Indo US Relations


Trudeau is US Deep State’s Zelensky 2.0: Why India should stand firm against Canadian diplomatic aggression​

(Mass & anglo vassals sticking together)



In 1980s, Canadian bastards were summoned 18 times by MEA.

Today, Trudeau thinks that India is a soft target & proceeds.


Trans-international repression & executions are okay when Mutts & Anglos do it


They are a geopolitical lightweight because they are a slave of Uncle Sam thanks to giving their US their bum in WW2.
I say slave and not vassal because Korea is more of a vassal, Germany, Japan are literal ghulams.

I then don't get why are they "frustrated" about this? It is like a eunuch being "furstrated" because he can't fuck womenz? :bplease:

The rationale the SEA nations apply in chosing between Japan and China is the same in the Telebunnies wanting to negotiate with the US and not with the ANA Govt puppets, so the choice is between US and China, better deal with US directly.
Asian NAcho!
Proposed by a country who turned their 6 trillion economy into 4 trillion.
For joining the OG nacho there are several conditions
1. no border dispute (means we will have to let go of aksai chin)
2. must be a democracy (dumbocracy)
3. Rapefugees must be allowed

They will impose similar rules on joining asian nacho
"Given the confrontations with tear gas, rubber bullets, and water cannons, we have intensified our efforts in providing essential medical camps at kisan morcha sites. From first aid to advanced physical therapy, we are ensuring farmers receive timely medical assistance during the peaceful strike."

Gora sahib - ebil moody, peaceful protestor, so we support khalis under garb of un NGO to fuel separatism in Bharat.

Gora sahib - dealing with so called peaceful protest in his own land


Ebil mody, we brown coolies ,greens and lelis save India with blessings of gora sahib in Canada and usa.

DOTO Database (Documentation of the Oppressed) is an online portal with data on religious identity based hate-crime against minorities that has happened in India since 2014.The website was launched on 7 March 2018 at Constitution Club of India, New Delhi. The inauguration ceremony was attended by Ram Punyani, Teesta Setalvad, Zafar ul Islam Khan, John Dayal, Ravi Nair. Saba Naqvi
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Ebil mody, we brown coolies ,greens and lelis save India with blessings of gora sahib in Canada and usa.

DOTO Database (Documentation of the Oppressed) is an online portal with data on religious identity based hate-crime against minorities that has happened in India since 2014.The website was launched on 7 March 2018 at Constitution Club of India, New Delhi. The inauguration ceremony was attended by Ram Punyani, Teesta Setalvad, Zafar ul Islam Khan, John Dayal, Ravi Nair. Saba Naqvi
Now we can use mr. Lawrence bisleri to dispose them
So it seems that ex-RAW Officer is going to USA because of family related matters.

For starters, we have to bring a law disqualifying in all Upper Tier Positions in Military, Babucracy and Intelligence if even their remotest bloodline settles in foreign country.
Re: Samant Goel stopped from going to US is likely to be in relation with the case that was filed against him in US court. The same case filed by Pannu in which Ajit Doval was named, and that's why he too did not visit US with Modi.
Re: Samant Goel stopped from going to US is likely to be in relation with the case that was filed against him in US court. The same case filed by Pannu in which Ajit Doval was named, and that's why he too did not visit US with Modi.
Yes.. and Pannun, US intelligence asset would not have directly named Doval and Samant Goel without go ahead from US Government..

In other news, Burgers will on purpose leak attack plans of their (((allies))) if it benefits them in some way.
Unfortunately for them , these are the Jooz, not Indians or some other race who are "honest" and gullible
This article raises some real important questions. It is high time we take in and nurture more experts at senior levels and stop it from becoming an IPS bastion
Some points I liked
Large numbers of Indian Police Service officers now serving in R&AW don’t have long experience of the covert life, or the skills it needs to operate in a hostile environment,” another senior R&AW officer said. “They’re [just] six months [of] training away from a life where they were rulers of a district, and could pretty much say what they liked, do what they liked and get away with it. The habits of a lifetime are hard to unlearn.”
relatively few of its IPS leadership possess long-term experience in covert operations. “There’s no point [in] playing spy if your only experience of the world is operating under the protection of diplomatic cover,” the officer added.
Little effort seems to have been made by Yadav or his superiors to verify the reliability of Gupta’s drug dealer contact, despite a string of recent cases revealing that the DEA has heavily infiltrated narcotics cartels. Two police sources told ThePrint that the DEA may have had prior interest in Gupta, who is listed in the indictment as communicating with the drug dealer in English punctuated with Spanish phrases.
Gupta was allowed to leave India for the Czech Republic, where he was arrested, two weeks after the murder plot failed to materialise. “A professional officer should never have allowed someone like Gupta to visit an area where he could be apprehended by Western law enforcement,” one officer said.
Re: Samant Goel stopped from going to US is likely to be in relation with the case that was filed against him in US court. The same case filed by Pannu in which Ajit Doval was named, and that's why he too did not visit US with Modi.
Doval has diplomatic immunity; Samant Goel does not - because he has already retired.
This article raises some real important questions. It is high time we take in and nurture more experts at senior levels and stop it from becoming an IPS bastion
Some points I liked
Large numbers of Indian Police Service officers now serving in R&AW don’t have long experience of the covert life, or the skills it needs to operate in a hostile environment,” another senior R&AW officer said. “They’re [just] six months [of] training away from a life where they were rulers of a district, and could pretty much say what they liked, do what they liked and get away with it. The habits of a lifetime are hard to unlearn.”
relatively few of its IPS leadership possess long-term experience in covert operations. “There’s no point [in] playing spy if your only experience of the world is operating under the protection of diplomatic cover,” the officer added.
Little effort seems to have been made by Yadav or his superiors to verify the reliability of Gupta’s drug dealer contact, despite a string of recent cases revealing that the DEA has heavily infiltrated narcotics cartels. Two police sources told ThePrint that the DEA may have had prior interest in Gupta, who is listed in the indictment as communicating with the drug dealer in English punctuated with Spanish phrases.
Gupta was allowed to leave India for the Czech Republic, where he was arrested, two weeks after the murder plot failed to materialise. “A professional officer should never have allowed someone like Gupta to visit an area where he could be apprehended by Western law enforcement,” one officer said.
Yes, we need to train our guys better. I thought CC1 was a boomer who didn't knew even the so-called encrypted apps can be snooped upon by US. Turns out, he's fairly young. Disappointed.
Diplomatic passports don't give diplomatic immunity, just some extra privileges.
Diplomatic passports do confer diplomatic immunity but Doval wouldn't have gone because of the scandal that would've ensued thanks to their press.

But you can well imagine the state of affairs when the NSA of a "friendly" country can't visit the US & the former Chief of the espionage service is a wanted man .

I can't think of any precedent here involving the US & a friendly country. Why , even China hasn't suffered such a fate nor have the Russians after whatever has transpired in Ukraine .
Diplomatic passports don't give diplomatic immunity, just some extra privileges.
Do you have some articles to back up this particular claim wrt Doval? I know there are different levels of diplomatic immunity but arresting a visiting NSA would be an escalation of unprecedented scale. Seems inlikely imo.

The standard procedure to go after a serving diplomat of some foreign nation (especially, high ranking individuals like Doval etc) is as follows;

1. The host nation requests the respective foreign govt to waive off diplomatic immunity for the individual.

2. If the diplomatic immunity is waived off (extremely unlikely) then the hosts are good to go. Else, the individual can be declared 'persona non grata' and expelled subsequently.

3. Alternatively, the host nation can expel the individual directly.

These protocols are adhered to even in wartime. There was this bizarre incident where two paki diplomatic passport holders were caught shoplifting in Korea. The Korean govt did not try them at a court and proceeded to expel them.

Of course, Uncle Sam can always play nasty like they did with Devyani Khobragade but to go after an incumbent NSA would be a bit too far even by their standards.

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