Indian Economy

Around 41 mins mark, this analyst at DBS mentions that foxcon executives are pleasantly surprised that yield in apple plant in India is almost as good as China. Foxconn executives hadn't expected it, they thought even if yield is lower, it will offset the tariffs on china by US, but India has almost matched chinese yield.

A combination of belt treatment and incentives has worked very well in the electronics sector. It will work here too. Slap tariffs/anti dumping duties and dhandhos will fall in line - they have to, anyway! I know there is the question of national security involved here but even if viewed from a simple market access pov, we don't have to feel bad about treating chong exports unfairly because chongs do it all the time.

Speaking about TRAI, telcos have introduced cheaper calling/SMS only plans, no?
on this TRAI thing..

unbundling of services is now a feature in India's digital regulatory space.

few other areas unbundling has happened so far:

- mobile number portability
- Aadhaar
- OTT set top box

during UPA, TRAI said a consumer can carry their mobile number from one network to another cellular network.

aadhaar was originally planned as one ID for all systems, but later changed to authentication system for all other IDs.

ONDC, splits e-commerce supply chain process into pieces. instead of one private player owning the entire supply chain, now consumer can choose services which gives more value.

a few years back, channels in set top box used to come in one package. now we can choose which channel we can pay for instead of paying for bundle of channels we don't watch.

i suspect this is regulatory way of ensuring monopolies do not get entrenched.

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