When a Sqn of SG goes for a CI-CT tenure in the valley or NE, they're are issues Tar-21 Integrals(M21 or ACOG), PIKAs, SVD and Ak-63Ds as standard issue. You won't see them going into a CI Op with F2000 or HK-416s!
Well when 2-3 forces are involved at one Op, we invest in the Op and not in a single unit!
SG's mandates have been changing with the raising, disbandment and reraising of the the unit. MARCOs are way better regarding the ISR and other things you listed.
SG was only 'Special' when it was raised to undertake Army HQ level Ops or to undertake federal contingency roles such as CI-CT in urban area or Anti-Hijack, after NSG was created SG was of no use and hence disbanded. It was reraised with a different mandate but its at best is an Airborne Inf with Spec Ops capabilities(thnx to PARA SF element on deputation for 6yrs)....