idk anon. you may not agree with the way this gentleman framed it but i think he is right on the direction of ties.
if your goal is securing your shipping in the indian ocean the math is simple from their perspective
USA is their primary enemy
That assessment seems to conclude Trump's not as interested or invested in Indo Pacific as much as the Biden administration was.
The jury's open on whether the Biden administration goaded Putin into the war on Ukraine while keeping up the pretence of being tough on China thus diverting the world's especially the US's attention to Russia which otherwise would've been focussed on China.
There's another school of thought which suggests that in order to prevent Russia from associating with China when the Taiwan issue heats up , the US entrapped Russia into the war in Ukraine .
We should bear in mind the last time Biden was part of the US administration as a VP he was known by Washington insiders as China Joe for the reconciliatory stance he took vis a vis China. His son Hunter Biden was long compromised for his dealings with the CCP & their associates. All these are known & undisputed facts.
Time will tell which of these was the correct assesment. However what time tells us is till date the only President who's cracked the whip on China calling it an adversary in the same mould as the former USSR & act on it was Trump in his last Presidency while his predecessors largely paid lip service to the issue notably Obummer.
For all we know , the emphasis Trump is laying on closure to the war on Ukraine is to prepare the US for the single biggest challenge it has faced in its entire existence or if not that then certainly the biggest one this century & for a long time since the USSR collapsed.
India & China can never reconcile their differences . That boat sailed in the 2000s. The Chinese knew so long ago . We discovered that in 2020 though there were ample signals before that which we failed to take cognizance of.
The gap between in the perception of which way our relationship should be heading has now acquired the proportions of an unbridgable chasm. This is no longer a mere boundary issue or even restricted to the water sharing issue or even Tibet .
It's now become a question of who's going to be the paramount economy in Asia & the world & with that who'd be the paramount power in Asia & the world.
For China to emerge unchallenged India must fall or fall in line & for India to rise & take its rightful place in the premier economies of the world & consequently as one of the premier powers of the world , China has to be either checked or it must fall. That's one of the lessons India's internalised since Galwan .
Too bad we don't seem to be acting on it as far as military preparedness goes even as we're building up the border infrastructure at a furious pace.