Too good to be true. Everyone in the industry knew the AI bubble. For all the hype around LLMs, no one seems to have figured out the business model behind it. Each request is way more expensive than search. And worse LLMs totally depend on human created data. ChatGPT has already run out of data to train their models. What ever small improvements they are making is not worth all the trouble of spending millions since there is such a thing as "diminishing returns". Internet itself has become fucking boring these days. Google has tweaked their search and Youtube algorithms. There are tech monopolies which have become impossible to break.
This AI is another fad which will slowly disappear. Sure, things like LLMs are here to stay. But it doesn't look like a mind blowing novel thing. Internet search like Google search engine was helpful in its early days. And it was in fact a novel thing. Unless whatever they call as AI is not solving real world problems for people, I will just grab my popcorn and see billions going down the drain. GPUs would be far more useful if they helped in drug discovery, designing mechanical or electrical components, improving simulations etc. Using them for just LLMs and some other AI shit which serves no purpose other than to create shit content to post on social media is not one of them.