Indian Economy

Around 41 mins mark, this analyst at DBS mentions that foxcon executives are pleasantly surprised that yield in apple plant in India is almost as good as China. Foxconn executives hadn't expected it, they thought even if yield is lower, it will offset the tariffs on china by US, but India has almost matched chinese yield.


This is extremely old news. Iphone 15 manufactured in India came out on Par with Foxconn China unit. Foxconn brought their Chinese mid level supervisors to train our workforce before 15 launch and completed the training process.

After that we have 16 launched. This is the old info which the Panel act surprised.

Meanwhile that China man told we are training the same workforce as China who will replace us eventually. Also told the harsh reality with Foxconn.
Biggest problem in R&D is our companies don't spend in R&D at all. Only 36% of R&D spending in India is by private companies, in USA its 75% and 77% in China. We need to maybe give tax rebates for companies spending on R&D.

Why? As per economic survey itself, those corporates are sitting on tonnes of cash, generated lots of profits but haven't increased salaries of employees while CEOs are getting fat with hikes. If anything companies not increasing salaries or investing on R&D should be taxed more and vice versa coz Indian dhandhos are crooks.
Why? As per economic survey itself, those corporates are sitting on tonnes of cash, generated lots of profits but haven't increased salaries of employees while CEOs are getting fat with hikes. If anything companies not increasing salaries or investing on R&D should be taxed more and vice versa coz Indian dhandhos are crooks.

Top of that Murthy watching match instead of working 70 hours is a crime. He should be trialled in Tihar along with Nehra ji clone.
Biggest problem in R&D is our companies don't spend in R&D at all. Only 36% of R&D spending in India is by private companies, in USA its 75% and 77% in China. We need to maybe give tax rebates for companies spending on R&D.

there was a governance issue with patents office, which is being addressed.
even for companies that did file for patents or trademarks, the grants were pretty low.
patents being granted till 2017 was less than 10,000 per year, now it is a lakh per year.

this is being addressed by hiring new staff.
Screenshot 2025-02-03 at 11.18.47 AM.webpScreenshot 2025-02-03 at 11.18.58 AM.webp

no amount of goriillion torillion morillion gdp will ever be enough to cope over this there are millions of beautiful kids like these perishing just because they cant even get food 2 times a day.. let alone becoming a gorgeous doctor, model or professor one day. respect for china increases everyday
what cope are you referring to?
whenever posts regarding indias poverty are made online, most indians try to disaprove it by showing gdp,
skylines, ambani, but forget that a country is judged by the financial condition of their poor.. thats where china is different
whenever posts regarding indias poverty are made online, most indians try to disaprove it by showing gdp,
skylines, ambani, but forget that a country is judged by the financial condition of their poor.. thats where china is different

mate, when i was a kid we came in a bullock cart from our village to the town we settled . my childhood has a lot of memories of travelling in coal engine trains, the "fragrance" :ROFLMAO: of coal soot gets hardwired into one's memory. and we were not even poor technically.

now it's been more than 15 years since i have travelled in a train or a bus because i prefer flying + cab combo. that's upward mobility.

poverty will always be there no matter how rich a country becomes, and there will be misery merchants like that fellow who made the video, and the fellow who amplified and i suppose you are their audience.

there are a lot of members here, who are willing to explain alternative points of world view than the poverty porn in that tweet. do have a curious mind to explore alternative points of view.

India will never be a binary, truth will lie somewhere in between.
no amount of goriillion torillion morillion gdp will ever be enough to cope over this there are millions of beautiful kids like these perishing just because they cant even get food 2 times a day.. let alone becoming a gorgeous doctor, model or professor one day. respect for china increases everyday

And? I sympathise with such people but don't get swayed away by emotions. Socioeconomic progress is measured with stats, not insta reels and conditions of certain individuals. If you want to talk, talk about nutrition intake per capita, access to sanitation and piped water access, out of school children (OoSC), infant mortality rate, per capita energy consumption, per capita cement/steel consumption, and many of many other goods and services wrt production as well.

I've seen videos of beggars and homeless in China but does it change what it is, a developed superpower? This isn't a vibeposting thread.
whenever posts regarding indias poverty are made online, most indians try to disaprove it by showing gdp,
skylines, ambani, but forget that a country is judged by the financial condition of their poor.. thats where china is different

You clearly don't know what GDP is, and think it is just a number. Most Indians are too guilt-tripped into accepting that they are some subsaharan failed state and they continue to live in that delusion forever.

It is their job to remain conservative. You have been following these developments for several years now and still cannot figure this out?

whenever posts regarding indias poverty are made online, most indians try to disaprove it by showing gdp,
skylines, ambani, but forget that a country is judged by the financial condition of their poor.. thats where china is different

Hard statistics >>>>> Vibes given by esteemed Instagram experts.

If talking about our macro indicators is 'kanging' then I am a proud 'kanger'.

And? I sympathise with such people but don't get swayed away by emotions. Socioeconomic progress is measured with stats, not insta reels and conditions of certain individuals. If you want to talk, talk about nutrition intake per capita, access to sanitation and piped water access, out of school children (OoSC), infant mortality rate, per capita energy consumption, per capita cement/steel consumption, and many of many other goods and services wrt production as well.

I've seen videos of beggars and homeless in China but does it change what it is, a developed superpower? This isn't a vibeposting thread.

You clearly don't know what GDP is, and think it is just a number. Most Indians are too guilt-tripped into accepting that they are some subsaharan failed state and they continue to live in that delusion forever.

Quoted video is from an INC IT celliya. Why am I not surprised!
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GDP = Sum of value of all goods and services produced in a country. It includes:
1) construction - that encompasses cement and steel
2 logistics like aviation, railways, trucking, taxis etc.
3) services like banking, finance, insurance, tech, tourism, telecom etc.
4) industries like automobiles, electronics, home appliances, heavy engineering, ship-building, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals etc etc.

Why not people compare production and consumption of various goods and services, tax revenues, socio-economic indicators, FDI inflows and all?

Why not compare the production of automobiles like 4-wheelers, 3-wheelers, 2-wheelers, tractors and even agro machinery? Why not compare production of heavy construction equipment? Why not compare heavy engineering equipments production? Why not compare production of industrial machinery? Why not compare production of textiles and footwear? Why not compare production of steel, cement, aluminium, copper and other metals and stones? Why not compare petro refinery throughput and production volume of various petrochemicals including plastics and agrochemicals? Why not compare production of locomotives? Why not compare production of various pharmaceuticals, why not compare the production of electronics goods and home appliances, why not compare consumption of telecom services and production of telecom equipment? Why not compare office & retail space and warehousing inventory and it's annual absorption? Why not compare hotel key inventory in India? Why not compare mining sector output? Why not compare energy production and consumption? Why not compare production of energy generators like solar modules, wind turbines, diesel generators, electrolysers etc and related equipment? Why not compare total passenger air traffic and cargo movement at Indian airports, and MROs? Why not compare ridership and cargo movement volume of railways and public transport along with it's revenues? Why not compare gross tax revenues? Why not compare revenues generated by Financial (Banking/NBFC/Insurance/Fintech/Brokering) sector? Why not compare revenues generated by ITeS, data center, consultancy (big 4 for ex) and GCC sector? Why not compare production and consumption agricultural goods or basically anything, heck even weapons and defence equipment, compared to other countries and especially India itself, both today and back when we gained freedom and independence?

And when you do research for the above, do research for the projected production volumes in future. Sure the list is long and this post will sound boring and stupid to others, but this right above covers almost the entirety of the Indian economy. For ignorants stuff like these are mere products and commodities and for them barely holds any value to an economy and hence can't comprehend and imagine their importance.

The day Jeets actually start looking for the stuff above, like I like to follow, they'll get a reality check of how badly impoverished India was as recently as 2 decades back, leave the shitholery during independence when western world was wealthier than it is today and where does India stand today w.r.t rest of the world, and where will we stand in future i.e. 5 years, 10 years, 15 years from now. Start by learning what economic complexity means.
no amount of goriillion torillion morillion gdp will ever be enough to cope over this there are millions of beautiful kids like these perishing just because they cant even get food 2 times a day.. let alone becoming a gorgeous doctor, model or professor one day. respect for china increases everyday

Amock is a disgusting congi propaganda account, it should even be here unless it's being mocked, coming to the video we don't know from when this video is, we don't know form where It is, plus kids like that you will find everywhere, go watch random homeless person's situation in Major Us cities. Think is some part of a large society will always be like this.

There are slums of paris that look just like our tier-3 city's average basti. I am not saying there aren't poor here, but congi twitterati here js trying to peddle his agenda.
And? I sympathise with such people but don't get swayed away by emotions. Socioeconomic progress is measured with stats, not insta reels and conditions of certain individuals. If you want to talk, talk about nutrition intake per capita, access to sanitation and piped water access, out of school children (OoSC), infant mortality rate, per capita energy consumption, per capita cement/steel consumption, and many of many other goods and services wrt production as well.

I've seen videos of beggars and homeless in China but does it change what it is, a developed superpower? This isn't a vibeposting thread.

You clearly don't know what GDP is, and think it is just a number. Most Indians are too guilt-tripped into accepting that they are some subsaharan failed state and they continue to live in that delusion forever.
This, hard power doesn't come from vibes, we can ridicule usa as much as we can by picking random stats like gun violence but that doesn't change the fact that about how powerful they're. Salty euros try to show themselves as superior by trying to show their so called social superiority but in the end running to uncultured murricans when enemy shows up (russia-ukrains war). Poor people exiting doesn't suddenly make a country less powerful.

This is the nonsense that western assholes try to pull when ever they get news of isro's missions, they used to talk like that about chinks in 90-2000s era.

Looks like the GoI's reputation is coming back to haunt it but this time I believe it's ze Germans who're at fault.
Why? As per economic survey itself, those corporates are sitting on tonnes of cash, generated lots of profits but haven't increased salaries of employees while CEOs are getting fat with hikes. If anything companies not increasing salaries or investing on R&D should be taxed more and vice versa coz Indian dhandhos are crooks.
Feels like most of our industry heavyweights have scarcity mentality, where if they invest 100rs they're hoping for 110rs next year, aka 10rs quick profit.R&D will take years but will give you 500 profits and actual some power on global tech sphere.

But the thing is our elites have the same mentality as a middle class guy juggling between income and expenditure, despite making record profits they think of just making quick bucks. Until more aspirational generations starts filling governance boards of these firms, govt push is only thing that will have any r&d in this country. we see small firms and MSMEs out investing established giants in IT contractor mazdoori sector.

Better to have some public-private partnership with willing industrial partners and most importantly students from elite IITs. Another thing is salary that a researcher gets here is less than what your average Hr guy makes like 2-3 into service, you tell me how is one suppose to be motivated to do any research.

Gen-Ai stuff is mads by those with masters and PhD, not 22 year old btech grads. It's discouraging to do masters, cause of factor ranging from cost, availablity of seats, and believe it or not our Mazdoori It companies actual for some reason think doing masters is a bad thing and you get some negative points in Their hiring process if you aren't working since graduation from btech.

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