I too like to jott down some dozne points as a solution to a ongoing crisis but it's important to realize that these point lack nuances and quite out if touch with reality.
They are supposed to be points of discussion, not binding solutions.
In any industry we are taught to split a large problem into smaller chunks, identify the most important of the chunk and solve it first.
The issue is pretty clear. The infrastructure of current railway's cannot handle the large volume of people in some junctions.
This is not a unique problem that railways is facing. This happens with numerous industries.
At a smaller scale think of this issue as a popular food joint that gets 500 people for lunch but can only cook and serve for 200.
The immediate solution is very clear. Just admit 200 and serve them.
The long term solution is also very clear. Expand the kitchen and serving area to cater to 500.
The problem should not be lost in nuances when it's staring at our faces. Unlike overcrowding in restaurant, this one can have catastrophic consequences as we have seen repeatedly in multiple railway stations across India in last decade.
our current infrastructure in some junctions does not have the capacity to serve the volume of people that are coming in.
The immediate solution is very clear, limit the volume.
That's the only immediate solution. There is no other. Thinking there is some other solution is basically lying.