I beg to differ on the assertion that its not personal issue but only organisational problem.
Issue is those guys choose to fake things instead of asking their friends/mentors with knowledge of how to set up the kit properly. This shows they don’t have any interest in learning and correctin their own deficiency in professional skill. They choose easiest way and just faked as if they know everything believing that all others are even stupider than themselves.
In our line of work, we just can’t fake our knowledge as lives depends on our skills and even a slight lapse in misjudgment of our capability can cost lives invoking harsh criminal penalties. We have faced daily abuses, harassment and even physical punishment in our training days for trivial mistakes. But it’s what made us understand and improve our skills and up to a point, fearless of death.
I mean, all this assertion of “respect our soldiers” is all well and good but it’s not us civilians who after patting their backs, send them in waves completely unprepared and under equipped in front of enemy LMGs and Tanks, to be slaughtered like cattle.
I rather want these soldiers to show interest in improving their job skills by acquiring knowledge from outside their dated organisation, and then demand proper training and equipments.
I would rather be with friends who will call me MC/BC and all sor of slurs and force me to learn than cheer me and throw me in the ditch.
We just cant blame others all the time for not even trying to learn and improve.