Indian Special Forces

I dont think we have the mental capacity to understand how important a good sling can be. Hell we dont even understand optics, forget about this small stuff.
Bro during my training i had attended commando course of both greyhounds and Thunderbolts.Both were advocating against use of slings as if you were moving with slinged weapon your reaction time will be high so they made us do all those manoeuvres with unsling weapons.To this day I can’t understand the logic.Dont know whether the SF too had such thinking.
Arey bhai, weapons use karne ke liye bhi brain or education lagta hai, jo in jokero ki bas ki baat nehi. Reminds me of the whole Patton situation, motherfuckers held all the cards (including a fucking automated fire control system!!) and yet managed to flunk so hard that it makes the Italians in WWII look competent in comparison, and that's quite an achievement in its own right if you ask me.
Not to mention our tank crews were one of a kind back then
The fatal casualty from armado accident, Lance Naik Baljeet Singh was from 2 para sf
Was it really an accident ? I have lost faith in IA after the recent cover ups of beheadings during Jammu CI ops.

Army doesn’t spin things up we aren’t pakistan
They don't spin , but do cover up stuff. We are no longer clean as before.
I have cleared cds ,waiting for upcoming ssb, reading all this is making me doubt my decision
Good luck bruh ! Keep at it and once you make it, don't become a jai ho guy, instead try to bring about the change wrt equipment, modernization, tactics and training.
that woman probably never held a sig before, never trained on it.. will never actually use it in combaet... hell, she'll never be in combat... it was just a photo op. Sad part is that we could find only this fat asc caption for the photo.
My comment had nothing to do with women it had to do with gear as for women yea she is from non combat unit but girls from combat unit aren't any good either. Our guys aren't good forget about girls (not good meaning not up there with tactics,gear and everything just saying so people don't start crying later if they still do..)
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Bloody Italians standard SOF gear

And here we get happy when we spot a decent PC
Every NATO member country, atleast their SF have a standardised gearset for interoperability and the same standards.

Le Indian SF Fanbois : Unit Tailor > Crye/Spiritus!!!
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Every NATO member country, atleast their SF has a standardised gearset for interoperability and the same standards.

Le Indian SF Fanbois : Unit Tailor > Crye/Spiritus!!!
Are you don't know Pathka that thing can mount bloody gpnvgs 18s like it's nothing Bhai and the trailor made PCs light,agile and the best if only crye and shooter cuts "were light,well ventilated" these are well made if you don't loose your shoulder strap in middle of a firefight during an OP where is the fun in that ? Tell me if I am wrong
Came across this today..

decent reloading considering that he put all his magazines in his pocket ig....but can we for god's sake stop the Isreali cock and shoot method...they should be having a round in the chamber, ready to fire as soon as the weapon's raised. That drill is good for law enforcement agencies, NSG is mostly a counterterrorist outfit though, they would need to be quick and ready when the time comes

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