Indian Culture and society

Yes you do have a point. But I wouldn’t attribute something to just the lack of a particular tactic.

That’s a tactical view but from a strategic view it seems like we were contented and all these concepts came as in case of rajputs. We never devised ways to win wars even if for the good. It always boils down to who wants it more doesn’t it? Objectives drive your actions and not the other way around.

Result average Indian now is under confident and non-violent to the core and we lack the strength to deal with other races that bring this aggressiveness.
what do you mean we never devised ways to win wars ? like indian empires like cholas and chalukyas or satavahanas and western kshatrapas fought each other till one of them just went extinct on the battlefield ?!

It doesnt boil down to who wants it more. it always boils down to who has more ability to project force. Without cavalry, the Indo-gangetic plains is un-holdable for any empire if they are being assailed from the Afghanistan region.

There is a reason why the vaunted Greeks, along with the persians, parthians and scythians were not able to crack the heartland of Indian civilization ( Ganges valley) and it took the Kushans 3 generations AFTER arriving in India to project power over Pataliputra, despite India not having any major empire/kingdom in the north at the time, while the Guptas got utterly whacked by the Hun invasions of the 480s period: Cavalry. Huns were the first true heavy cavalry force experienced by India and they weren't interested in fighting a major set-piece battle to defeat the Guptas and take over land ( like the Scythians, parthians, kushans, greeks etc did), they just came in as all cavalry force, utterly burned down a city/region and by the time the slow lumbering gupta army showed up, the huns fucked off to somewhere else 100km away, burnt it down and ran circles around the empire, completely crushing it in a matter of a decade.

ironically, by the time the Lodi dynasty were in power( late 1400s/early 1500s), India sees for the first time in history presence of indian-bred cavalry ( Marwari & Kathiawari horse- which carry a strong arabian horse genetic component, which makes sense since we have Abbasid era records of vast amount of horses imported by the Rashtrakutas from the Arabs during this period, while Gurjaras relied more on their links with Kabul-shahis to import Bactrian horses). And this period sees predictable decline of power of the central Asia based turkic sultanates in India, as Indians had caught up to horses by this point but unfortunately, the mughals came along with a new innovation: gun powder. Which now rendered both cavalry charges and elephant charges useless.
Yes you do have a point. But I wouldn’t attribute something to just the lack of a particular tactic.

That’s a tactical view but from a strategic view it seems like we were contented and all these concepts came as in case of rajputs. We never devised ways to win wars even if for the good. It always boils down to who wants it more doesn’t it? Objectives drive your actions and not the other way around.

Result average Indian now is under confident and non-violent to the core and we lack the strength to deal with other races that bring this aggressiveness.
What all you people are discussing about? Everyone knows this and let me give you counter words that OUR ANCESTORS THEMSELVES CAME WITH but THANKS TO CONGRESS GANDHI LOVE and that too so that they can get VOTES, everyone in India now don't like these words.

VARCHASWA and SHATRUBODH, both total and perfect Indian words. Please go and tell these words to common Indians whether home or abroad.Everyone will react like NO...this is EXCESSIVE, let him or her live, he/she has learned, yes literally they will say this.

It's another matter in their personal life themselves, if they have a personal vendetta against someone they will become PAPA and MAMA of these two words, they will go to such length that they will not even think about Bharat long term security.

Example:- BJP and other parties politicians kins, children,etc. live in west, babus children live in west, do you think they care about us? their future is set, quota stupidity will not be tolerated in talent hungry west.

We badmouth Pakistan elites who live in other country and destroy their own home. Doesn't India so called elites too do the same thing? all political parties, IAS, IFS BABUS families have some of their kins or children studying, living in progressive and freedom to do business clean west, do they think CIA doesnt know this?

Here in India they behave like it's their playground. HERE THESE POLITICAL PARTIES destroy us common indians in the name of QUOTA and BABUDOM, latest of which is GOOD and SERIOUS DISCUSSION on how to bring QUOTA monster in India Private sector.
I don't know about his ulterior motives but after seeing his video,sadly, I've to agree with "some" of his points.

I find the living standards, hygiene, law and order, and general public behavior in North India to be quite poor. What shocked me the most was Delhi. Barring pockets here and there, it has an extremely bad public infrastructure. The people called Vasant Kunj a posh area, but the roads were littered with potholes, which broke my back while traveling on a rickety auto.

There is a video of Okhla running around on Twitter that is going viral showing it's absolute garbage infrastructure.The sewers were running on the roads and people casually throwing their waste in the frontyard. And old Delhi needs no mentioning as everyone knows about it.

When foreigners come to India, this is what they see and think that the rest of India is like this.
I have lived in all tier 1 cities( the 4 metros of bharat) and some tier 2 and tier 3 cities all over the country.

Cities in southern state especially Tamil Nadu have a lot of catching up to do in terms of public infra compared to cities in north(except chennai metro rail which is as good as any other metro in the country).

Level of hygiene, living standard, law and order, general public behaviour is the same everywhere i.e. extremely poor in both northern and southern states.

Whole Chennai stinks just like Noida because of the river/ canal which flows through the city.

States in North and South got nothing on Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh in terms of cleanliness(based on personal experience).
I have lived in all tier 1 cities( the 4 metros of bharat) and some tier 2 and tier 3 cities all over the country.

Cities in southern state especially Tamil Nadu have a lot of catching up to do in terms of public infra compared to cities in north(except chennai metro rail which is as good as any other metro in the country).

Level of hygiene, living standard, law and order, general public behaviour is the same everywhere i.e. extremely poor in both northern and southern states.

Whole Chennai stinks just like Noida because of the river/ canal which flows through the city.

States in North and South got nothing on Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh in terms of cleanliness(based on personal experience).
Yes, People want to make it North vs South in terms of city infra, cleanliness and adherence to laws.

After visiting Chennai recently, I can say that Chennai had even worse city roads than Delhi and multiple areas were worse than Delhi in terms of cleanliness.

But the things where South outshines North is Law and safety. Women leaving office around 11pm-12am in night and reaching home safely is something will take over 20-30 more years in North.​
Yes, People want to make it North vs South in terms of city infra, cleanliness and adherence to laws.

After visiting Chennai recently, I can say that Chennai had even worse city roads than Delhi and multiple areas were worse than Delhi in terms of cleanliness.

But the things where South outshines North is Law and safety. Women leaving office around 11pm-12am in night and reaching home safely is something will take over 20-30 more years in North.​
Just check local newspaper in chennai, rape/gangrapes in Tamil Nadu coming in local newspaper everyday. Rate ot crimes against women is same in all 4 metro cities. It's just delhi is national capital so crimes are highlighted on national tv. Just a day after kolkata rape case, a gangrape happened in chennai but it did not make to national televison.

You know one of the reasons why?
Chennai has as many alcohol beverage shops as delhi if not more (reason for highest cases of liver transplant in country). Work ends at 6 PM and people(not everyone) start getting drunk at 6 or 7, come home and beat their wives.

Sale of alcohol is directly proportional to increase in crimes.
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Just check local newspaper in chennai, rape/gangrapes in Tamil Nadu coming in local newspaper everyday. Rate ot crimes against women is same in all 4 metro cities. It's just delhi is national capital so crimes are highlighted on national tv. Just a day after kolkata rape case, a gangrape happened in chennai but it did not make to national televison.

You know one of the reasons why?
Chennai has as many alcohol beverage shops as delhi if not more (reason for highest cases of liver transplant in country). Work ends at 6 PM and people(not everyone) start getting drunk at 6 or 7, come home and beat their wives.

Sale of alcohol is directly proportional to increase in crimes.
I am just putting personal anecdotal experience plus feedback of innumerous colleagues, friends and acquaintances.​

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