I am not talking about P17A or the new Talwar, I clearly remember typing *P17*, not A.
MF-STAR for P17A is fine by me, no problem. The 2 new Talwar will not feature MF-STAR.
The problem is with trying to bypass the -ve import list through license production. BEL expects the order for MF-STAR + MRSAM for *P17* and Talwar (old) in *FY26*, and an order of the same for NGC soon thereafter. This should not be the case when we already have the capability to develop and produce good S-band radars (Arudhra) on our own. It is not hard to fit Arudhra on a ship, it can track the targets in 4 ways compared to the 3 of MF-STAR, providing a better firing solution.
2258 Alpha is a tiny radar, single-panel rotating array, not fit for a ship the size of P17 & NGC. It isn't even about the capability, it is about paying royalties for things we can already produce on our own.
My source - (credit to @ang3lkenny for the link)
What I am talking about is mentioned after the 14 minute mark.