You think he's doing it out of a sudden awakening of his conscience or intellectual honesty or because the powers that be either have his balls in their hands or he's been bought over ?
Either way he's a new convert to the cause.
No idea, it could be a combination of those too?
But what I see is that since the run up to the GE, he has been very critical of the muzzies, with posts on Muslim league, AMU, muslim reservation etc
He has also actually toned down against Brahmins and actually made posts supporting them.
I think he realized that,
- the greens just see his brethren as useful idiots only to advance their agenda and there is no real bonhomie
- BJP is already doing very well for his people and has significantly transformed into appeasing big time in the last few years. Look at all the welfare schemes.
- The other option (which is the Cong) is far worse for them as they too see them the same way as the greens and don’t really deliver anything.
- Being himself as an OBC and also a dalit activist, he doesn’t like minority reservations of the Congis as it may dilute the pool.
- He is also a big fan of Behenji and even she seems to be ditching muzzies. Remember she mentioned she is not gonna give tickets to muzzies anymore.
Overall, I think he cares more about the betterment of the OBC/Dalit over other stuffs like politics/anti Brahmin rhetoric while also keeping minority reservations at bay and BJP fits the bill perfectly.