Indian Air Force: News & Discussions

I doubt there would be a war with chinese by end of decade. Having full scale war with india would be worst thing china could do now.
OTOH , there's this requirement of 36 nos Rafales due & OTOH there's this obsession of IAF for the MRFA with local production with a Pvt Sector Player in order to set up another mfg agency to break up HAL's monopoly against a backdrop of falling squadron strength & an imminent war against the Chinese by the end of the decade.

Then there's the issue of financing all these endeavours apart from the indigenous programs we're undertaking without adversely affecting them.

Only God knows how will we juggle so many balls at once .
I doubt there would be a war with chinese by end of decade. Having full scale war with india would be worst thing china could do now.
Yeah , well , going by your logic , the CCP shouldn't have indulged in what they carried out on the LAC in the summer of 1920 too or be planning an invasion of Taiwan now that they've done the hard work of dragging China out of poverty & setting it on track to become a developed country in a few decades.

Yet no one who's a China observer thinks the CCP is not going to attempt an invasion of Taiwan within 5 years . It's a question of when not if - is how these China watchers characterise the situation.

To conclude , never underestimate the power of stupidity..
Just do the Radar and 1000km Ballistic Missile Maxxing. Weather the storm of low squadron strength for next 5 years and everything will be normal.
Most important of any of jet deal is to spend towards engines, these MoD dogs dont even have pennies for FTB or engine development.
We have an technologically illiterate dehati swine as Defence minister, And identically it shows in the top ranks of the customer tier forces too.
Just do the Radar and 1000km Ballistic Missile Maxxing. Weather the storm of low squadron strength for next 5 years and everything will be normal.
Most important of any of jet deal is to spend towards engines, these MoD dogs dont even have pennies for FTB or engine development.
We have an technologically illiterate dehati swine as Defence minister, And identically it shows in the top ranks of the forces too.
Pralay needs to be manufactured in absolute fuck ton amounts. Pralay anyways will neutralize most paki forward bases.
Yeah , well , going by your logic , the CCP shouldn't have indulged in what they carried out on the LAC in the summer of 1920 too or be planning an invasion of Taiwan now that they've done the hard work of dragging China out of poverty & setting it on track to become a developed country in a few decades.

Yet no one who's a China observer thinks the CCP is not going to attempt an invasion of Taiwan within 5 years . It's a question of when not if - is how these China watchers characterise the situation.

To conclude , never underestimate the power of stupidity..
Govt will raise defence budget on par with overall economy, we could get stuck in a position where USSR was starting from 1980s where military spending was way ahead of their economic growth.

Given we are having difficulties maintaining 7% growth, spending on defence could be a huge gamble for govt.
Just do the Radar and 1000km Ballistic Missile Maxxing. Weather the storm of low squadron strength for next 5 years and everything will be normal.
Most important of any of jet deal is to spend towards engines, these MoD dogs dont even have pennies for FTB or engine development.
We have an technologically illiterate dehati swine as Defence minister, And identically it shows in the top ranks of the customer tier forces too.

Govt will raise defence budget on par with overall economy, we could get stuck in a position where USSR was starting from 1980s where military spending was way ahead of their economic growth.

Given we are having difficulties maintaining 7% growth, spending on defence could be a huge gamble for govt.
In the event , GoI is following your line of thought & doing the bare minimum for defence which in turn has earned Modi the moniker of Nehru 2.0 in some quarters a term not wholly undeserving.
In the event , GoI is following your line of thought & doing the bare minimum for defence which in turn has earned Modi the moniker of Nehru 2.0 in some quarters a term not wholly undeserving.
It's not my idea bruh 😭, it just what govt is doing. They could go for aggresive defence spending. But not sure what is holding them back.
This is the reason you ought to post less , read more & try to understand more. What do you think all this drama around setting up a committee to look into the state of affairs in the IAF , the IAF chief lamenting the state of the IAF w.r.t numbers , his now constant sniping at HAL , his preference for MRFA with local production in collaboration with a Pvt Sector Player to set up another production line which he's mentioned in public for the fourth or fifth time ever since he's taken over is all about ?

It's to stymie talks of corruption or crony capitalism by the opposition & other vested interests such that when things move to the courts inevitably like it did the last time , the GoI has a cast iron case having followed due procedure based on declarations by different sources like this committee , IAF itself , parliamentary committee reports , CAG audits , eminent personalities like defence correspondents articles etc all citing falling squadron strength , urgent need to push up numbers , monopoly of HAL , etc.

Please stick to preparation of your PP on F-35 for the benefit of the armed forces & GoI which you claim is better than classified briefings that LM & Pentagon offers prospective customers.🙏😭
Falling squadrons means "direct buying" from France without due process?
None of your arguments address the issue of corruption talks by opposition "direct buying" of 74 rafales along with 24 for navy.
And when did you think 36 rafales we're bought? Were there no hightened tensions after uri? We're there no news environment about hurry and neccecity to buy fighters fast? Because I've heard lot of news at that time the need to buy fighters fast due to increasing tensions.
it was a time when many were thinking that india-pak war is on the horizon
Yet opposition still throwed allegations.

And stop trying that pathetic attempt to sooth your ego when I called you out on your stupidity on.
Putting antennas on EODAS.

Called you out on you "omni role" stupidity"
"Russians Don't have omni role" su 57 "may be" omni role.
When russia had received it's first "omni role" jet in early 2000 called su30.

"Considering rafale and su30 in same generation"
"Shitting on j20 and su57 just because they chinese and russian" oh the fucking ignorance on this one.

And you still haven't replied to what "all aspect" stealth current 5th gen doesn't focus on that fighters need and will come with 6th gen?

And, according to latest reports on x ,
"Process for mrfa is about to begin"
So looks like no "direct buying".

Now go and fuckin cry about your stupidity and overconfidence that causes you put out these balantly false statements without any knowledge.
Like it works in political discussion, ideological, geopolitical
But not in factual ones like capabilities of jets and systems
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Falling squadrons means "direct buying" from France without due process?
Whoever said without due process ? Kindly quote the necessary statement of mine where I asked for due process not to be followed . I'm challenging you to produce such a statement.

This is the reason I've mentioned you ought to read more & read it carefully. G2G was conceived to rule out signing a contract directly with the OEM as that could in theory imply participation of extraneous agents & possible payment of commission something which as a matter of policy GoI doesn't indulge in or encourage. In fact it's a penal offense.

This is the reason when the Congress alleged a scam in a G2G deal it didn't make any sense & the courts exonerated the government of these charges forcing RaGa to issue an unconditional apology.
None of your arguments address the issue of corruption talks by opposition "direct buying" of 74 rafales along with 24 for navy.
Read what I wrote above.

And when did you think 36 rafales we're bought? Were there no hightened tensions after uri? We're there no news environment about hurry and neccecity to buy fighters fast? Because I've heard lot of news at that time the need to buy fighters fast due to increasing tensions.
Yet opposition still throwed allegations.
I ask you again how old are you ? 18-20 ; 20-22 , less than 18 ?

The MMRCA tender went on from 2004 onwards . Prior to that there was a proposal to mfg 100+ Mirage 2000 with ToT which got killed as it was a single vendor situation.

More to the point it was because George Fernandes was singed badly due to coffin scam where kickbacks were paid for coffins for the martyrs in the Kargil war in a single vendor situation due to which he had to resign. That he returned to the same post in a short time is a different issue but he has learnt his lesson - no single vendor situation.

Finally after all those years the MMRCA tender collapsed yet the need of the IAF pending since decades was left unfulfilled. How else was the GoI to act once the MMRCA reached a stalemate . Now please don't ask me how did the tender reach a stalemate.

And stop trying that pathetic attempt to sooth your ego when I called you out on your stupidity on.
Putting antennas on EODAS.

Was that as good or better than you offering to brief GoI , MoD & IAF on the F-35 as opposed to a classified briefing on the F-35 by LM & the DoD / Pentagon.

Man that was something. You must really fancy yourself mustn't you .
Called you out on you "omni role" stupidity"
"Russians Don't have omni role" su 57 "may be" omni role.
When russia had received it's first "omni role" jet in early 2000 called su30.

Omni role is what defined the Euro Canard when it made its debut. Check out when did it make its debut & also check out for the various modifications Su-30 underwent since the early 1990s when the Su-27 was offered to the IAF but the latter being dissatisfied with it prompted Sukhoi senior officials to ask the IAF if they would be interested in another FA derived from the Su-27 but given the bad state the Russian Federation was in all such developments were in the cold storage.

What followed was a collaborative effort in the truest sense of the word where IAF acted as the co designer choosing which sub systems would go into the Su-30 & how would they exploit this platform to maximize it's potential including the omni role part of it as the Su-30 was essentially conceived as an Air Superiority / Air Dominance Fighter.

Check it all-out as I don't have time to baby sit you .
"Considering rafale and su30 in same generation"
Same generation = same capabilities .

I got how you think now . 🙏
"Shitting on j20 and su57 just because they chinese and russian" oh the fucking ignorance on this one.

I never sh!t on anything except in the commode . Such concepts must be alien to you unless of course asking for credible evidence is sh!tting in your definition.

Once again I'm challenging you to come up with a statement where as per you I sh!t on the J-20 & Su-57.
And you still haven't replied to what "all aspect" stealth current 5th gen doesn't focus on that fighters need and will come with 6th gen?

Reduced RCS all around as compared to the emphasis on the Front Elevation of the 5th Gen FA. Do you actually think any of the 5th Gen FA out there are all aspects stealth when their own manufacturers don't claim it to be so.

There's no fixed parameters for 5th Gen but some broadly agreed upon features . If the same is applied to 6th Gen , all aspect stealth will be at the top of that list . This isn't my view , this is the stated position of all those commentators who've more experience of it than you or me combined.
And, according to latest reports on x ,
"Process for mrfa is about to begin"
So looks like no "direct buying".

I've also mentioned - since when is the GoI known to take the wisest & best course of action ? Did you miss it ? People who've been seeing the performance of GoI , MoD , HAL , ADA , DRDO , IAF etc for years at end won't be surprised by much that happens , inured as they are to these shenanigans.

Once again not surprised you're surprised by this news. How old did you say you were again ?
Now go and fuckin cry about your stupidity and overconfidence that causes you put out these balantly false statements without any knowledge.
Like it works in political discussion, ideological, geopolitical
But not in factual ones like capabilities of jets and systems
If I were you I'd think twice before getting abusive. I don't abuse people with whom I've a difference of opinion . You've frequently brought in abusive language . I tried hinting you to stop it. I've been more than lenient with you given your age. You try that once more you'd get the treatment you're craving.
If MRFA is inevitable, what’s going to happen with HAL? Are they going to be completely sidelined again, or are we about to repeat the same mistakes? Given how the discourse has shaped up and IAF’s intentions, it looks like they are hell-bent on giving the contract to a private OEM.

If it does go to a private player, are we looking at another scam like the Ambani-Dassault mess, where some no-name private firm is handpicked just to minimize commitments and make sure meaningful ToT goes down the drain? Cheating is ingrained in Dassault DNA and being Cheated is ingrained in our DNA. Are we going to let that happen again?

If it’s at least a reputable engineering firm like Tata or L&T, what will actually be made in India? Will they bring AFP machines here and transfer real experience in making composites? What about forged parts, avionics, electromechanical systems—are we actually going to build these, or will it just be another case of assembling pre-made kits?

And what does the IAF really mean when they talk about a private sector production line? Are they talking about real manufacturing from raw materials, or is this just another "screwdriver assembly" deal where we just put together imported parts and call it indigenous production? What firms are they looking for? Is it again some no-name firm like Ambani one last time so that entire ToT goes to drain? Is this "Muh Private Sector" is just a diversion because they never actually said what exactly do they mean, because without those details it sounds they don't meaningfully care about IAF or country and merely the Kickbacks.
Whoever said without due process ? Kindly quote the necessary statement of mine where I asked for due process not to be followed . I'm challenging you to produce such a statement.
Who the fuck gives a shit when you asked the due process.
My comment was in reply to a guy who was suggesting, add 70+ more rafales( G2G deal)for airforce with 24 navy is buying.
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Reduced RCS all around as compared to the emphasis on the Front Elevation of the 5th Gen FA. Do you actually think any of the 5th Gen FA out there are all aspects stealth when their own manufacturers don't claim it to be so.
They reduce rcs all around.
Why did you think, engines are hidden behind vertical and horizontal tail, instead of extending beyond tail like in su30 and f15.
Why did you think 5th gen aircrafts have serrated panels all around?
Manufactures never claimed their fighters to be "front stealth focus" too.

I don't need to go into other elements.
Just go see the pics if these jets and you will find at every place there are attempts to not make any 90° angles.
Every surface covered in ram.
Every antenna no matter where it place is conformal inside the jet, no sticking about antenna.
Just because front of the aircraft is the most stealthy out of all, doesn't mean other areas are not stealth optimised.
In future 6th, 7th blah blah gen, back where engine is will be still be least stealthy related to front of jet, the sides will be on par with front, the bottom and top will be relatively less stealthy compared to front.
But entire jet will be stealthy.
Was that as good or better than you offering to brief GoI , MoD & IAF on the F-35 as opposed to a classified briefing on the F-35 by LM & the DoD / Pentagon.
Not as good as Pentagon, but I can still brief it's general capabilities to your ignorant ass with all the available public data I have.
I still have offer to tell you the advantages it's hybrid fly by optics and fly by wire.
There's no comparison of it with your stupid and false info.
Just because your brain finds it hard to accept just how much public info is available and how of its capabilities can be roughly guessed.
Omni role is what defined the Euro Canard when it made its debut. Check out when did it make its debut & also check out for the various modifications Su-30 underwent since the early 1990s when the Su-27 was offered to the IAF but the latter being dissatisfied with it prompted Sukhoi senior officials to ask the IAF if they would be interested in another FA derived from the Su-27 but given the bad state the Russian Federation was in all such developments were in the cold storage.
Just stupid up mf.

You said no russian jet is omni role and "su 57" may be.
You didn't even knew what omni role meant, just did Google search and went on with how omni can perform in multiple modes in same mission.
Like that's the standard for any decent fighter.
Same generation = same capabilities .

I got how you think now . 🙏
Not same generation=/= not same capabilities.
I'd you think rafale provides same capabilities as su57, your fucking retarded.
I don't even wanna know how you think these ways.
I never sh!t on anything except in the commode . Such concepts must be alien to you unless of course asking for credible evidence is sh!tting in your definition.

Once again I'm challenging you to come up with a statement where as per you I sh!t on the J-20 & Su-57
Go read your words in this same thread.
You called su57 "4.5 gen" multiple times.
Where was your proof?
You said rafale struggled against f35, but will not against j20 because it's chinese.

What you didn't say was "any proof or reasonable explanation why j20 will be as good as f35 or good enough that rafale will struggle against it too?
You didn't ask proof, you denied it because it was "chinese".

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