suggestion , insisting on the tender & had a public spat on this with CDS the late Gen Rawat with 3 years being lost in the bargain & here we are.
This was a good plan in 2016 when we ordered Rafales, Any idea why it got derailed? why didn't gov made it MAKE IN INDIA from the start, it would have been good propagenda for elections as well as some backdoor donations through Reliance if at all. let alone all the boasting they would get to do that we set things right and bla bla blah highground.. morales... India first..

Mudi got scared of Raul's barkings.
Even though the SC case also fell flat on Raul's face.

Last I checked there were rumors that they will have RFP for MRFA this year so everyone can play trial-trial, tender-tender, pass-the-file, chai-biskoot sessions for next 4-5 years in order to do a """"clean""""" procurement, by then will Mudi be in power, will the Frenchies and Europoids still sell the same jets? who knows.

Meanwhile, "SQUADRONS DECLINING SAAAR" cheekte rahenge, Tejas delay hota rahega and F-35 ki dalali "defence journalists" karte rahenge...

We got that thing called Pappu which barked SCAM SCAM at behest of either Eurof@ggots/Burgerchods. Surely we couldn't proceed with such political environment then.

But one silver lining is it didn't happen because the money-upto 20B would have gone to gutters since F*rench are anyhow not gonna transfer that if we go by their shenanigans until now. I had more faith in Burgerchods transferring more ToT and Know-How than French.

The burgers also wouldn't, if you want tech you have to either reverse engineer the stuff you have or engage in industrial espionage and hiring top-tier experts and specialists in whatever required fields to build the tech in house.

Ofc for this you need open wallets and generous funding, chindi govt doesn't want to spend that money to jaane do :facepalm4:

This ToT concept is a total scam, nobody is going to spoon feed you the good stuff aside from very rare scenarios like the Russi giving us full ToT for a certain SSN design that was modded to make the Arihant-class SSBN

India in talks for 10 more Airbus C-295 aircraft in ageing fleet revamp, sources say

Sources in this article say that the 10 more are for Air Force, not for Navy or CG



Hellfire has been describing Modi as Nehru 2.0. since Operation Swift Retort post Balakote.

If sh!t hits the fan hope 56" remembers to get a stroke like chacha did & change the entire narrative in India which incidentally is still the dominant narrative.

Topji should atleast do radarmaxx and missilemaxx but he has Kadi Ninda and himself being not too well versed in technicalities.
we're expected to wage against the Chinese anytime after 2028.

For past few months seen this getting repeated on all SM platforms umpteen times. Maybe true!

But no matter which fighter deal we ink today or in next few yrs... the numbers won't bulk up even by 2028+5yrs.

Just look at pics of our mig-29s... they tell us on our face... "plz retire us"

The jaguars... underpowered and only for bombing role... the IAF is not down to 29-30 squadrons as is often repeated everywhere... the actual squadron strength is 22... out of which 1 Mirage squadron is under strength.

What can be done in short period of time? The things that would take less than 5 yrs from orders to complete deliveries to training.

* For the cost of 15 rafales the entire Indian Infantry of some 3.75 lakh soldiers can be modernized to western+ standards.

* For the cost of another 12 Rafales... 900 truck mounted Artillery guns can be acquired.

(Both above would be paid in INR & not dollars)

* We need stockpile of ATGMs/MANPADS/Snipers/MMG/HMG

* Density of SHORADS & VSHORADS will be more important than longer range systems.

* Need NVG/TI in tens of thousands. SDR should be standardized.

Lost the motivation to type further... 😪.

Since all the ACM's statements are catching limelight
Here on 2: 40 he says we need platforms if not home developed atleast Made in India :pokerface:
Is he talking of MRFA
Further up the episode he talks more of Made in India from foreign

He's giving headline making statements in front of media and roasting Tejas and HAL because he has received the green light from the political establishment for import.

Now to justify import, it is necessary for deshi maal and already badnam DPSU to be further besmirched, to prevent Congressis from screaming about SCAM like they did the last time.

No point hating the ACM or getting upset about it.

Now few pages back I assumed this was for G2G import of Rafale or F16, but now it seems it is for the RFP of the MRFA to be issued.

G2G would be better since IAF would get *some* fighters assuming Rafale in 3-4 years if contract is signed this year.

But the MRFA will take 5-6 years itself after playing trial-trial, tender-tender, negotiation, pass the file, chai biskoot, ToT jhumla offers, Raul screeching SCAM etc to actually get to the point where contract is signed.

Another 1-2 years for a deshi private sector factory to be established and first planes start being rolled out.

Till then we will see at the end of each year, brave pilots getting medals for salvaging old planes doing all messed up shit like the canopy flying off, control surfaces not working, engine stalling and God knows what else.



Hellfire has been describing Modi as Nehru 2.0. since Operation Swift Retort post Balakote.

If sh!t hits the fan hope 56" remembers to get a stroke like chacha did & change the entire narrative in India which incidentally is still the dominant narrative.

They are obsessed with getting 100+ Rafale at any cost
so they block Tejas induction and maintain a hands-off entitled customer vs incompetent vendor( HAL ) approach.

GoI was fixated till now to push Tejas on them because it would be cheaper and non-controversial politically.
So they just sit on the MRFA file and don't do any further G2G for Rafale.

End result if squadrons keep on declining, missile & radar-maxxxing is also not done to atleast staunch the loss of capability from declining fighter numbers, very precarious and dangerous situation

Chronology basically is, from what i've read

>IAF acquires Mirage 2000 to counter PAF getting F16 in the 80s
>Massive Trouser-shivering occurs in Moscow
>IAF wants to have 100 Mirages domestically assembled in India with Tee Oh Tee ofc
>Frenchies do their usual nakhra
>Ruskals come with a whole buffet of MiGs, ToT, Local production what have you
>These MiGs acquired in succession ending with MiG 29
>That infamous jet ofc has it's own saga, IAF realizes Ruskies bamboozled them
>Kargil happens
>IAF impressed with Mirage performance, wants more
>MMRCA happens
>Frenchies say Mirage is out of production, buy Rafale

Tejas doesn't figure in this at all because it was just a sarkari """" science project """" to keep DRDO and HAL boys employed, same as Tejas MK2/MWF and AMCA today, IAF has no interest in inducting it or the others mentioned, current Tejas progress is only because Parrikar did arm twisting on his end, but otherwise Tejas is just a """"three legged cheetah"""" forced upon them.

Only obstacle towards the goal of Rafale( and since 6th gen Ching Dorito is flying, it's F-35 also ) was the Govt, and now even they are onboard now provided it's through the MRFA tender from what we see.

ADA should be disbanded, HAL can anyway get half or more of any MRFA 🪛 contract work, since they will never be able to deliver """"Mk1A"""", engine or no engine. :troll:

If the users themselves don't want your jets, what's the point? :bplease: Better just cancel Tejas/Tejas MWF/AMCA, other DRDO /DPSU employment yojanas can be created.
He's giving headline making statements in front of media and roasting Tejas and HAL because he has received the green light from the political establishment for import.

Now to justify import, it is necessary for deshi maal and already badnam DPSU to be further besmirched, to prevent Congressis from screaming about SCAM like they did the last time.

No point hating the ACM or getting upset about it.

Now few pages back I assumed this was for G2G import of Rafale or F16, but now it seems it is for the RFP of the MRFA to be issued.

G2G would be better since IAF would get *some* fighters assuming Rafale in 3-4 years if contract is signed this year.

But the MRFA will take 5-6 years itself after playing trial-trial, tender-tender, negotiation, pass the file, chai biskoot, ToT jhumla offers, Raul screeching SCAM etc to actually get to the point where contract is signed.

Another 1-2 years for a deshi private sector factory to be established and first planes start being rolled out.

Till then we will see at the end of each year, brave pilots getting medals for salvaging old planes doing all messed up shit like the canopy flying off, control surfaces not working, engine stalling and God knows what else.
If they do MRFA, the last priority should be given to Rafale. We all know by now how French cheats us. If AF is hellbent on Rafale just for sake of fulfilling squadrons then God help us. The goal of imparting experience to private sector is as important as fulfilling squadron numbers.
If they do MRFA, the last priority should be given to Rafale. We all know by now how French cheats us. If AF is hellbent on Rafale just for sake of fulfilling squadrons then God help us. The goal of imparting experience to private sector is as important as fulfilling squadron numbers.

This is a jhumla, private sector interested in 🪛 only and following the Tata model to get themselves in the supply chain of the company they are screwdrivering for, F-16 wings, Apache fuselages and all.

Dhandhos will never actually build their own fighter jets or heli because it's just not worth it.

At the end of the day, the decision to design and build the war-fighting equipment locally is the decision of the Service in question to make, like based Navy Admirals decided in the 60s and 70s and diligently worked for it as much as possible right from design, electronics, even coding the software for CMS, No Govt intervention required, no Private Shipyard shaktimaan required.

No DRDO, No DPSU, No Parrikar 2.0 forcing, No Private Sector shaktimaan can do this, Air Force only has to decide this, nobody else, otherwise it won't happen

The Turkish fauj in the 70s or 80s idk, when they invaded Cyrpus, got embargoed by Uncle Sam for like 4-5 years, most of their gear was from US and so they started facing problems, after this they decided to indeginize their defence equipments, so they established many companies including Aselsan( radio and electronics, the Turkish BEL basically ) and Roketsan( rockets and missiles, Turkish BDL ) for this.

Today these two are at the fore-front of the Turkan's current mode of export-maxxxing
This is a jhumla, private sector interested in 🪛 only and following the Tata model to get themselves in the supply chain of the company they are screwdrivering for, F-16 wings, Apache fuselages and all.

Dhandhos will never actually build their own fighter jets or heli because it's just not worth it.

At the end of the day, the decision to design and build the war-fighting equipment locally is the decision of the Service in question to make, like based Navy Admirals decided in the 60s and 70s and diligently worked for it as much as possible right from design, electronics, even coding the software for CMS, No Govt intervention required, no Private Shipyard shaktimaan required.

No DRDO, No DPSU, No Parrikar 2.0 forcing, No Private Sector shaktimaan can do this, Air Force only has to decide this, nobody else, otherwise it won't happen

The Turkish fauj in the 70s or 80s idk, when they invaded Cyrpus, got embargoed by Uncle Sam for like 4-5 years, most of their gear was from US and so they started facing problems, after this they decided to indeginize their defence equipments, so they established many companies including Aselsan( radio and electronics, the Turkish BEL basically ) and Roketsan( rockets and missiles, Turkish BDL ) for this.

Today these two are at the fore-front of the Turkan's current mode of export-maxxxing
That's not what iam talking about. In India, ADA designs jets. HAL manufacturers it. The goal of MRFA is impart the manufacturing standards and practises to a private player. Manufacturing is as important as Design itself. You are assuming that GoI wants them to be Lockheed Martin(Design+Manufacturing) but it's not. They want a private manufacturer like Spirit Aerosystems(Manufacturing only) as seen in US because that's efficient and fast.

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