Indian Special Forces

Damn, I just connected a dot! Few days back I was reading one of Hellfire's rant on how India lost its tip of the spear.

In one point he mentioned that the unit's CO had started writing obituaries for fallen soldiers, thereby risking its anonymity.

I am damn sure he was refering to this.
I was also surprised he mentioned SG openly and said its tip of RAW.

Indian establishment is totally confused about what it wants to share.

It tells its soldiers to not share anything then hands them gallantry awards in front of national media.

But i welcome the Brigaders disclosure..however he got too distracted in every discussion and lost the maybe due to old age.
I was also surprised he mentioned SG openly and said its tip of RAW.

Indian establishment is totally confused about what it wants to share.

It tells its soldiers to not share anything then hands them gallantry awards in front of national media.

But i welcome the Brigaders disclosure..however he got too distracted in every discussion and lost the maybe due to old age.
like it or not but the only guy who kept SG more secret was Maj Vivek never uttered it's name, never said he was in it. It's only that we were able to connect the dots because he met Hav Meen Thapa and in a pic Thapa might have accidently posted, which is now deleted on Hav Thapa's insta page where he was wearing the SG badge, still not everyone might have thought Maj Jacob was in SG....some keen observers later discovered his small SG pin in one of the interviews he gave. I dont see why he gets as much hate because of his first interview that too three years ago I guess but he's soft spoken and mature by this point.


Look how different is Marcos and army soldiers movements... Marcos keep a distance between Soldiers so that everyone can manoeuvre. They are adopting western SF style while army soldiers buddy pair movies like siamese twins which provides less space for agile movement.

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like it or not but the only guy who kept SG more secret was Maj Vivek never uttered it's name, never said he was in it. It's only that we were able to connect the dots because he met Hav Meen Thapa and in a pic Thapa might have accidently posted, which is now deleted on Hav Thapa's insta page where he was wearing the SG badge, still not everyone might have thought Maj Jacob was in SG....some keen observers later discovered his small SG pin in one of the interviews he gave. I dont see why he gets as much hate because of his first interview that too three years ago I guess but he's soft spoken and mature by this point.
V true. And from what I've heard he was one kickass operator - never lost a man under his command. Sure, maybe not the most well spoken, well read officer you'd expect but ig he did his job damn well.
I was also surprised he mentioned SG openly and said its tip of RAW.

Indian establishment is totally confused about what it wants to share.

It tells its soldiers to not share anything then hands them gallantry awards in front of national media.

But i welcome the Brigaders disclosure..however he got too distracted in every discussion and lost the maybe due to old age.
He is a passionate old man who has a lot of stories to tell that are a goldmine for us. However, I don't like the host of roger that with nkc. Bande ko har jaga ghuma fira ke olq ghusana hai ya connect karna haixD
I was also surprised he mentioned SG openly and said its tip of RAW.

Indian establishment is totally confused about what it wants to share.

It tells its soldiers to not share anything then hands them gallantry awards in front of national media.

But i welcome the Brigaders disclosure..however he got too distracted in every discussion and lost the maybe due to old age.
Is there anyone remaining in the world to know SG exists?? Why so much secrecy if its know by all interested parties? We could have keep it secret if nothing was wrote on it in public domain.But if you just hoogle you could get lots of info on them.Plus neither SFF is covert nowdays as DD-1 once aired the video on SFF the screenshots of which is posted here and there.
In a squad, scout and team leader should have quads baki binods, imo.

Iss hisaab se for each SF unit, 200 quads aur 400 binods hone chaiye😃
It's rajak most probably

And I don't know why our sf has problem with tonbo nvds even when they have supplied nvd to top tier sof
I Don't think so , the chances of them putting a similar sticker like L3 is grim .

Also Tata screwdriveres PVS 31s but I have never seen them even accept that they licence manufactur them , everywhere they call it rajak not PVS31 , it's more like as if they got the tot .
V true. And from what I've heard he was one kickass operator - never lost a man under his command. Sure, maybe not the most well spoken, well read officer you'd expect but ig he did his job damn well.
You cant compare Major rank Jacob with a Brigader rank Thapa and say Major Jacob got no one killed!

How many people did Major Jacob had under him?

Brigader Thapa had 18 Major Jacobs and 6 higher ranking Lt col and Col under him and also Marcos under him.

When most of us understand Army very well we will understand Major rank is not a rank to brag about not getting anyone killed.

Real sttuff of responsibility starts from Colonel rank upto General rank in this.
like it or not but the only guy who kept SG more secret was Maj Vivek never uttered it's name, never said he was in it. It's only that we were able to connect the dots because he met Hav Meen Thapa and in a pic Thapa might have accidently posted, which is now deleted on Hav Thapa's insta page where he was wearing the SG badge, still not everyone might have thought Maj Jacob was in SG....some keen observers later discovered his small SG pin in one of the interviews he gave. I dont see why he gets as much hate because of his first interview that too three years ago I guess but he's soft spoken and mature by this point.
Major Jacob on a american podcast was sharing how he after the parachute incident felt his lack of purpose to be in SF and in an op couldnt feel the motivation to continue..the same americans he made fun of.

And you are comparing him with someone who is a Brigade commander and commander of SG.

Look,you like him thats great for you!
You cant compare Major rank Jacob with a Brigader rank Thapa and say Major Jacob got no one killed!

How many people did Major Jacob had under him?

Brigader Thapa had 18 Major Jacobs and 6 higher ranking Lt col and Col under him and also Marcos under him.

When most of us understand Army very well we will understand Major rank is not a rank to brag about not getting anyone killed.

Real sttuff of responsibility starts from Colonel rank upto General rank in this.
And when did I compare Maj Jacob to Brig Thapa?!

I was simply replying to Jedi bhai's msg & my answer was framed in a way to answer the backlash maj jacob gets for his initial 2-3 interviews.

Not connected to Brig Thapa in anyways.

You cant compare Major rank Jacob with a Brigader rank Thapa and say Major Jacob got no one killed!

How many people did Major Jacob had under him?

Brigader Thapa had 18 Major Jacobs and 6 higher ranking Lt col and Col under him and also Marcos under him.

When most of us understand Army very well we will understand Major rank is not a rank to brag about not getting anyone killed.

Real sttuff of responsibility starts from Colonel rank upto General rank in this.
That's very much true...the fact that Major Jacob never lost anyone in an operation shows his tactical accumen as a leader of a squad or a troop. Brigader Thapa on the other hand was responsible for operations he was not personally involved in. Which is a much bigger responsibilty to take.

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