Indian Special Forces


Remove 9 para sf from security guard duty
they dont do that...
after the assasination of PM Indira Gandhi there was no SPG, so a bunch of SG guys and a squad from 9 protected Rajiv Gandhi till the time SPG was created, while SG did the close protection, 9 did executive security detail or something...they are never anybody's security gaurds. That being said...every SF, especially those you designate the best of the best....should be trained in PSD (Personal Security Detail) they should not be used to gaurd politicians and serve as VIP protection service of any kind. But they should be used for such occations when no other help is there and the threat is to a very high ranking guy. Just like DEVGRU protected For Afghan President in start of GWOT and how Delta protected the force commander of NATO in Bosnia and Kosovo.
Remove 9 para sf from security guard duty

they dont do that...
after the assasination of PM Indira Gandhi there was no SPG, so a bunch of SG guys and a squad from 9 protected Rajiv Gandhi till the time SPG was created, while SG did the close protection, 9 did executive security detail or something...they are never anybody's security gaurds. That being said...every SF, especially those you designate the best of the best....should be trained in PSD (Personal Security Detail) they should not be used to gaurd politicians and serve as VIP protection service of any kind. But they should be used for such occations when no other help is there and the threat is to a very high ranking guy. Just like DEVGRU protected For Afghan President in start of GWOT and how Delta protected the force commander of NATO in Bosnia and Kosovo.

I think the only individual I've seen Para SF exclusively guarding is COAS.

Any others?

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