Indian Politics and Democracy

As a Political party, if you appease Bhimta scum who abuse Hinduism for their votes, you are a traitor to Hindus.

Traitors are worse than enemies.
On the contrary, go on the offensive.

Not all dalits are Bhimtas. Encourage the non-Bhimta Dalits. Make the lives of Hindu hating bigots among Ambedkarites hell. If you aren't capable of being offensive, at least stop appeasing them.

BJP's approach is the worst of all i.e complete appeasement with no retaliation even when they abuse Hinduism.

Tell me, why would any Ambedkarite fear or respect a party that imposes no punishment on him when he abuses Hinduism?

The above pic I posted is from a meeting in Tirupati.

Why does BJP promote scum like Periyar in Tirupati even after being aware of Periyar's views on Hinduism?

could it not be the case that your constituency has a different dynamics and different dynamics are playing out in other parts of the country in other states ?

as for why a political party adopt a particular tactic in a particular constituency, whether they get the votes or not, they will try obviously.
could it not be the case that your constituency has a different dynamics and different dynamics are playing out in other parts of the country in other states ?

as for why a political party adopt a particular tactic in a particular constituency, whether they get the votes or not, they will try obviously.
Oh please. BJP isn't doing a data analysis constituency wise before selecting where to appease. BJP is doing blanket appeasement of Bhimtas.

Also, why is BJP appeasing even the most extremists sections of Bhimtas? If BJP had a brain, they'd lobby with dalits to sideline their most extremist elements.

Instead, BJP is appeasing their extremist elements.

I'm not at all surprised though. BJP has made it a habit of appeasing people who spit at them.
Oh please. BJP isn't doing a data analysis constituency wise before selecting where to appease. BJP is doing blanket appeasement of Bhimtas.

Also, why is BJP appeasing even the most extremists sections of Bhimtas? If BJP had a brain, they'd lobby with dalits to sideline their most extremist elements.

Instead, BJP is appeasing their extremist elements.

I'm not at all surprised though. BJP has made it a habit of appeasing people who spit at them.
as always, i will keep my response apolitical. i can only give an assessment on why things are happening the way they are.

just the other day, i heard a book review where a "liberal" author is characterising savarkar as "anti-casteist progressive" , this was unheard of even 5 years ago.

it seems to be the case that there are no pristine ideologically delineated electoral constituencies up for grabs anymore, all ideologies and political parties are trying to woo the other's votebank including within allies. they may or may not succeed, but political parties will try. this is not just a India phenomenon, in a few years more will be written about it in other countries as well.

as things stand today as far as Indian elections are concerned, there is no way to guess which way vote share stabilises 10 years from now.
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Oh please. BJP isn't doing a data analysis constituency wise before selecting where to appease. BJP is doing blanket appeasement of Bhimtas.

Also, why is BJP appeasing even the most extremists sections of Bhimtas? If BJP had a brain, they'd lobby with dalits to sideline their most extremist elements.

Instead, BJP is appeasing their extremist elements.

I'm not at all surprised though. BJP has made it a habit of appeasing people who spit at them.
Ch@m@rs are Bhimtas only they worship Ambedkar. BJP should not appease them, they will not get anything. BJP should sideline Ch@m@rs and appease other SC castes like Valmiki etc. There is no unity among Dalits. There is no such thing as Dalit identity, SC castes don't like each other.
Ch@m@rs are Bhimtas only they worship Ambedkar. BJP should not appease them, they will not get anything. BJP should sideline Ch@m@rs and appease other SC castes like Valmiki etc. There is no unity among Dalits. There is no such thing as Dalit identity, SC castes don't like each other.
That churn should come from within like it did with the OBC movement in the past decade . Otherwise the casteist parties of North India in Bihar & UP who used to take the OBC vote for granted treating it as a monolith while benefiting their caste especially their own family & extended one , would continue in the same vein. Having been confronted with this new phenomenon of the fragmentation of the OBC vote , they're yet to come up with a coherent response.

Once that churn becomes visible in the Dalit society , you'd see other parties attempt to woo this section like the BJP did with resounding success in the 2014 & 2019 general elections . Arguably this is what the BJP attempted successfully with the BSP vote base in the 2014 & 2019 general elections.

However this seems restricted to UP only as on date . Part of the reason seems to be that the SC while not a monolith definitely vote as such in other parts of the country where apart from certain states the party of choice for them seems to be the Congress , though they are not as numerous as the OBCs , which makes it difficult for parties targeting them for votes like the BJP to formulate policies for sub castes within this grouping.
That churn should come from within like it did with the OBC movement in the past decade . Otherwise the casteist parties of North India in Bihar & UP who used to take the OBC vote for granted treating it as a monolith while benefiting their caste especially their own family & extended one , would continue in the same vein. Having been confronted with this new phenomenon of the fragmentation of the OBC vote , they're yet to come up with a coherent response.

Once that churn becomes visible in the Dalit society , you'd see other parties attempt to woo this section like the BJP did with resounding success in the 2014 & 2019 general elections . Arguably this is what the BJP attempted successfully with the BSP vote base in the 2014 & 2019 general elections.

However this seems restricted to UP only as on date . Part of the reason seems to be that the SC while not a monolith definitely vote as such in other parts of the country where apart from certain states the party of choice for them seems to be the Congress , though they are not as numerous as the OBCs , which makes it difficult for parties targeting them for votes like the BJP to formulate policies for sub castes within this grouping.
Ch@m@rs are the only one benefiting from SC reservation.
I dont know guys learn from evangelists. They don your clothes, build temples with hindu motiffs , appropriate all cultural linguical hindu heritage (even though they hate abhor anything hindu) to penetrate closed hindu society and slowly mould them into bible thumping rave dancers cum evangelists who dance , laugh and cry at mere signal from evangelist pastor.

And you guys cant even tolerate bringing all hindus under one umbrella? So what controversial udols were used as long as BJP does not turn full meem, we should not bother. Dont we want all hindus united?
I dont know guys learn from evangelists. They don your clothes, build temples with hindu motiffs , appropriate all cultural linguical hindu heritage (even though they hate abhor anything hindu) to penetrate closed hindu society and slowly mould them into bible thumping rave dancers cum evangelists who dance , laugh and cry at mere signal from evangelist pastor.

And you guys cant even tolerate bringing all hindus under one umbrella? So what controversial udols were used as long as BJP does not turn full meem, we should not bother. Dont we want all hindus united?
If Unity with these scums whose only metric of how enlightened you are as a Hindu and how much you want Hindu unity is

"Give me your daughter to sexually abuse and dominate in order to assuage my inborn feelings of inferiority or watch me convert to another religion or vote for those who would destroy you"

then there is no need for Hindu Unity.

If your political power is dependent upon appeasing those who spit upon your Gods and Goddesses, then you have already lost. Might as well bunker in for a last stand.
I dont know guys learn from evangelists. They don your clothes, build temples with hindu motiffs , appropriate all cultural linguical hindu heritage (even though they hate abhor anything hindu) to penetrate closed hindu society and slowly mould them into bible thumping rave dancers cum evangelists who dance , laugh and cry at mere signal from evangelist pastor.

And you guys cant even tolerate bringing all hindus under one umbrella? So what controversial udols were used as long as BJP does not turn full meem, we should not bother. Dont we want all hindus united?
I think the problem here is manifold - first of which is the acceptance of Dalit idols within the pantheon of Indian / Indic / Hindu icons. This comes with its own set of problems as generally speaking this doesn't find favour within a large section of Hindu society irrespective the lip service they pay these icons for this is largely tied to the twin issues of affirmative action & the SC / ST atrocity act or rather the misuse / abuse of it.

Next is the growing economic stature of a section of Dalit society who're almost always beneficiaries of this affirmative action who want a continuation of this for eternity while being disrespectful of the Hindu society at large citing past & present issues of casteism . Within this bunch you've another sub section who either argue for separateness from the larger Hindu society thru conversion to other Indic faiths or Abrahamic faiths while continuing to seek the benefits of affirmative action.

Just for confirmation , leaving aside Abrahamic faiths where the notion of caste itself is foreign to these faiths every Indic faith system apart from Hinduism don't recognise caste be it Sikhi or Buddhism. How exactly did followers of this faith get the benefits of affirmative action ? Was there any application of mind to quote a favourite aphorism of our higher judiciary or was this move solely dictated on the basis of electoral opportunism ?

To this you must add the consolidation of caste identity within the Dalits much like the Muslims against real & perceived acts of disrespect for their icons who then capitalise on their street power to exercise a sort of veto on general discourse to muzzle criticism . Try criticism of Ambedkar as opposed to Gandhi & you'd discover what Arun Shourie did in a painful manner. Unlike the Muslims , what also makes this community brazen are the laws skewed in their favour.

While I'm all for Dalit emancipation & do believe that only 1/10 cases of atrocities on them primarily in rural India especially at the hands of the BCs / OBCs as opposed to the Savarnas (given the rural economy is now dominated by these groups with the Savarnas now having mostly moved on to urban areas subject to the pulse of urban economy ) are being reported , we also see a spike in the cases like in Parbhani I've linked earlier or the abuse of the SC / ST atrocities act .

All things said & done , they can't have their cake & eat it too .
Ch@m@rs are Bhimtas only they worship Ambedkar. BJP should not appease them, they will not get anything. BJP should sideline Ch@m@rs and appease other SC castes like Valmiki etc. There is no unity among Dalits. There is no such thing as Dalit identity, SC castes don't like each other.
True that. I have some boys(they are in college right now)from st and sc background in my society now They are die hard fan of Bhimrao. Earlier they used to participate in all the Hindu festivals but now they advocate that they are triblas and not hindus. Daily they post on sm on how bjp is an evil hindu party. The brain washing is such that they now advocate and msg anyone who is about to get married or do any shubh karya, they insist on doing it according to tribal culture and not hindus. I have no problem if hindu tribals are following their own tradition but this guys advocates for complete removal of hindu identity from the tribal community.
Not everyone in st and sc community is like this here.

They have such hatred for hindutva that one guy posted about how tribals are getting converted to Christianity and he is ok with that but blames hindutvawadis on how they are spreading awareness about this conversion.
Good luck on bjp on getting their votes. They see you as evil and no amount of sugarcoating is going the bring them on your side.

One more thing is that how buddha is getting replaced by bhimrao. In dhule(mh). They literally built a statue showing that bhimrao is equal to bhuddha. They do not mention it explicitly but the iconography of the statue is such that you could deduce it. On wedding invitation card they print Bhimrao photos and keep his photo and constitution on stage while getting married. This guys are next jihadis.
If Unity with these scums whose only metric of how enlightened you are as a Hindu and how much you want Hindu unity is

"Give me your daughter to sexually abuse and dominate in order to assuage my inborn feelings of inferiority or watch me convert to another religion or vote for those who would destroy you"

then there is no need for Hindu Unity.

If your political power is dependent upon appeasing those who spit upon your Gods and Goddesses, then you have already lost. Might as well bunker in for a last stand.
Sorry i did not understand a word what you wrote. Just think again if you want to unite hindus of all hues together - what shall be your path?

Remember today UC hindus of north and south have started to reconcile and empathize with each others traditions now. Decades back it was difficult to envisage. Heck UC hindus of one northen state did not care about what was happening to UC hindus in another northen state ( and same could be stated from uc hindus in southern states).

Give some time, our efforts should be mould all others to see National, civilizational goals.
@Azaad Ok You are not getting my point here. I agree they are virulent and fanatic. I had my share of debates in MH with roommates who came from all class eons eons ago. Lets just say it take days and logic to help them see flaws in their logic. One of my roomie was against UC hindus. While other roomies wanted reservation to go away. Pro reservation went on a tirade that hindus is a religion where discrimination has been there and caste system is bane and thats why they have discarded it and even hinted that some want seperate country(at hieght of debate). I kept quiet as I being non marathi manoos, only interjected for few min time to time after this juncture to say following: I said lets for a moment say all UC hindus were to vanish. Could you gaurantee Caste and discrimination would vanish with them? And gave him examples of sub castes within themselevs where discrimination exists. And at that point he cooled down and admitted that yes discrimination would be still there as they consider some sub castes even lower than them. At this juncture I told him about history of Nanda Empire, Rishi Vyasa or Rishi Satyakama. And gave him examples of western world where actual untouchability existed against Paraiah castes - that they have nearly exterminated those people. Told him about Varna and basically a summarized form of

Did he suddenly changed his views? No . But I did see him starting to understand the viewpoint of national unity and need for all to stick together which was surprise. It took days but a thaw could be achieved.

And because of that interaction I could fathom difficulty being faced by Hindu social groups like Agniveer, RSS and BJP in achieving cohesion. Just my two cents.
Has no low IQ bhimta filed case against Mota Bhai under SCST act?
It would've been fun watching the BJPig echelons getting a jail trip for a draconian act empowered by themselves.



I wonder if these born bastards on both sides of the Radcliffe Line will ever come out of their victim mentality. Then they move the courts against Santa Banta jokes.

For a self-proclaimed martial race, why do these Punjabis play the victim card 24x7?

BKL, wtf is Punjab's water?

Subhumans grow water intensive Rice which isn't the local crop in Punjab, thereby depleting their water table and then play victim card for something they themselves did.
Ch@m@rs are Bhimtas only they worship Ambedkar. BJP should not appease them, they will not get anything. BJP should sideline Ch@m@rs and appease other SC castes like Valmiki etc. There is no unity among Dalits. There is no such thing as Dalit identity, SC castes don't like each other.
My grandparents village has 2 Dalit castes i.e Madiga and Mala.

Both groups hate eachother and live separately on either side of our village and no inter-marriage happens.

Idiots are falling for the psyop that all Dalits are Ambedkarites.
Why is discourse on most regional/state subreddits so obnoxious all the time on reddit ?
Its either muh regional identity ( these guys really needs to read about States Reorganisation Act, most of them think their states border existed as it it today since dawn of time or something) or crying about " reeeee my underwear's price tag isn't written in my native language or some shit.

Half of them are run by randia mods and their proxies, sooner or later I think reddit needs to face some heat from gormint like twitter did back in 2022. Trump being POTUS might help, since reddit also loses its shit over him.

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