Indian Army Artillery Programme

you are talking about an era where parliamentary defence committee meetings used to end early because MPs had flight to catch,
you are talking about an era where russians would deny permission to add a cooling system to T-90,
you are talking about an era, where services to return tens of thousands of crores of unspent capex each year,
you are talking about an era, where defence minister in parliament said there is no money to buy new jets.
you are talking about an era, when IAF chief had to run a secret op to open a forward airfield in ladakh because gormint of the day won't allow it.
You don't need me to tell me about this list, I already know about all that,
In an ideal scenario when the political situation changed for the army, they should have introspected and made-up for that lost time, which they have (army in particular) not
You know why ?
because It was the same era when Navy admirals used to sell their Imaan for some Russian poosy,
It was the same era when DRDO was forced to put additional security on Arjun prototype because it could have gotten sabotaged inside a Army base.

In the era you are talking about both military and Political leadership were in cahoots however even though now political leadership has changed but army has not and I am merely calling them out

It's true that we can't go back in time but we can atleast makeup for that lost time by doing things more swiftly and at a break neck speed in the present,
which we are not cause if we were then there wouldn't have been such lack luster attitude towards this whole fiasco and no one would have been making such outlandish claims as you
nobody would have been waiting for gold plated wunderwaffe by saying "technology is fast changing" nobody would have been giving excuses like "Trials going on" or will be ordered soon" or "RFI released" even though we are yet to see a firm order

don't drag me into shouting matches, i try my best to be a neutral and factual in my posts. i have no interest in these point scoring games
I am not dragging you into shouting matches I am merely reminding you that you are being hopelessly optimistic even against you better judgement because even you know orders of most of the items you mentioned in your last post are going to take atleast a decade to materialize.
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