Indian Special Forces

If you want to say that protein intake makes body bigger and bulky it's your misconceptions
Nope protein intake with proper resistance training and being in calorie surplus is what exactly gives you bigger muscles your genatice don't mean much in contex of sf you can lack in some body parts because of genatics but you will still grow your muscles decently no matter what genatics or lineage you come from this is bullshit argument, this is not an body building competition that individuals muscles and conditioning will be taken into consideration it's just the strength that's taken into consideration with proper training all goes well.
First comes their diet…Beef,Pork,Lamb,Sheep,Fish,Potatoes,Rice,Eggs

Our diet…rice,lentils,limited eggs,limited chicken and meat and lots of white sugar in idea what protein intake should be.

Then comes exercise…cardio and equal amount of weight training.

Our training..cardio and ragda and very very limited if at all any weight training.

Lastly i think they are enhanced…some of them are too big with too less body fat to be natural.

I workout 5 days a week and never took steroids and have been weight lifting since 10-14 years now on and off..i eat non veg in every meal on every day..still i am no where the Marines..i am 180 cms @ 90 kgs with around 17% body fat.

Erring on the side of more protein than "recommended" is how you get big and why they're so big.

Our protein intake and diversity is lower than in Sub-Saharan Africa despite us generally having more resources.


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