Indian Politics and Democracy

These are not the only caste Kangers. I used to have twitter account which I deactivated due to too much negativity on twitter, there I have seen Brahmin, Bhimta, Rajput separatist/secessionists. They do not consider themselves Hindu. Bhimta want to utilise Buddhism for their nefarious activities while Jats want to utilise Sikhism for same purpose. They want to challenge rule of law, Hindus especially Brahmin, Bania and Khatris are their common enemies. They have genocidal level of hatred for the said communities and Hindus at large. Muslims, leftist are their close Allies. Government should start censoring social media. There are too many Anti national pages on twitter with extreme anarchist thought process.

Chorgress attempts to boost ((( jitni aabadi utna haq )))
Caste kanging on ground was a hit in the 90s, that's how you have Mulayam, Lalu types getting popular, not sure if in Haryana this was the time when whichever original Chautala started his own party.

Agree with your govt should censor SM demand, most of these kangers are congi bots desperately trying to do on ground kanging to influence elections
Chorgress attempts to boost ((( jitni aabadi utna haq )))
Caste kanging on ground was a hit in the 90s, that's how you have Mulayam, Lalu types getting popular, not sure if in Haryana this was the time when whichever original Chautala started his own party.

Congress attempts at subaltern caste consolidation under its leadership isn't a new phenomenon , it goes back to the late 1960s during IGs reign when the Congress lost a slew of state elections . To add to their problems Congress then was internally divided between the Syndicate & IG.

Charan Singh formed the first non Congress coalition in UP with the Socialists Swatantra Party & the Jan Sangh of all parties. Although short lived , it saw the intermediate castes aka OBCs shifting away from the Congress which manifested itself in 1977 & was completed in the late 1980s in UP & Bihar which was before the Mandal Commission recommendations were implemented which once again changed the political dynamics in the country.

Since then the Congress has never been in power in these states . This move of the Congress is more detrimental to the chacha bhatija caste parties masquerading as socialist parties in the Indo Gangetic plains than it is to the BJP for minus the peacefuls the BJP has emerged as the big tent or tent pole party replacing the Congress in these states. This is vital for the future of the Congress as without a presence in UP & Bihar , Congress can kiss its plans for a revival in India good bye.

Check out for yourself the results of the State Assembly Elections & see how many of these outfits you recognise or how many have made it to the present & in what from & shape ?

Agree with your govt should censor SM demand, most of these kangers are congi bots desperately trying to do on ground kanging to influence elections
Innocent Annadathas are not satisfied yet after turning the capital into Auschwitz. Annadatha wants to march for even more freebies.

I hope the Haryana govt is ready this time. Severe belt treatment is needed.
Innocent Annadathas are not satisfied yet after turning the capital into Auschwitz. Annadatha wants to march for even more freebies.

I hope the Haryana govt is ready this time. Severe belt treatment is needed.
Haven't they got stubble to burn?
Innocent Annadathas are not satisfied yet after turning the capital into Auschwitz. Annadatha wants to march for even more freebies.

I hope the Haryana govt is ready this time. Severe belt treatment is needed.

Dec 6th. - Interesting date.

Perchance the idea is an "intersectional" march for the kanstitution & Barberi Masjid.
Dec 6th. - Interesting date.

Perchance the idea is an "intersectional" march for the kanstitution & Barberi Masjid.

Enough prep time of 2 weeks to do drama if Jharkhand and MH doesn't go their way
There is also some protest about Waqf Amendment.

State Dept snakes have got energized after removing Sheikh Hasina, perhaps some Genrols also are energized, making Couptaji's namesake article a reality
Enough prep time of 2 weeks to do drama if Jharkhand and MH doesn't go their way
There is also some protest about Waqf Amendment.

State Dept snakes have got energized after removing Sheikh Hasina, perhaps some Genrols also are energized, making Couptaji's namesake article a reality

It will be a three pronged pincer... Waqf-samvidhan-khalistani kisan... & when it would be at its peak... will come a pulwama like big casualty attack in J&K which would be blamed on govt... as a false flag to withdraw attention from protests.
On the eve of MH elections guys FYI ,

Lets have a look at Yutis prospects.

BJP is definitely going to see its numbers go down compared to 2019, maybe not as bad as 2024 GE . Many factors but The hate for Fadnavis is the biggest factor .Reasons , his caste , people believe he spoiled the political atmosphere of MH and Maratha reservation fiasco ( Lathi charge ).

AP- NCP , the less the better. It would be an achievement if AP wins his own seat of Baramati. AP and his candidates like NMaliks daughter and son of Baba S are the Yutis biggest drawback.

SS- Shinde, i would say the only bright spot of yuti . I won'tbe surprised if SS gets best results of all the parties in terms of seats contested to win percentage. Shinde being a maratha and his work as CM is what works in his favour.
Innocent Annadathas are not satisfied yet after turning the capital into Auschwitz. Annadatha wants to march for even more freebies.

I hope the Haryana govt is ready this time. Severe belt treatment is needed.

Meanwhile these Anndatas who did violent dharna pardarshan and threatened MODI are getting OWNED by BHAIYYA'S at home.

Half the Punjabi population migrated to UK/Kannedda/Aastaleaaa and have become a foreign BHAIYYA. The Punjabis in Punjab are doing DRUGS, then other are doing HalleLulla. Bhaiyya's are taking over Punjab and also doing crime against local Punjabis. Some are even marrying local women.

Just goto any Punjabi channels and see that these Punjabis are CRYING a RIVER over BHAIYYA BHAIYYA! They gave massive votes to AAP and fastracked their destruction and abused MODI and RSS all the time. :lol:

So KARMA is striking back slowly.
Meanwhile these Anndatas who did violent dharna pardarshan and threatened MODI are getting OWNED by BHAIYYA'S at home.

Half the Punjabi population migrated to UK/Kannedda/Aastaleaaa and have become a foreign BHAIYYA. The Punjabis in Punjab are doing DRUGS, then other are doing HalleLulla. Bhaiyya's are taking over Punjab and also doing crime against local Punjabis. Some are even marrying local women.

Just goto any Punjabi channels and see that these Punjabis are CRYING a RIVER over BHAIYYA BHAIYYA! They gave massive votes to AAP and fastracked their destruction and abused MODI and RSS all the time. :lol:

So KARMA is striking back slowly.
What gets JuttSikhi bristling even today are the 2 Anglo Sikh wars which ended the Khalsa Durbar ! This was essentially soldiered by the Bengal Presidency Army who comprised almost entirely of Brahmins from Central & Eastern UP or the Awadh kingdom & Bihar as well as Purabiya Rajputs & Bhumihars .

Reminding JuttSikhs of history repeating itself only triggers them further. It's an old feud between these groups on Twitter. Fun to watch initially but gets repetitive & boring over time. Also a reminder that we still lack internal cohesion. Massively.
Meanwhile these Anndatas who did violent dharna pardarshan and threatened MODI are getting OWNED by BHAIYYA'S at home.

Half the Punjabi population migrated to UK/Kannedda/Aastaleaaa and have become a foreign BHAIYYA. The Punjabis in Punjab are doing DRUGS, then other are doing HalleLulla. Bhaiyya's are taking over Punjab and also doing crime against local Punjabis. Some are even marrying local women.

Just goto any Punjabi channels and see that these Punjabis are CRYING a RIVER over BHAIYYA BHAIYYA! They gave massive votes to AAP and fastracked their destruction and abused MODI and RSS all the time. :lol:

So KARMA is striking back slowly.
It's perfect time to give ravidassia seprate minority status, it will bring there population below 50% and in next 2 decades they will have same population as Hindus.
Innocent Annadathas are not satisfied yet after turning the capital into Auschwitz. Annadatha wants to march for even more freebies.

I hope the Haryana govt is ready this time. Severe belt treatment is needed.
MC , I have a train from delhi on 14th , hope that does not get affected
One thing i find also JuttSikhi khalikhopris are not aware, but once aware, enter into rage-monkey is when they get too caught up in their ' muh martial punjabis' claptrap and get made aware that Punjab is literally FACKING ZERO and the only ZERO of any major Indian ethnic group/region at historical nation building and even we pussy bongs have far stronger chops at martial tradition than Punjabis.

First they go 'muh Ranjit Singh' and i tell them that while i admire Ranjit singh greatly, one swallow does not make a summer and an empire or kingdom is not one that dies with its facking founder, no matter how great that said king/emperor was.

They look incredulous, then i drop the Pala bomb on them : yes, we bongs are losers who allegedly pussed out to 1000 turks on fast horses beeling for the capital. But then again, our pussy emperor was 80+ year old pussy but hey, AT LEAST we had the pala empire, where Devpal & Dharmpal were atleast powerful enough to be called Uttarapathesvami ( lord of the uttar patha, ie, lord of northern India) and laid a total smackdown on the great pratihara empire, at least initially. yes, you can argue till cows come home that Mihir Bhoja or Vatsaraja were better, many other great empires exist, pals were no great shakes, but hey AT LEAST WE POOSY BONGS DID IT. we had a 400 year period of being our own facking kingdom, ruled by the facking local dynasty, who for many decades of this period, ruled entire fackin northern india up to facking kabul itself.

Now...what have our great punjabis done, except being either the punching bag of invader or totally taken over BY invaders ?
Like yes, Punjab too has hosted great empires & kingdoms - Lahore was the capital of the Mughals for a while but even leaving aside the moozies, who are the great kings/emperors to've ruled from Punjab ?

Answer : menander, mihirkul, his father Toramann, Azez, Guduvahara.
yes, these are the great rulers in Punjab's history, who ruled from Punjab, mostly from Sakala, aka Sialkot.

Who are they ? Indo-Greek, Hun, Hun, Indo-Scythian & indo-parthian respectively. Literally facking conquerors who are not punjabi - not now, not then.

othewise, entire history of Punjabistan is split between being ruled from dudes in Kabul-Gandhara region ( Kushans, Indo-Greeks, Persians, Huns, then Turks like Ghaznavids) or being itty bitty doabi kingdoms ( puru times) or being ruled by power from magadh or later kannauj.

Then they bring up the military awards they have won in the last 200 years, the most decorated battalion ( i dunno how true, but they love to say it, so it take it as face value but matters not as one will see why), blahblah and i just calmly point out, that while all that is great, well they did it all under the brit boot with brit equipment and brit command, just like we bongs and dehati biharis & upites took down the great khalsa army without even breaking a sweat 2 seconds after your one and done great king in entire facking history to unite punjab as 1 AS A PUNJABI died.

This usually is checkmate and leads to total silence or mutterings, at least the few times this has happened in work/social occasions with me.

PS: Dont get me wrong, i feel for the punjabis. they got a shitty deal in history : vast prime lands perfect for cavalry warfare but no horses. Also no elephants to even do some compensation ( natural range of asian elephants end at the Yamuna and that has been true for thousands of years, at least what we know from paleontology/archaeology).
At least we bong-bihari-upites had the option of pulling a gupta/magadh empire going 'fack u, 10,000 war elephants - yes they are slow and i may never catch u, but when i do, u die' to any cavalry force known to man.
So did the south, plus the south had the added leverage of having a greek/italian like geography of plenty of choke-points to pull off freaking 300 and beat massive empires as little tiny itty bitty kingdoms and turn truly scary when they formed empires.

yes, i get it. Punjabis are actually a brave lot to have some sort of cultural independence and still despite being literally the first entry hole of the gangbang, has managed to remain at least 40-50% native in its core.
Those are hallowed accomplishments. But muh 'martial race' juttskihi ? PUHLEASE.
I rank them in the bottom 5% of muh martial races of india if we divide by ethnicity/culture. And those are the facts that they need reminding, instead of just coming out with 'ur tyres are just pumped by your gora master's baksheesh to you for being a good attack & guard dog' that did carry over into the modern Indian army times, so congrats, but kindly dont go into 'muh martial race' claptrap coz if history is invoked, punjab & punjabis are nobodies in the martial ladder.
Heck, even we bongs are nobodies but at least we can claim to have had AN EMPIRE, so we didnt get out for a duck at least.
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One thing i find also JuttSikhi khalikhopris are not aware, but once aware, enter into rage-monkey is when they get too caught up in their ' muh martial punjabis' claptrap and get made aware that Punjab is literally FACKING ZERO and the only ZERO of any major Indian ethnic group/region at historical nation building and even we pussy bongs have far stronger chops at martial tradition than Punjabis.

First they go 'muh Ranjit Singh' and i tell them that while i admire Ranjit singh greatly, one swallow does not make a summer and an empire or kingdom is not one that dies with its facking founder, no matter how great that said king/emperor was.

They look incredulous, then i drop the Pala bomb on them : yes, we bongs are losers who allegedly pussed out to 1000 turks on fast horses beeling for the capital. But then again, our pussy emperor was 80+ year old pussy but hey, AT LEAST we had the pala empire, where Devpal & Dharmpal were atleast powerful enough to be called Uttarapathesvami ( lord of the uttar patha, ie, lord of northern India) and laid a total smackdown on the great pratihara empire, at least initially. yes, you can argue till cows come home that Mihir Bhoja or Vatsaraja were better, many other great empires exist, pals were no great shakes, but hey AT LEAST WE POOSY BONGS DID IT. we had a 400 year period of being our own facking kingdom, ruled by the facking local dynasty, who for many decades of this period, ruled entire fackin northern india up to facking kabul itself.

Now...what have our great punjabis done, except being either the punching bag of invader or totally taken over BY invaders ?
Like yes, Punjab too has hosted great empires & kingdoms - Lahore was the capital of the Mughals for a while but even leaving aside the moozies, who are the great kings/emperors to've ruled from Punjab ?

Answer : menander, mihirkul, his father Toramann, Azez, Guduvahara.
yes, these are the great rulers in Punjab's history, who ruled from Punjab, mostly from Sakala, aka Sialkot.

Who are they ? Indo-Greek, Hun, Hun, Indo-Scythian & indo-parthian respectively. Literally facking conquerors who are not punjabi - not now, not then.

othewise, entire history of Punjabistan is split between being ruled from dudes in Kabul-Gandhara region ( Kushans, Indo-Greeks, Persians, Huns, then Turks like Ghaznavids) or being itty bitty doabi kingdoms ( puru times) or being ruled by power from magadh or later kannauj.

Then they bring up the military awards they have won in the last 200 years, the most decorated battalion ( i dunno how true, but they love to say it, so it take it as face value but matters not as one will see why), blahblah and i just calmly point out, that while all that is great, well they did it all under the brit boot with brit equipment and brit command, just like we bongs and dehati biharis & upites took down the great khalsa army without even breaking a sweat 2 seconds after your one and done great king in entire facking history to unite punjab as 1 AS A PUNJABI died.

This usually is checkmate and leads to total silence or mutterings, at least the few times this has happened in work/social occasions with me.

PS: Dont get me wrong, i feel for the punjabis. they got a shitty deal in history : vast prime lands perfect for cavalry warfare but no horses. Also no elephants to even do some compensation ( natural range of asian elephants end at the Yamuna and that has been true for thousands of years, at least what we know from paleontology/archaeology).
At least we bong-bihari-upites had the option of pulling a gupta/magadh empire going 'fack u, 10,000 war elephants - yes they are slow and i may never catch u, but when i do, u die' to any cavalry force known to man.
So did the south, plus the south had the added leverage of having a greek/italian like geography of plenty of choke-points to pull off freaking 300 and beat massive empires as little tiny itty bitty kingdoms and turn truly scary when they formed empires.

yes, i get it. Punjabis are actually a brave lot to have some sort of cultural independence and still despite being literally the first entry hole of the gangbang, has managed to remain at least 40-50% native in its core.
Those are hallowed accomplishments. But muh 'martial race' juttskihi ? PUHLEASE.
I rank them in the bottom 5% of muh martial races of india if we divide by ethnicity/culture. And those are the facts that they need reminding, instead of just coming out with 'ur tyres are just pumped by your gora master's baksheesh to you for being a good attack & guard dog' that did carry over into the modern Indian army times, so congrats, but kindly dont go into 'muh martial race' claptrap coz if history is invoked, punjab & punjabis are nobodies in the martial ladder.
Heck, even we bongs are nobodies but at least we can claim to have had AN EMPIRE, so we didnt get out for a duck at least.
Your argument could just backfire as they would claim Hindu-Buddhist majority made Punjab weak and Sikhi made Pubjab truly Strong.
When pointed that most sikh Guru were khatri they would retort that Sikhi does not recognize Casteism like Hondus and modern sikh maryada claims and repsect every bit of sikh legacy.

When pointed out that Casteism does exist in Punjab they will say that it does in Hiduism as well and more so than sikhi so does that make all Hindu legacy null and void.

They can further quote this many medals won in games, this many sikh in army, why no bengali representation in army.

There is no point explaining.

Singh become angry when pointed out that biharis are making their way in Punjab. They will say that this is why Khalistan is Justified, subsequent gormint favours hindi reading and writing fellas over gurumukhi sikhs and thus gormint jobs goes to Non Punjabis.

Every ill of state can be attributed to the gormint and people can claim no fault and that's how sikh justify moving out of Punjab.
Your argument could just backfire as they would claim Hindu-Buddhist majority made Punjab weak and Sikhi made Pubjab truly Strong.
When pointed that most sikh Guru were khatri they would retort that Sikhi does not recognize Casteism like Hondus and modern sikh maryada claims and repsect every bit of sikh legacy.

When pointed out that Casteism does exist in Punjab they will say that it does in Hiduism as well and more so than sikhi so does that make all Hindu legacy null and void.

They can further quote this many medals won in games, this many sikh in army, why no bengali representation in army.

There is no point explaining.

Singh become angry when pointed out that biharis are making their way in Punjab. They will say that this is why Khalistan is Justified, subsequent gormint favours hindi reading and writing fellas over gurumukhi sikhs and thus gormint jobs goes to Non Punjabis.

Every ill of state can be attributed to the gormint and people can claim no fault and that's how sikh justify moving out of Punjab.
If sikhi made Sikhs really stronk, they'd not have gotten their asses kicked 2 seconds after their great maharaja went to find potol ( bengali uphemism) by us same bongs.
or wouldn't be the bitches of the marathas, going yes sarkaar to them either. Sikh misls submitted to the Marathas and did so WILLINGLY.
This means, they still were less than hondus while being muh khalsa. As i said, they can't argue 'muh khalsa made us stronk' when even through ENTIRE khalsa period they are one and done due to one great maharaja. Like Aurangzeb died in early 1700s and by 1720s Mughals were toast in Punjab. What were muh khalsa doing ? oh right, infighting and bending the knee to the marathas, till like 1790s or so, when Ranjit Singh came around. Then by 1830( my numbers may be a bit off but point stands) he went to find potol and never returned and then 2 seconds later, we pussy bongs with bandook and gora saheb command beat the living beejeezuz outta their muh khalsaa powwaaa without even so much as breaking a sweat.

Cant argue 'khalsa powwa' when its just one and done and that is the point i impress on them.

I am not speculating here, i am simply reporting my experience here, coz here in Kaneda or sorry i should say wokenada, muh juttsikhi khalikhopris keep chirping at parties & office space about either being hondu victims (no mention of being historic bloodbaths from their isloo bros) or being muh great martial juttsikhi.
When these arguments are forwarded, they either walk away in anger or mutter to themselves and go completely quiet after a while and never bring it up again. Thats like 4-5 times its happened, so i thought i'd mention it.

i have no sympathy for any indian regionalism because i believe in the concept of nation state being supreme. this means, free unfrettered movement of people and free competition for culture,ways, life, etc. just as our sanskaar always has been - we bongs didnt turn down the mass influx of kannadigas when they came, nor did the people of up or bihar turn away the punjabis millions of time when they fled invasions or simply moved due to economic opportunities and that *MUST* remain so.
I understand some sparsely populated tribal protectionism to a degree, but rest, no. Sorry. As bongs, gujjus, odiyas etc have already shown, keeping your local culture intact under the hindi onslaught is quite possible and the way to go.
To even concede to regionalism or any sort of maratha manus/pindistani kooray crap is to sow seeds of eventual partition one day. Maybe not today, but in the following centuries it is a certainty.
We must learn from the likes of Russians & Chinese and say *NEVER AGAIN* and never ever let regional identity get in the way of national identity.
Instead, we actually have the BEST chance of being a mega-version of Iran, where ethnic dominance does not lead to ethnic erasure like europestan or arabistan does because we have the most ethnic diversity to begin with - sponsor more education, make kids learn 3 languages min ( its not that hard or time consuming for children to learn 3 languages, its more productive and useful than learning social studies crap for eg) to protect languages, etc. but unfrettered movement of indians across india *must* remain a reality. period.

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