I have been pondering the state of Human Resources in our Armed Forces (and as such the wider country) for sometime. Some observations (ofcourse these maybe due to Confirmation bias and as such not valid points but sharing none the less)
1. The post WWII/Independence Officers/IAS/Civil
Bureaucrat - represented the "elite" of IIndian Society - this is the same "Middle CLass" that the british created to rule India - Convent Educated and learned in the Engrish ways (they were "integrated") - They adopted the British customs and practices including Innovative thinking.
- It the same class of people who revolted against the british and were the leaders of the Independence Movement (Gandhi, Nehru, Jinah et al) - and there in became the rulers of Free India
2. the Class of Officers leading up to the 70s came from this group of people - Cariapa, Manekshaw etc
3. Post Independence being a poor / socialist economy - the Civil and and Military Services attracted the best and brightest and the old pre independence Business class continued their Monopoly and there was no new economy so no real new age jobs for the educated in india.
- a GOOD education was still a commodity [i.e convent education acessible to this urban "elite" middle class.
4. Post Liberalization 1990s - new industries and career choices sprung up so the convent speaking Elite graduated to those opportunities that gave birth to our Services sector (Banking, IT, Consulting) - gave birth to new entreprueners
5. As India got richer - Education started to reach the farther masses - however the Quality of this education is really substandard - rote - no critical thinking - just marks and entrance exams to be part of the new economy. Low dollar spend so crap teachers, crap text books, just mass copying and cheating (All across the value chain - from the IITs to the Municpal Public School and Govt Colleges)
[The Elite have moved on to IB schools and Foriegn college degrees
6. This has resulted in the new crop of Officer Cadre - And you are seeing the effect of this not just in the Military but across Civilian Life as well. Lack of Critical Thinking ability, blind faith and jingoism, nobody questions anything (anti national etal), pure ragda copy paste BS.
just my 2 paisa worth