Indian Economy

sexual crimes are about 20 times lower per capita in India and most of Asia compared to the western world.
India literally has one of the lowest sexual crimes per capita figures in the world.
Talk to actual travellers, they will tell you experiences. Sexual harassment is not even captured in official statistics, because most of the time people don't report it, specially foreign tourists.
There is a standard copy-paste argument that keeps getting repeated to cast doubts on that piece of data - that, sexual assaults are disproportionately underreported in India compared to 'other nations'. Not that this argument has much literary basis but anyway....

In fact, India records more than 90% of its deaths accurately and records it on the AADHAR database - which immediately rules out the possibility of the existence of a significant no of unaccounted deaths which in turn suggests relatively low prevalence of violent crimes (including, but not limited to sexual assaults).

Lastly, reporting across Indian media is generally crime heavy (unlike gora media, which is politics/op-ed heavy). The Pune road rage incident stayed on news for weeks. Then there was that RG Kar incident. Now, the suicide of Atul Shubhash is making frontpage headlines in national dailies.

Think about this. If they (the phoren mideawallahs) started reporting every time a mass shooting incident takes place or a pedophile/pedophile ring is busted their front pages would run out of spaces. You are extremely unlikely to witness the kind of media trials, candle marches or activism over a hit and run case or a rape in goraland we are accustomed to in India.

There is zero basis in reality to 'muh less reporting'. because India has similar conviction rate for rape as most asian nations do - we average roughly 27% conviction rate ( meaning 27% of cases that go before a judge yeild guilty verdict). The comparative number for western nations is 1.5-4% for rape cases.

So by objective data, Indian women are far more likely to report rape than western women, as they are literally 7-8 times more likely to get justice.
Talk to actual travellers, they will tell you experiences. Sexual harassment is not even captured in official statistics, because most of the time people don't report it, specially foreign tourists.
i prefer data over unverified goobledegook nonsense propaganda, since i am a math expert who deals in data.
We can also ask the asian travellers of what the sexual harassment scene is in the west and they make it sound like visiting Syria.
ALL credible data shows that India is about 20 times better per capita than the west at women's safety. Which is YUUUGE difference in numbers, if it was economics, it would be like comparing USA with Chad.
I am not talking general crime, I am speaking of specifically sexual harassment. Foreign tourists face much more sexual harassment in India, specifically in golden triangle (Delhi, Jaipur, Agra) is much much worse than ASEAN countries.

Didn't we go down this road before on DFI where it was largely debunked? Why are you rehashing this old argument?
Talk to actual travellers, they will tell you experiences. Sexual harassment is not even captured in official statistics, because most of the time people don't report it, specially foreign tourists.
so u r saying in other nation these things not happening nd all their cases r reported😝.
in 2023 total 9.24 million foreign tourist came to india....tell me how many lakh of tourist u meet nd ask their experience?? r they not actual tourist?
i cant say about other state...but in my state uttarakhand. sexual harrasment of foreign lady is very rare. personally i didnt heard any case of raping nd even harrasment of foreign lady here (not saying it not happen ever). uttarakhand welcome many foreign tourist. just imagine they even reached in our ancestors tribal village, which is very close (near 40-50 km) to tibbet. not even me yet visited there😝, coz roads r still in building phase from many years. only my living grandmother (untill her 16 age near 1960-62) nd father (only two time he go there, first time for making property proofs nd second last year for building kuldevi mandir) visited. no other family member go there.
but this Ukrainian girl reached there 6-7 year ago😂. even most uttarakhandi nd even this village district people didnt go there😂. there r no hotel etc nd only for 3-4 months 4-5 family older people go there in summer nd return back in September.

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Talk to actual travellers, they will tell you experiences. Sexual harassment is not even captured in official statistics, because most of the time people don't report it, specially foreign tourists.
ee antwomen wali bhauji😂 to almora (uttarakhand) me apna trip me sexual harrasment etc experience ka baat hi nhi boli. ishe hum under reporting samjhe kaaaa? 😝
bhut logo ko puri jindagi beeta dene ke baad bhi india me shit etc hi dikhta hai...nd bhut logo ko other cheeze bhi dikhti hai. jo makkhi hoga, vo goo hi dhudta hai nd uspe hi bethta hai. so dont care about those makhi.
these r actual tourist brother. who respect, host nation also. dont care about brown collies, white asses etc.
There is a standard copy-paste argument that keeps getting repeated to cast doubts on that piece of data - that, sexual assaults are disproportionately underreported in India compared to 'other nations'. Not that this argument has much literary basis but anyway....

In fact, India records more than 90% of its deaths accurately and records it on the AADHAR database - which immediately rules out the possibility of the existence of a significant no of unaccounted deaths which in turn suggests relatively low prevalence of violent crimes (including, but not limited to sexual assaults).

Lastly, reporting across Indian media is generally crime heavy (unlike gora media, which is politics/op-ed heavy). The Pune road rage incident stayed on news for weeks. Then there was that RG Kar incident. Now, the suicide of Atul Shubhash is making frontpage headlines in national dailies.

Think about this. If they (the phoren mideawallahs) started reporting every time a mass shooting incident takes place or a pedophile/pedophile ring is busted their front pages would run out of spaces. You are extremely unlikely to witness the kind of media trials, candle marches or activism over a hit and run case or a rape in goraland we are accustomed to in India.

again when people say 'endia is unsafe for womyn' they are specifically referring to indian men (more specifically the dehatis/subalts) staring at women, and by staring, it is not just taking a look/glance, but full on leering. This is especially so if the firangi is a gora or wearing western clothes. If you deny this then you are blind or do the same. The incidence of this happening is much higher in India and the subcon than most foreign countries, which is why this gets repeated by everyone. Just go to any beach in goa or gokarna and observe what a subsection of indian men are doing. You will get what i mean. Although in the last decade, india has definitely improved in this regard. Part of it is because there are much more women on the streets at any given time, especially in lower tier cities.
ah brown colieee😝 (who wrote quora article) he loved india, if he get better facilities etc. so in cities he hv problem with 30-40 dollar (2550-3400 indian rupee) night charge in average rooms.
i still dont understand why loving nd hating a country based on their living standard or undeveloped atitude. developed countries r still producing more polution than india, even if they hv lesser population. so isnt they r creating more problem than india for nature, even if their country looked beautiful?? afterall they r consuming resources far more than avg indian, which production they sifted to produce in other countries, so their cities not get polluted.
according to 2021 data, more than 500000 people died in EU (so called developed country) from air pollution. mind u EU hv only 450 million population.

There is nothing brown coolie about what the person said in the article and stop being defensive about everything.

Living in cities where AQI is 400 for most of the year is a one-way ticket to lung cancer. Not to mention the water supply laced with chemicals and heavy metals will take away what remains of the rest of your organs. There is literally no difference between living in Tier-1 cities of India and Chornobyl.
There is nothing brown coolie about what the person said in the article and stop being defensive about everything.

Living in cities where AQI is 400 for most of the year is a one-way ticket to lung cancer. Not to mention the water supply laced with chemicals and heavy metals will take away what remains of the rest of your organs. There is literally no difference between living in Tier-1 cities of India and Chornobyl.
so u r agree with that person? if u dont find ur kind of situation in country, u will call it shit etc...good for u guys than👍👍. i never said anywhere that we hv no problems. i can debate with u whatever hyperbolic things u say above. but leave it. think whatever u like, indian tier 1 cities nd chornobyl as same...yeah for sure, they r really same same. 😂😝.
so u r saying in other nation these things not happening nd all their cases r reported😝.
in 2023 total 9.24 million foreign tourist came to india....tell me how many lakh of tourist u meet nd ask their experience?? r they not actual tourist?
i cant say about other state...but in my state uttarakhand. sexual harrasment of foreign lady is very rare. personally i didnt heard any case of raping nd even harrasment of foreign lady here (not saying it not happen ever). uttarakhand welcome many foreign tourist. just imagine they even reached in our ancestors tribal village, which is very close (near 40-50 km) to tibbet. not even me yet visited there😝, coz roads r still in building phase from many years. only my living grandmother (untill her 16 age near 1960-62) nd father (only two time he go there, first time for making property proofs nd second last year for building kuldevi mandir) visited. no other family member go there.
but this Ukrainian girl reached there 6-7 year ago😂. even most uttarakhandi nd even this village district people didnt go there😂. there r no hotel etc nd only for 3-4 months 4-5 family older people go there in summer nd return back in September.


that 9.24 million includes
ee antwomen wali bhauji😂 to almora (uttarakhand) me apna trip me sexual harrasment etc experience ka baat hi nhi boli. ishe hum under reporting samjhe kaaaa? 😝
bhut logo ko puri jindagi beeta dene ke baad bhi india me shit etc hi dikhta hai...nd bhut logo ko other cheeze bhi dikhti hai. jo makkhi hoga, vo goo hi dhudta hai nd uspe hi bethta hai. so dont care about those makhi.
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these r actual tourist brother. who respect, host nation also. dont care about brown collies, white asses etc.
She is an hollywood actress. She was the wasp in antman and the wasp (Marvel movie) . You cannot compare her experience with ordinary backpackers.
ah brown colieee😝 (who wrote quora article) he loved india, if he get better facilities etc. so in cities he hv problem with 30-40 dollar (2550-3400 indian rupee) night charge in average rooms.
i still dont understand why loving nd hating a country based on their living standard or undeveloped atitude. developed countries r still producing more polution than india, even if they hv lesser population. so isnt they r creating more problem than india for nature, even if their country looked beautiful?? afterall they r consuming resources far more than avg indian, which production they sifted to produce in other countries, so their cities not get polluted.
according to 2021 data, more than 500000 people died in EU (so called developed country) from air pollution. mind u EU hv only 450 million population.
if i hv to criticize "any sizable country",,,, i can do it with different reasons. oh yeah we lack infrastructure, basic etiquettes, civic sense etc...but it still not crimes/sin, which u need to listen lecture about it. even if u want to lecture others for crimes etc, no one give u that right😝. there r 196 countries, go fuck anywhere u like. no one is giving invitation people like him, meanwhile he wasted our resources for 3 years😂. did any one ask him for his opinion?
i hv no intrest if anyone is coming in india or anyone going outside of india. coz both r effecting economy. we hv 1.4 billion population, even if other countries people dont come in india. i m more thankful 😂, yeah it reduce tourism sector etc (but i dont care). ideally india should maximum 300 million population with its size nd resources in my opinion. only problem is sudden birth rate drop like in china nd demography changes. it should be decreased gradually without effecting demography.
puri duniya me problem hi ye hai ki solution batane wale bhut kam hai nd usse bhi kam us solution me kaam krne wale hai😂....jabki problem ginane wale millions me nd uska rona rone wale billions me hai😝.

This whataboutism is why people think Indians are stupid. "30-40 dollar" makes absolutely no difference in terms of hygiene, unless you're saying that if you want clean you should spend more money. If this is your point, then India is truly a hopeless country

It's also unbelievably difficult to read your writing. Half the vowels are missing in words. You are saving so much time with your ramblings by using "m" instead of "am" and "r" instead of "are".
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sexual crimes are about 20 times lower per capita in India and most of Asia compared to the western world.
India literally has one of the lowest sexual crimes per capita figures in the world.

The reporting is also lower. I know you have a hard time speaking with girls, but when I was in India, I spoke with multiple. All white. All told me men would stare and make them uncomfortable. They also would take pictures of them regularly without consent. This isn't reportable information, but it happens. It's not technically a sexual crime, but it happens regularly in India. Hiding behind irrelevant numbers isn't going to change this reality.
There are a lot of questions surrounding a single topic here -

What impact will rapid e-commerce growth have on local kirana stores?

Major cities are diving into e-commerce, and numerous companies are battling it out, but what does this mean for small shop owners? Are they facing the risk of shutting down for good, or is there a possibility for some healthy competition?

How likely is it that these small businesses will struggle to keep up with quick e-commerce players, especially with their perks like late-night deliveries that local shops can't match?

And could door-to-door delivery become a significant source of job creation?
There is zero basis in reality to 'muh less reporting'. because India has similar conviction rate for rape as most asian nations do - we average roughly 27% conviction rate ( meaning 27% of cases that go before a judge yeild guilty verdict). The comparative number for western nations is 1.5-4% for rape cases.

So by objective data, Indian women are far more likely to report rape than western women, as they are literally 7-8 times more likely to get justice.

Ok lets do some math. If you have a population of 100 people and of that 100 people, 80 are sexually assaulted but of that 80, only 40 report to the police, and of that 40 only 27 are convicted, if you compare to the neighboring country the convictions may look similar on paper. But the truth is only 50% of actual crimes are being reported, and of that 50%, only 2/3rd are getting convicted. There's no "objective data" when you're comparing apples to oranges.

And again, talk to actual travelers. I know you love Canada from prior discussions, but your patriotic love for India is completely misguided. India has serious structural problems and rather than actually address these issues, people like you would happily turn the other cheek to avoid uncomfortable discussions, harsh realities, and possible solution-oriented work
so u r saying in other nation these things not happening nd all their cases r reported😝.
in 2023 total 9.24 million foreign tourist came to india....tell me how many lakh of tourist u meet nd ask their experience?? r they not actual tourist?
i cant say about other state...but in my state uttarakhand. sexual harrasment of foreign lady is very rare. personally i didnt heard any case of raping nd even harrasment of foreign lady here (not saying it not happen ever). uttarakhand welcome many foreign tourist. just imagine they even reached in our ancestors tribal village, which is very close (near 40-50 km) to tibbet. not even me yet visited there😝, coz roads r still in building phase from many years. only my living grandmother (untill her 16 age near 1960-62) nd father (only two time he go there, first time for making property proofs nd second last year for building kuldevi mandir) visited. no other family member go there.
but this Ukrainian girl reached there 6-7 year ago😂. even most uttarakhandi nd even this village district people didnt go there😂. there r no hotel etc nd only for 3-4 months 4-5 family older people go there in summer nd return back in September.


Lol. Bro, seriously? Lmao. Hahaha. You are really delusional if you think this is true.

edit: Btw, whatever crap you believe doesn't matter. Peoples' perceptions world over is that India is unsafe for women and also an unclean country.

I asked Grok to compile data. Don't give me "Elon musk is anti India" or whatever. You all use twitter.


What's the objective data on sexual assault reporting on India? Is it accurate or under reported?

The objective data on sexual assault reporting in India primarily comes from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), an agency under the Ministry of Home Affairs that compiles crime statistics. Here's an analysis based on available data:

Reported Statistics:
  • Number of Cases:
    • In 2021, NCRB reported 31,677 cases of rape in India, translating to an average of 86 rape cases daily.
    • The total number of crimes against women was 428,278 cases, with a rate of 64.5 crimes per lakh (100,000) population.
  • Trends Over Time:
    • The number of reported rape cases has shown an increasing trend over the years, with exceptions like the drop during the lockdown year of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • From 2001 to 2018, rape-related crimes increased by 70.7%, from 11.6 to 19.8 per 100,000 women and girls.
  • State and City Variations:
    • States like Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh consistently report high numbers. Delhi, the capital, often has one of the highest rape rates among metropolitan cities.

Accuracy and Under-Reporting:
  • Under-Reporting:
    • Numerous studies and reports suggest that sexual assault in India is significantly under-reported. Here are key reasons and statistics:
      • Cultural Stigma: Victims often face social stigma, shame, or fear of family reaction, deterring them from reporting. Over 80% of women who have experienced sexual violence never tell anyone, according to the National Family Health Survey.
      • Fear of Retaliation: Fear of reprisal from the perpetrator or their community is a major deterrent.
      • Police and Judicial System: Lack of faith in the police response, potential for victim blaming, and low conviction rates (around 27-30%) discourage reporting. A notable percentage of cases are closed without trial due to insufficient evidence or lack of follow-through.
      • NCRB's Own Estimation: An older NCRB report from 2006 mentioned that about 71% of rape crimes go unreported. This figure might have changed due to increased awareness and legal reforms, but under-reporting remains a significant issue.
  • External Assessments:
    • The UN and various NGOs estimate that globally, including in India, only a small fraction of sexual assaults are reported. The UN has suggested that worldwide, only about 11% of rape cases are reported.
  • Legal and Definition Challenges:
    • The legal definition of rape in India is broader than in some countries, including non-penetrative sexual assaults, which might affect comparative statistics. However, this does not compensate for the large number of unreported cases.

  • While the NCRB data provides valuable insights into the extent of reported sexual assaults, it's widely accepted that these numbers are just the tip of the iceberg. The actual incidence of sexual assault in India is likely much higher due to under-reporting influenced by cultural, social, and systemic factors.
  • Efforts like increased awareness, legal reforms post the 2012 Delhi gang rape case, and the establishment of fast-track courts have aimed to improve reporting and conviction rates, but significant challenges remain in ensuring accurate and comprehensive data on sexual assault in India.


How do foreign tourists feel about India? Particularly women? Do they feel safe or do they anecdotally report that men stare and behave strange with them?

Based on various sources including travel forums, social media, travel blogs, and travel advisories, here's an overview of how foreign tourists, particularly women, feel about traveling in India:

General Sentiment:
  • Diverse Experiences: Many foreign tourists are captivated by India's rich culture, history, landscapes, and hospitality, describing it as an "unforgettable" experience. However, opinions on safety can vary widely.
  • Safety Concerns:
    • Men Staring and Harassment: There are numerous anecdotal reports of men staring, taking unsolicited photos, or engaging in what's known locally as "eve-teasing" (a euphemism for sexual harassment). This behavior is often cited as unsettling for female tourists.
    • Sexual Harassment: Many women report experiencing various forms of sexual harassment, ranging from verbal comments to physical touching or groping, particularly in crowded places like markets, public transport, and tourist sites.
    • Safety Perception: The perception of safety varies by region. Some tourists feel safer in cities like Mumbai or the tourist-friendly areas of Kerala and Goa, compared to places like Delhi or parts of Uttar Pradesh, where reports of harassment or crime are more common.

Anecdotal Reports:
  • From Women Travelers:
    • Many women express that they've had to adapt their behavior, like dressing conservatively, avoiding travel alone at night, or even hiring personal security in extreme cases, to feel safer.
    • There's a common theme of needing to be constantly vigilant, which can detract from the travel experience.
    • Some women report positive interactions with locals, especially when traveling with a guide or in groups, suggesting that the experience can be greatly influenced by how one travels.
  • Men's Experiences: While men might not report the same level of harassment, they also mention being subjected to staring or scam attempts, though generally, they feel less threatened.

Specific Sources:
  • Travel Advisories: Many countries issue travel advisories for India, particularly warning women about the risks of sexual harassment and assault. These advisories often highlight areas to avoid and precautions to take.
  • Social Media and Blogs (as reflected in posts found on X):
    • There are posts where travelers express reluctance to return due to negative encounters, especially women who have faced harassment.
    • Conversely, some travelers share strategies they used to navigate India safely, emphasizing the importance of local knowledge and cultural sensitivity.
  • Travel Forums (e.g., Tripadvisor): Discussions often include mixed reviews. Some female travelers report feeling safe and well-cared for, especially when adhering to local customs, while others recount disturbing experiences that have made them wary.

  • Safety as a Spectrum: The feeling of safety in India for foreign tourists, especially women, exists on a spectrum. It's influenced by one's travel style, regions visited, and personal experiences.
  • Preparation and Precaution: Many travelers suggest that with proper preparation, understanding of local customs, and taking safety precautions, one can have a positive experience in India. However, the risk of harassment remains a significant concern that shapes many travelers' perceptions and experiences.
  • Cultural Understanding: Foreign tourists often recommend learning about and respecting Indian culture to mitigate some of the unwanted attention, though this doesn't eliminate the risk of harassment entirely.

In summary, while many foreign tourists, including women, do enjoy their time in India, there's a prevalent concern regarding personal safety, particularly due to the reported behavior of staring and harassment by men.


Looks like it's a mixed bag, but the perception is substantially worse than this. Nobody gives a shit about other countries. The discussion is centered on India. To change perception means to change behavior. Idk if Indians can do this.
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Ok lets do some math. If you have a population of 100 people and of that 100 people, 80 are sexually assaulted but of that 80, only 40 report to the police, and of that 40 only 27 are convicted, if you compare to the neighboring country the convictions may look similar on paper. But the truth is only 50% of actual crimes are being reported, and of that 50%, only 2/3rd are getting convicted. There's no "objective data" when you're comparing apples to oranges.

And again, talk to actual travelers. I know you love Canada from prior discussions, but your patriotic love for India is completely misguided. India has serious structural problems and rather than actually address these issues, people like you would happily turn the other cheek to avoid uncomfortable discussions, harsh realities, and possible solution-oriented work
Indians and asians have far greater incentive to report rape than westerners, since India and most of Asia have over 5 times the conviction rate for rape than western nations.
I am far more likely to go to the cops when i know i have a 1 in 4 chance of getting justice than 1 in 20.

That India is less sexually violent than the west is also objectively proven in parallel data of how indians are one of the least sexually violent demographics in the west, batting at nearly 5x lower rape per capita stats than whites.

Changing perception that is based on western propaganda requires better PR, not changing our already much better habits.

PS: Conviction rates, mr stupid with agenda and no info,is not relevant on reported rates. Conviction rate is simply what % of cases yeild conviction once it goes to trial. The higher conviction rates provide higher incetive to report crime, as victims are more likely to report when they are more likely to get justice.

'again talk to travellers' isnt scientific process or data. Its called peddling uncorroborated BS. perhaps stop talking to random idiots and racists and analyze data if you are capable of that.
The reporting is also lower. I know you have a hard time speaking with girls, but when I was in India, I spoke with multiple. All white. All told me men would stare and make them uncomfortable. They also would take pictures of them regularly without consent. This isn't reportable information, but it happens. It's not technically a sexual crime, but it happens regularly in India. Hiding behind irrelevant numbers isn't going to change this reality.
you speaking with 5 people that are not blind tested just shows you are an uneducated idiot who doesnt know simple data collection protocols.
Numbers are irrelevant but 'i spoke to some random people, trust me bro' is relevant ?
Where exactly did you go to school again, kiddo ??
Reality is, India is a model nation for how to treat women without violence compared to every single western country.

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