Indian Economy

Indian especially Mumbai Real Estate Sector operates in complete variance to market norms principally coz the money invested doesn't come from official channels viz banks & other financial institutions but is essentially unaccounted money mostly from politicians .

To add to the contents of the article , the annual maintenance charges of these apartments costs a bomb . You're looking at a bare minimum of 1,00,000 per annum & these would be for apartment blocks with the bare minimum of facilities or amenities .

As you climb up the value chain & these apartments come with a swimming pool to a gym to you name it , the charges goes up . I know of apartment blocks where the occupant pays as much as ~ 6 lakh per annum .

And that block isn't even in the toniest part of Mumbai nor are the amenities provided something out of the world. It's a damn racket.
Union Information and Technology Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw has called on major Indian tech companies like TCS, Infosys, and Wipro to take on the challenge of developing a mobile operating system tailored for India.

Pretty great paper, India saw good improvement in inequality and poverty even without mind-blowing growth in last decades.
there are quite a few papers that have been written on various topics, which goes against marxist economist's narratives.

here's a presentation on some of them.

- cost of the construction depends on the area, depending on the size of the plot it should cost 10-15k USD for these simple structures. govt gives 2-2.5 k USD subsidy to build their house. rest is subsidised loan.
- goal of this scheme is making sure those who used to live in huts/tiled houses(kacha) , giving them a RCC house(pucca)
- since these are RCC houses, they are no mould, earthquake and fire proof issues. if it was a flood prone area, their previous house wouldn't be standing, so we have to assume flooding is taken care of.
- modi govt has a policy of "saturation of services", so they will get cooking gas, electricity and water. rest of the utilities is upto the family.
- since the idea is to house the unhoused, they are checking if the beneficiary already has a RCC property or not. if the family wants to build more houses, they can do so with their own money and unsubsidized loan.

look at it from UN SDG goals perspective.
in villages....if government provide bamboo houses (like north east tribal make) to poor. that is still cost effective nd better solution than villager's mud houses etc.
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bomboo houses with tin roof is good option. i see some tourist houses in uttarakhand. even in badrinath like harsh cold weather.
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in villages....if government provide bamboo houses (like north east tribal make) to poor. that is still cost effective nd better solution than villager's mud houses etc.
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bomboo houses with tin roof is good option. i see some tourist houses in uttarakhand. even in badrinath like harsh cold weather.
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those bamboo houses looks like huge fire hazard, that too in remote villages in NE, plus they look suspectable to flooding, good for aesthetics but not practical in big numbers
those bamboo houses looks like huge fire hazard, that too in remote villages in NE, plus they look suspectable to flooding, good for aesthetics but not practical in big numbers
if u see any north east travel videos...these home centre hv fire pit. but yeah they r prone to fire. but most time kitchen hv to seprate from main house.
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not all places in india r flood zones. these r flood zone areas in india.
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yeah...not good for big numbers in a place. but very useful for mountains nd less population plane areas. but definitely they r not aesthetics only. yeah but u hv to be careful to live. they r very good in earthquake zone as well.
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if u see any north east travel videos...these home centre hv fire pit. but yeah they r prone to fire. but most time kitchen hv to seprate from main house.
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not all places in india r flood zones. these r flood zone areas in india.
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yeah...not good for big numbers in a place. but very useful for mountains nd less population plane areas. but definitely they r not aesthetics only. yeah but u hv to be careful to live. they r very good in earthquake zone as well.
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What India shouldnt forget amidst all this development, is the silent motherload of trade, water security and flood safety : river linkages & barrage projects.

One thing people don't know, is how insane USA is in in terms of ITS OWN river linkages and barrages, fyi.
I once personally met a few people who ae kayak enthusiasts and have spent a whole summer kayaking across entire north america. Yes. from pacific coast to atlantic coast through the US. How you ask ? how u kayak ur way across the rockies ? well u can - river linkages, canals and barrages galore. THATS how insane the USA is in its connectivity and water management.

We should turn Rajasthan into Hariyalisthan by taking water from Floodihar. Maybe India needs a 'make the Rann into a shallow sea and katch into an island again' campaign.

Imagine one day India getting to the point where a dude can kayak from Jammu to Kanyakumari if he got detailed maps and knew exactly where canals and river bypasses are and paid all the boat toll and bookings and whatever it is u need to do to move through lock-gates.

That is what a yankee can do if they wish to and have been able to do so for at least 50 years, fyi.
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What India shouldnt forget amidst all this development, is the silent motherload of trade, water security and flood safety : river linkages & barrage projects.

One thing people don't know, is how insane USA is in in terms of ITS OWN river linkages and barrages, fyi.
I once personally met a few people who ae kayak enthusiasts and have spent a whole summer kayaking across entire north america. Yes. from pacific coast to atlantic coast through the US. How you ask ? how u kayak ur way across the rockies ? well u can - river linkages, canals and barrages galore. THATS how insane the USA is in its connectivity and water management.

We should turn Rajasthan into Hariyalisthan by taking water from Floodihar. Maybe India needs a 'make the Rann into a shallow sea and katch into an island again' campaign.

Imagine one day India getting to the point where a dude can kayak from Jammu to Kanyakumari if he got detailed maps and knew exactly where canals and river bypasses are and paid all the boat toll and bookings and whatever it is u need to do to move through lock-gates.

That is what a yankee can do if they wish to and have been able to do so for at least 50 years, fyi.
we r working in river linkage programs....nd we join two rivers recently..ken nd betwa river in madhya pradesh. other river linkage programs r work in progress.
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we r working in river linkage programs....nd we join two rivers recently (forgot their name). its work in progress.
I know we are, but it is a project that doesnt get nearly enuogh attention/media scope, except when media wants to whine and oppose it by whining about some bullshit biodiversity issue and its by far the most expensive infra project India is building, as dams +canals cost a helluva lot more than actual bullet trains lol.
Its a project that is critical to India, will take at least 20-25 years and quite easy to forget given how expensive it is as well. The congoons will defo defund it the day it comes to power and without proper media and good public management from bjp/hinduvta peoples, this issue will never get 5% of the attention it deserves to get.

Indians are total GOBET as society when it comes to understanding HOW CRITICAL it is for a nation of big size to be able to move significant volumes of water around its own damn country to progress to modern world. We do not undestand as society, the ECONOMIC benefit of how being able to chuck ganga water into Kutch or somewhere deep in Karnatak basically means no more economic losses from flood+drought for the WHOLE DAMN NATION and the cost benefit of that is incalculable.
River linking is going to be issue in future as many places are increasingly getting rain deficit overall inspite of more flash floods.
River linking is going to be issue in future as many places are increasingly getting rain deficit overall inspite of more flash floods.

India should never ever have water issues of any sort, if there is social and government will for it.

Let me make something VERY VERY CLEAR to the readers here :

1. Indian monsoons aint going anywhere. EVER. Whether there is global warming, no ice caps ever, back to super duper ice age, Indian monsoons are ALWAYS going to be a thing.

Why ? Geography dictates so. Tibetan plateau is the engine of the Indian climate system and its due to altitude.
The altitude of tibet is such, that in summer, the air rapidly heats up over tibet compared to the land and heated air is less dense so it rises, creating a vaccum pump effect, that sucks in air from around it, aka around the Indian subcontinent, which means sea air from BoB & AS get sucked in towards tibet, they hit himalayas, rain.
In winter,it reveres, because cold air sinks and is more dense, so cold tibetan air spills over into the subcontinent, it creates reverse monsson, which hits tamil nadu for rain as tamil nadu is only land of India that gets hit with winds blowing NE to SW from tibetan platea that crosses ocean to pickup moisture.

THIS is the pump of the monsoons. And when its ice ages, monsoon weakens significantly ( because ice is reflective, so it reflects back a lot of solar radiation instead of letting the air heat up as much via convection that happens from ground up) but it is still there, because tibet never had a complete ice shelf, but most of central and northern tibet does act as huge air heater anyways in the summer due to lack of ice cover.

Now, intensity and direction of monsoon may vary over time, they too have cycles, but the system as a whole is millions of years old, because its dictated by topography of Tibet and as soon as himalays crossed the 3000m mark, monsoons became effective.
So perhaps last 7-10 million years.

2. The amount of water dumped into the indian subcontinent, in the monsoons, is roughly the volume of Lake Erie and Lake Huron combined being dumped on India every year.

To give you an idea, those two lakes have a combined water volume of approx 3900 cubic km and India gets about 3850 cubic km of rainfall every year on average. This is about 3850 trillion litres of water.

The US water consumption per capita/day is rougly 320 litres. Which is about 110 billion litres per day.
Which is about 34.5 trillion litres of water per year.
If India wanted to have USA level of water consumption per capita, that means India needs approx 150 trillion litres of fresh water.

Forget what ma gangaa and various other nadi maas give us, Akaash pita alone gives us over 20 times that much fresh water.

3 Unlike temperate world, like Canada, USA, Europe, Japan etc.we dont recieve this rainfall in even amounts. Most of the above places get steady rainfall+ snow ( which is still water precipitation) for 6-9 months a year. We on the other hand, get 90% of our rain in a 3 month window.

4. We are also a nation that straddles the tropic of cancer and thus is definitely a tropical/sub-tropical nation.

5. River linkage is the only way to manage water of this volume being dumped on us, over this intensity, as it allows us to channel and store water in monsoon months and mitigate monsoon related flood + relieve summer related droughts.

6. The combination of points #3 and #4 means, if we DONT do river linkage to manage all this water coming our way, we also continue to suffer from both drought and flood, both of which cost the nation and its people billions of dollars per annium.

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