Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

Every guy an year into their second relationship be like...
When they released the old design, I didn't like it much but when the new design came then I started to dig the old one.
But on a serious note, both the designs are under-optimised. In 2,500t they could have gone with something like Sa'ar-6 or Steregushchiy type system. And if weight reduction was the only priority then they could have gone for something like Buyan-M or Tuo Chiang.
Every guy an year into their second relationship be like...

But on a serious note, both the designs are under-optimised. In 2,500t they could have gone with something like Sa'ar-6 or Steregushchiy type system. And if weight reduction was the only priority then they could have gone for something like Buyan-M or Tuo Chiang.
I think the Next Generation Corvette, NGC (8 planned) cannibalized the requirements for a 'heavy' corvette and downgraded the NGMV into a missile boat.

It's sort of analogous to the Buyan M but lacks the 8 x UVLM. However it has much better radar, engines, endurance, range and sensors.

Right now it's a direct and more modernized replacement for the Veer Class.
Navy couldn't get Italian torpedoes,
Navy couldn't get Italian 127mm gun, neither it could get 5" gun from US/UK
Navy possibly wants a better CIWS than AK-630 but woh bhi nahi milega.

Don't think govt will allow full import of this turret or Roosi will allow ToT screwdriver-giri

Dunno if i'm 100% about this or no but the Warships seem to have either fully or partially domestically produced or screwdrivered weapons and subsystems.
I'm sure we can jury rig a OFT Optical/IR sensor with a quad arm Igla-S (licensed produced) and VSHORAD missile to create something similar to the Komar.
I mean they have already downgraded it once, so...
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The RBU 6000 is more of a hardkill anti torpedo measure than a proper ASW.


With the Nilgiri Class receiving the DART/STRALES 76mm guided ammunition as part of the upgraded 76/62 mm SRGM, the main gun can now be used in CIWS roles with the MF-STAR acting as the FCR.


I call bullshit on the RBU being a sort of hardkill anti torpedo system. I highly doubt we we are even using the smart 90R projectile but even then interception rate of torpedo would still be very low. Trying to kill a torpedo with a dumb timer based projectile, smh. That too when not accounting for the dispersion of salvo and the complex accurate tracking of enemy torpedo.
I call bullshit on the RBU being a sort of hardkill anti torpedo system. I highly doubt we we are even using the smart 90R projectile but even then interception rate of torpedo would still be very low. Trying to kill a torpedo with a dumb timer based projectile, smh. That too when not accounting for the dispersion of salvo and the complex accurate tracking of enemy torpedo.
Who knows, perhaps they are intended to severe/ damage the guidance wires of the torpedoes?? Even though, I'm not that convinced either that it will be all that effective.
I wish Imported AirForce+ DPSU+Govt + Private sector was half as efficient as Navy ( In a parallel universe maybe).

They had haseen sapne about this as a force from the 60s itself, in ~1966 you had Bri'ish Leander-class warships being built in MDL

They were also doing mods on imported ships to fire missiles they weren't intended to.

They were building small boats like this guy is saying to throw shade on the dalals screeching about ((( cancel Tejas mk1a and mk2, phool phunding for AMCA saaar )))


They also developed the first indigenous frigate design of Godavari class by using the basic hull design of Leander class, expanding it as per their requirements and adding other features they found necessary in their other Soviet ships, started building Godavari class frigates in 1978.

You can read this excellent thread on Team BHP( this is an Indian car forum ) about the chronology of the Atmanirbhar Bharat efforts of the Indian Navy even before Modiji was a thing, It is also written for car-walas so you don't need to have a lot of defense or naval terms knowledge to understand

Keep in mind these guys were and are the last to see any "action", they didn't need to go full "Builder's Navy" so they also could do ((( Impoorts ))) like the other two were going but still they felt that "Builder's Navy" was the best to make the max out of the chindi budgets they got to maintain a lead over the main Green adversary of the country, they were and are doing their duty.

They have their own design bureau for warships and submarines so there is absolutely no ((( customer-vendor ))) drama of giving Marvel Comics specifications, and once poor Sarkari Scientists match those specs, change the specs again and complain about weight wagera, complain about """"inefficient"""" DPSU """delaying"""" etc

Here is an article from 2012 where ((( Ajai Shukla ))) is complaining about Kolkata class destroyers "rusting in dock" because Navy wanted fancy weapon systems 👇

Notice how it is Navy being blamed, and not MDL for being an """"inefficient DPSU causing delays"""" because MDL is only the builder, it is Navy that had the full project responsibility including timelines.

Today they have a head-and-shoulders lead over their SeaSwine counterparts in Karachi and hopefully should be able to match whatever PLAAN sends into the IOR in the future

On the other side you have Imported Army struggling with SPH of both tracked and wheeled sorts when their Papa John's franchisee counterparts across the border have those in plenty, Imported Air Force crying "fighter squadrons declining" every month and having a paucity of AWACS, Refuellers and all.

Perhaps if the aforementioned took responsibility for their fore preparedness like the Navy, they wouldn't be losing in the numbers game at the bare minimum rather than chasing imports at all costs
They had haseen sapne about this as a force from the 60s itself, in ~1966 you had Bri'ish Leander-class warships being built in MDL

They were also doing mods on imported ships to fire missiles they weren't intended to.

They were building small boats like this guy is saying to throw shade on the dalals screeching about ((( cancel Tejas mk1a and mk2, phool phunding for AMCA saaar )))


They also developed the first indigenous frigate design of Godavari class by using the basic hull design of Leander class, expanding it as per their requirements and adding other features they found necessary in their other Soviet ships, started building Godavari class frigates in 1978.

You can read this excellent thread on Team BHP( this is an Indian car forum ) about the chronology of the Atmanirbhar Bharat efforts of the Indian Navy even before Modiji was a thing, It is also written for car-walas so you don't need to have a lot of defense or naval terms knowledge to understand

Keep in mind these guys were and are the last to see any "action", they didn't need to go full "Builder's Navy" so they also could do ((( Impoorts ))) like the other two were going but still they felt that "Builder's Navy" was the best to make the max out of the chindi budgets they got to maintain a lead over the main Green adversary of the country, they were and are doing their duty.

They have their own design bureau for warships and submarines so there is absolutely no ((( customer-vendor ))) drama of giving Marvel Comics specifications, and once poor Sarkari Scientists match those specs, change the specs again and complain about weight wagera, complain about """"inefficient"""" DPSU """delaying"""" etc

Here is an article from 2012 where ((( Ajai Shukla ))) is complaining about Kolkata class destroyers "rusting in dock" because Navy wanted fancy weapon systems 👇

Notice how it is Navy being blamed, and not MDL for being an """"inefficient DPSU causing delays"""" because MDL is only the builder, it is Navy that had the full project responsibility including timelines.

Today they have a head-and-shoulders lead over their SeaSwine counterparts in Karachi and hopefully should be able to match whatever PLAAN sends into the IOR in the future

On the other side you have Imported Army struggling with SPH of both tracked and wheeled sorts when their Papa John's franchisee counterparts across the border have those in plenty, Imported Air Force crying "fighter squadrons declining" every month and having a paucity of AWACS, Refuellers and all.

Perhaps if the aforementioned took responsibility for their fore preparedness like the Navy, they wouldn't be losing in the numbers game at the bare minimum rather than chasing imports at all costs

Good to know at least our Navy has got our back. I wouldn't be surprised if Indian Navy has more squadrons than Imported AirForce by late 2030s .
On New Year, let's discuss BrahMos

First of all, some prerequisite for anyone who wants bit of an deeper understanding into naval warfighting doctrine.

• whatever we know today as full-fledged AShM are truly an invention of the Soviets. By full-fledged the inference here is a heavy, fast, extended range missile with an warhead big enough to cripple, if not sink even a full sized aircraft carrier. For example, the P-5 Pyatyorka from 1960 was a 5t missile with 1t warhead, travelling at Mach 1 and reaching a range of 750km. [for reference, initial jets used to weigh this much]
The Soviets knew that it would be impossible for them to counter an USN carrier strike group with airpower, so their whole doctrine revolved around stand-off attack using AShMs.

• for "Western" naval doctrine AShMs were never a priority so whatever they designed was more of a last ditch weapon in case a enemy vessel manages to get too close. For example even in 70s, both Harpoon and Exocet were mere 700kg, 140km ranged, sub-sonic and armed with way smaller 220kg warhead.
Their naval doctrine revolved around using the 70 or so jets and large submarine fleet to form the primary Anti-Ship weapon.

• But with 21st century we start seeing Western doctrine shifting towards moderately weighed, long ranged but still subsonic AShMs with the whole priority now on RCS reduction. LRASM for example is 1,500kg with a 450kg warhead for a range of 500km (est. fig.) but with extreme level of signature reduction.

• So as of 2025 there's more or less just two approaches that you can use to target a naval asset using long ranged missiles. A subsonic but stealthy design and a supersonic but unstealthy design; but despite being polar opposites to each other they try to exploit pretty much the same weakness of a ships defence mechanisms...its reaction time. A BrahMos would be detected earlier but it's at Mach 3 so you've limited time to act. A LRASM is subsonic but the time you get sufficient RCS to react, it's already pretty close.
[If I had the exact frontal RCS of both the missiles then I could have guessed the exact time but sadly can't contact Nishant my Guy]

I guess that would be enough of yapping.
How good is BrahMos?

• people compare our 16x BrahMos with the typical 8x Harpoon/Exocet to contrast the superiority. Harpoon is no BrahMos analogue (in terms of being the primary AShM weapon), it's 20 or so F/A-18E/Fs, each carrying 4x LRASM; a total combined range of 1,500km with almost double the magazine depth of a BrahMos equipped Carrier Strike Group. [Assuming you've 2x P15s and 2x Frigates in our CSG with a total of 48 BrahMos]

• the accuracy, impact angle, bonkers damage by the KE alone, a semi-armour piercing warhead everythings we've seen in test footages are just incredible. But what we've not seen is how it performs against a three or four layered ADS.

• in 2000 BrahMos was a true silver bullet with even the USN having abysmal defences against it. But that's 25 years ago and things have improved since then.
-> USN has kept continuously tuning its ADS against supersonic AShMs using GQM-163s. Here's footage of one getting slammed by SM-2

(interesting side note is that two SM-2s were assigned for one threat in case the first one failed. It shows that no matter how deep your ADS magazine is, it's never enough)
-> in May 2023 it was reported that INS Mormugao has successfully intercepted a sea skimming supersonic "target". I'm not aware of any supersonic target, so it can very well be an actual BrahMos that was used.
-> China fields multiple supersonic AShMs and one of its primary adversary, Taiwan also has Hsiung Feng III so it's safe to assume that they also have tuned their ADS.

• BrahMos has not evolved in 25 years; launch platforms have increased, more components have been indigenized but the base design is still same. We haven't done anything to say reduce RCS, add passive seeker, improve ECCMs, add penetration aids or decoys; nothing.

So is BrahMos still possessing the same levels of lethality against a near peer adversary like China?
Or somehow a loadout of 16x BrahMos is giving us a false sense of security like those 74 fibreglass helmets?

Again, it's not my judgement, just my usual brainrot shitposting opinion.
Feel free to chip in yours.
On New Year, let's discuss BrahMos

First of all, some prerequisite for anyone who wants bit of an deeper understanding into naval warfighting doctrine.

• whatever we know today as full-fledged AShM are truly an invention of the Soviets. By full-fledged the inference here is a heavy, fast, extended range missile with an warhead big enough to cripple, if not sink even a full sized aircraft carrier. For example, the P-5 Pyatyorka from 1960 was a 5t missile with 1t warhead, travelling at Mach 1 and reaching a range of 750km. [for reference, initial jets used to weigh this much]
The Soviets knew that it would be impossible for them to counter an USN carrier strike group with airpower, so their whole doctrine revolved around stand-off attack using AShMs.

• for "Western" naval doctrine AShMs were never a priority so whatever they designed was more of a last ditch weapon in case a enemy vessel manages to get too close. For example even in 70s, both Harpoon and Exocet were mere 700kg, 140km ranged, sub-sonic and armed with way smaller 220kg warhead.
Their naval doctrine revolved around using the 70 or so jets and large submarine fleet to form the primary Anti-Ship weapon.

• But with 21st century we start seeing Western doctrine shifting towards moderately weighed, long ranged but still subsonic AShMs with the whole priority now on RCS reduction. LRASM for example is 1,500kg with a 450kg warhead for a range of 500km (est. fig.) but with extreme level of signature reduction.

• So as of 2025 there's more or less just two approaches that you can use to target a naval asset using long ranged missiles. A subsonic but stealthy design and a supersonic but unstealthy design; but despite being polar opposites to each other they try to exploit pretty much the same weakness of a ships defence mechanisms...its reaction time. A BrahMos would be detected earlier but it's at Mach 3 so you've limited time to act. A LRASM is subsonic but the time you get sufficient RCS to react, it's already pretty close.
[If I had the exact frontal RCS of both the missiles then I could have guessed the exact time but sadly can't contact Nishant my Guy]

I guess that would be enough of yapping.
How good is BrahMos?

• people compare our 16x BrahMos with the typical 8x Harpoon/Exocet to contrast the superiority. Harpoon is no BrahMos analogue (in terms of being the primary AShM weapon), it's 20 or so F/A-18E/Fs, each carrying 4x LRASM; a total combined range of 1,500km with almost double the magazine depth of a BrahMos equipped Carrier Strike Group. [Assuming you've 2x P15s and 2x Frigates in our CSG with a total of 48 BrahMos]

• the accuracy, impact angle, bonkers damage by the KE alone, a semi-armour piercing warhead everythings we've seen in test footages are just incredible. But what we've not seen is how it performs against a three or four layered ADS.

• in 2000 BrahMos was a true silver bullet with even the USN having abysmal defences against it. But that's 25 years ago and things have improved since then.
-> USN has kept continuously tuning its ADS against supersonic AShMs using GQM-163s. Here's footage of one getting slammed by SM-2

(interesting side note is that two SM-2s were assigned for one threat in case the first one failed. It shows that no matter how deep your ADS magazine is, it's never enough)
-> in May 2023 it was reported that INS Mormugao has successfully intercepted a sea skimming supersonic "target". I'm not aware of any supersonic target, so it can very well be an actual BrahMos that was used.
-> China fields multiple supersonic AShMs and one of its primary adversary, Taiwan also has Hsiung Feng III so it's safe to assume that they also have tuned their ADS.

• BrahMos has not evolved in 25 years; launch platforms have increased, more components have been indigenized but the base design is still same. We haven't done anything to say reduce RCS, add passive seeker, improve ECCMs, add penetration aids or decoys; nothing.

So is BrahMos still possessing the same levels of lethality against a near peer adversary like China?
Or somehow a loadout of 16x BrahMos is giving us a false sense of security like those 74 fibreglass helmets?

Again, it's not my judgement, just my usual brainrot shitposting opinion.
Feel free to chip in yours.

IN has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to intercept a Brahmos Like threat with Barak 8, even in cooperative firing mode. Mormugao was one of the few published ones. Every single 15A, and 15B destroyer has demonstrated this capability.

But both IN's tests and USN tests have not replicated a full salvo of 16 Brahmos coming in, with different profiles, differing approach angles and differing time on target - that is a test that I know has been simulated, in virtual battlespace, and the results have not been encouraging

USN CBGs do well ( if losing 2 Burkes is passable) because of AWACS, fighter based intercepts and whole IN worth of SM2 and SM6 batteries ready to go.

Everybody else - carrier is lost.

That said, brahmos itself has evolved. Smarter terminal maneuvering, new coatings and propellants, etc etc.

What would truly be scary is when you do a moskva, saturate the CBG with a mix of differing kinds of missiles and attack vectors. Put a few SMARTs into the water, swarm a few NAShM MRs in, get a few kamakaze drones.
IN has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to intercept a Brahmos Like threat with Barak 8, even in cooperative firing mode. Mormugao was one of the few published ones. Every single 15A, and 15B destroyer has demonstrated this capability.

But both IN's tests and USN tests have not replicated a full salvo of 16 Brahmos coming in, with different profiles, differing approach angles and differing time on target - that is a test that I know has been simulated, in virtual battlespace, and the results have not been encouraging

USN CBGs do well ( if losing 2 Burkes is passable) because of AWACS, fighter based intercepts and whole IN worth of SM2 and SM6 batteries ready to go.

Everybody else - carrier is lost.

That said, brahmos itself has evolved. Smarter terminal maneuvering, new coatings and propellants, etc etc.

What would truly be scary is when you do a moskva, saturate the CBG with a mix of differing kinds of missiles and attack vectors. Put a few SMARTs into the water, swarm a few NAShM MRs in, get a few kamakaze drones.
Sirji , Is it possible to use the rudhram series of anti radiation missiles to add to this salvo. In theory missiles seeking the radiation blasting off the destroyers would be a relatively cheap way to overwhelm their defences.
IN has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to intercept a Brahmos Like threat with Barak 8, even in cooperative firing mode. Mormugao was one of the few published ones. Every single 15A, and 15B destroyer has demonstrated this capability.

But both IN's tests and USN tests have not replicated a full salvo of 16 Brahmos coming in, with different profiles, differing approach angles and differing time on target - that is a test that I know has been simulated, in virtual battlespace, and the results have not been encouraging

USN CBGs do well ( if losing 2 Burkes is passable) because of AWACS, fighter based intercepts and whole IN worth of SM2 and SM6 batteries ready to go.

Everybody else - carrier is lost.

That said, brahmos itself has evolved. Smarter terminal maneuvering, new coatings and propellants, etc etc.

What would truly be scary is when you do a moskva, saturate the CBG with a mix of differing kinds of missiles and attack vectors. Put a few SMARTs into the water, swarm a few NAShM MRs in, get a few kamakaze drones.
That's kind of the complementary statement to I'm saying glass is half empty Sir and you're saying no Ayan, there's still half Old Monk left, no need to whine.

• if you'll be needing a full salvo of 8 or 16 BrahMos then isn't it better to increase the magazine depth? Go full on Soviet mode.
• a cross domain attack is currently the only silver bullet navies have. But only now we're starting to get SMART and LR-AShM to do a swarm attack. When technically we should have started to work on these things way earlier and most especially ship based ones, not truck based.

Isn't all these more or less stemming from the fact that somehow we got this notion that 16x BrahMos is what you'd need and that's all.

As for BrahMos's evolution, it'd like to differ with you Sir. RAM, maneuvers are things that I'll call minor improvements, not evolution.
MM38 Exocets used to this short ranged, solid motor AShMs
And then came MM40 Block-3, a completely redesigned Exocet with a turbojet engine
This is something that I'd term an evolution
On New Year, let's discuss BrahMos

First of all, some prerequisite for anyone who wants bit of an deeper understanding into naval warfighting doctrine.

• whatever we know today as full-fledged AShM are truly an invention of the Soviets. By full-fledged the inference here is a heavy, fast, extended range missile with an warhead big enough to cripple, if not sink even a full sized aircraft carrier. For example, the P-5 Pyatyorka from 1960 was a 5t missile with 1t warhead, travelling at Mach 1 and reaching a range of 750km. [for reference, initial jets used to weigh this much]
The Soviets knew that it would be impossible for them to counter an USN carrier strike group with airpower, so their whole doctrine revolved around stand-off attack using AShMs.

• for "Western" naval doctrine AShMs were never a priority so whatever they designed was more of a last ditch weapon in case a enemy vessel manages to get too close. For example even in 70s, both Harpoon and Exocet were mere 700kg, 140km ranged, sub-sonic and armed with way smaller 220kg warhead.
Their naval doctrine revolved around using the 70 or so jets and large submarine fleet to form the primary Anti-Ship weapon.

• But with 21st century we start seeing Western doctrine shifting towards moderately weighed, long ranged but still subsonic AShMs with the whole priority now on RCS reduction. LRASM for example is 1,500kg with a 450kg warhead for a range of 500km (est. fig.) but with extreme level of signature reduction.

• So as of 2025 there's more or less just two approaches that you can use to target a naval asset using long ranged missiles. A subsonic but stealthy design and a supersonic but unstealthy design; but despite being polar opposites to each other they try to exploit pretty much the same weakness of a ships defence mechanisms...its reaction time. A BrahMos would be detected earlier but it's at Mach 3 so you've limited time to act. A LRASM is subsonic but the time you get sufficient RCS to react, it's already pretty close.
[If I had the exact frontal RCS of both the missiles then I could have guessed the exact time but sadly can't contact Nishant my Guy]

I guess that would be enough of yapping.
How good is BrahMos?

• people compare our 16x BrahMos with the typical 8x Harpoon/Exocet to contrast the superiority. Harpoon is no BrahMos analogue (in terms of being the primary AShM weapon), it's 20 or so F/A-18E/Fs, each carrying 4x LRASM; a total combined range of 1,500km with almost double the magazine depth of a BrahMos equipped Carrier Strike Group. [Assuming you've 2x P15s and 2x Frigates in our CSG with a total of 48 BrahMos]

• the accuracy, impact angle, bonkers damage by the KE alone, a semi-armour piercing warhead everythings we've seen in test footages are just incredible. But what we've not seen is how it performs against a three or four layered ADS.

• in 2000 BrahMos was a true silver bullet with even the USN having abysmal defences against it. But that's 25 years ago and things have improved since then.
-> USN has kept continuously tuning its ADS against supersonic AShMs using GQM-163s. Here's footage of one getting slammed by SM-2

(interesting side note is that two SM-2s were assigned for one threat in case the first one failed. It shows that no matter how deep your ADS magazine is, it's never enough)
-> in May 2023 it was reported that INS Mormugao has successfully intercepted a sea skimming supersonic "target". I'm not aware of any supersonic target, so it can very well be an actual BrahMos that was used.
-> China fields multiple supersonic AShMs and one of its primary adversary, Taiwan also has Hsiung Feng III so it's safe to assume that they also have tuned their ADS.

• BrahMos has not evolved in 25 years; launch platforms have increased, more components have been indigenized but the base design is still same. We haven't done anything to say reduce RCS, add passive seeker, improve ECCMs, add penetration aids or decoys; nothing.

So is BrahMos still possessing the same levels of lethality against a near peer adversary like China?
Or somehow a loadout of 16x BrahMos is giving us a false sense of security like those 74 fibreglass helmets?

Again, it's not my judgement, just my usual brainrot shitposting opinion.
Feel free to chip in yours.

Good question indeed, I have been feeling even 16 brahmos are not enough to begin with, and now the added facet about advancements in AD while BrahMos as a missile hasn't had any new enhancements other than range (which doesn't really counter the AD factor). We still don't have the NG version.
Sirji , Is it possible to use the rudhram series of anti radiation missiles to add to this salvo. In theory missiles seeking the radiation blasting off the destroyers would be a relatively cheap way to overwhelm their defences.
Obviously, combine the world famous 🍆-💦-💥 warhead of ground attack variant of Rudram with the seeker of ARM variant and now you've a very potent Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile.
But the problem here is that what exactly are you going to use to launch a salvo of these? A group of Su-30MkIs flying in from a airbase and coordinating with your CSG.

My emphasis is on a cross domain attack that can be executed by a CSG on its own, no support element needed. Like in a Chinese CSG the Type-055s can launch AShMs, Supersonic AShMs and BMs on their own. Carriers have J-15 which can carry heavier Rudram-III.
whatever we know today as full-fledged AShM are truly an invention of the Soviets. By full-fledged the inference here is a heavy, fast, extended range missile with an warhead big enough to cripple, if not sink even a full sized aircraft carrier. For example, the P-5 Pyatyorka from 1960 was a 5t missile with 1t warhead, travelling at Mach 1 and reaching a range of 750km. [for reference, initial jets used to weigh this much]

Random aside but from the 1971 war, there was this one missile boat that blasted the PN with those thicc Styx missiles, it disabled one PN frigate or destroyer which was later put out of it's misery by an accidental strafe from a PAF jet 🤡

Anyhow this pig-ship was manned at the time, everyone on board assumed the missile was a jet, so they tried firing at it with their anti-air guns 🤡

Now i know the pigs weren't atleast that incompetent, these things really as big as a jet wtf
Obviously, combine the world famous 🍆-💦-💥 warhead of ground attack variant of Rudram with the seeker of ARM variant and now you've a very potent Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile.
View attachment 20429
But the problem here is that what exactly are you going to use to launch a salvo of these? A group of Su-30MkIs flying in from a airbase and coordinating with your CSG.

My emphasis is on a cross domain attack that can be executed by a CSG on its own, no support element needed. Like in a Chinese CSG the Type-055s can launch AShMs, Supersonic AShMs and BMs on their own. Carriers have J-15 which can carry heavier Rudram-III.
Well the air launched Brahmosalready exists . A theoretical navalised rudhram is much cheaper and not to mention SU30 can carry 3 of these as opposed to 1 Brahmos. Even if they don't score kills if they are approaching an air defense DDG it will be forced to protect itself as opposed to engaging the actual ASHMs following behind. This is just theory crafting on my end.

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