This ((( employees must work even on Sundays ))) company can't even put the details of their stuff on the website.
If it wasn't for DFB i'd never know they make triple torpedo launchers and RBU-6000 in India
Good they make these videos + are active with pictures on Twitter wagera, the Indian Navy website is down since sometime last year and the "recruitment" website has no info about the ships, subs and weapons used by Navy.
On their website when it was online they would give specs of the ships atleast, would clarify a lot of stuff, otherwise here we were playing CID over finding out if 533m Triple Torpedo Tube launcher exists or not.
Good job lads, after seeing that video I was kind of sure that those are 324mm, but my theory was bit too weird, size of head is not small enough for a 533mm.
So then ultimately it's
L&T with 90hr workweek - 1
Vampyrbladez - 0
Anyways, people say the only thing I do is cry so will continue crying...