Indo US Relations

This article raises some real important questions. It is high time we take in and nurture more experts at senior levels and stop it from becoming an IPS bastion
Some points I liked
Large numbers of Indian Police Service officers now serving in R&AW don’t have long experience of the covert life, or the skills it needs to operate in a hostile environment,” another senior R&AW officer said. “They’re [just] six months [of] training away from a life where they were rulers of a district, and could pretty much say what they liked, do what they liked and get away with it. The habits of a lifetime are hard to unlearn.”
relatively few of its IPS leadership possess long-term experience in covert operations. “There’s no point [in] playing spy if your only experience of the world is operating under the protection of diplomatic cover,” the officer added.
Little effort seems to have been made by Yadav or his superiors to verify the reliability of Gupta’s drug dealer contact, despite a string of recent cases revealing that the DEA has heavily infiltrated narcotics cartels. Two police sources told ThePrint that the DEA may have had prior interest in Gupta, who is listed in the indictment as communicating with the drug dealer in English punctuated with Spanish phrases.
Gupta was allowed to leave India for the Czech Republic, where he was arrested, two weeks after the murder plot failed to materialise. “A professional officer should never have allowed someone like Gupta to visit an area where he could be apprehended by Western law enforcement,” one officer said.
It seems even Praveen ji agrees with our analysis

However highlights the "ips vs raa cadre" so called professional fight.
CC-1? Who knows, it can be incompetence or negligence as well. Let's see
Did they uncover who the alleged hitman was? Nikhil Gupta thought he was contacting a hitman, instead he reached a US secret service agent. Is the ( reputed) paid gunman still at large
Of course, Uncle Sam can always play nasty like they did with Devyani Khobragade but to go after an incumbent NSA would be a bit too far even by their standards.

It depends on what they want to accomplish, which i don't think is them getting us to flip out and tank bilateral relations, especially military sales and Jaziya purchases

It is probably due to the media drama that azaad pointed out
Did they uncover who the alleged hitman was? Nikhil Gupta thought he was contacting a hitman, instead he reached a US secret service agent. Is the ( reputed) paid gunman still at large

Vast majority of these so called hitmen on the dark web are either frauds or direct government agents looking for entrapment cases. In this case the DEA agent was posing as the (fake) hitman and he was paid $15k
Vast majority of these so called hitmen on the dark web are either frauds or direct government agents looking for entrapment cases. In this case the DEA agent was posing as the (fake) hitman and he was paid $15k
interesting, so Gupta wasn't given the contact info of a specific 'hitman'( all this assuming that the US script is true) but just told to contact some hitman in California, and it turned out to be a secret service agent.
interesting, so Gupta wasn't given the contact info of a specific 'hitman'( all this assuming that the US script is true) but just told to contact some hitman in California, and it turned out to be a secret service agent.

Looks like he contacted one of these (((hitmen))) :bplease: :facepalm4:

Dhruva is the director of ORF America, he attends a lot of conferences out there.
Bilderberg isn't your average conference. It's a conference of the guys who are part of the deep state. An extremely private affair.

What position does Dhruv have that gets him an invite from the controllers of the globe? ORF is small leagues. He was there because he's Indian FM's son.
Bilderberg isn't your average conference. It's a conference of the guys who are part of the deep state. An extremely private affair.

A lot of these American 'conferences' are indeed organized by the 'deep state'. As India starts mattering more and more on the global stage the number of invitees from here will increase only.

ORF is small leagues.

Disagree! The GoI is investing a lot in the ORF (a customary look at the star-studded line-ups at the past few editions of the Raisina Dialogue would confirm as much).

He was there because he's Indian FM's son.

He is in the ORF because he's Indian FM's son.
A lot of these American 'conferences' are indeed organized by the 'deep state'. As India starts mattering more and more on the global stage the number of invitees from here will increase only.

Disagree! The GoI is investing a lot in the ORF (a customary look at the star-studded line-ups at the past few editions of the Raisina Dialogue would confirm as much).

He is in the ORF because he's Indian FM's son.
Bilderberg isn't an American conference.

ORF is small leagues compared to Bilderberg. Even if the President of USA attends ORF conferences, it's small leagues compared to what Bilderberg is. You seriously have no clue what Bilderberg is. It's members are more powerful than literal PM's and Presidents of countries.
He could be there as part of DEI efforts, anyway would be there in the periphery group not the core ,still it's significant but as someone shared here isn't ORF majorly funded by state dept. He is there because of Indias perceived rise and of course him being close to corridors of power.

Ignore the usual kutta balancing - article makes several interesting claims;

Finish him now, finish him, brother, finish him, don’t take too much time,” the message from New Delhi pleaded. “Push these guys, push these guys.” From a flat in the capital’s middle-class Vasant Kunj locality, an import-export dealer had reached out to a drug dealer in New York to hire a hitman to assassinate a lawyer living in a plush apartment on the 59th floor of the iconic Empire State Building. And now, the Indian spy who’d allegedly organised the $15,000 advance to be paid for the hit was demanding delivery. Everything seemed set—except the drug dealer was a snitch for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), America’s federal anti-narcotics agency, and the hitman who had received the payment in crisp $100 bills was an undercover officer.

Few senior officers in R&AW embraced covert action with enthusiasm, though. Current deputy NSA and former R&AW chief Rajinder Khanna, who led the intelligence agency from 2014 to 2016, was sceptical of plans to set up a new covert station in Iran to target Balochistan. Khanna argued that the individuals involved did not have the right training, sources familiar with the operation told ThePrint.

A botched attempt to kidnap fugitive diamond merchant Mehul Choksi ended in embarrassment for the Government of India, with local courts ruling that he had been subjected to torture. The still-ongoing legal proceedings—involving a St. Kitts diplomat with close links to India’s government and two British Punjabis—have led to disclosures that could damage future Indian efforts to extradite criminal suspects from foreign jurisdictions.”

Former Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) officer DSP Ajay Kumar Bassi alleged in the Supreme Court that his agency had intercepted conversations between former R&AW chief Samant Goel and banker Somesh Prasad, warning the Dubai-based fugitive not to return to India at any cost.

Senior R&AW officials told ThePrint that Goel was seeking to insulate R&AW from the consequences of the litigation, as Somesh Prasad and his brother Manoj Prasad had long handled overseas bank accounts that the organisation used for covert operations. The accounts, the sources said, were set up by the banker brothers’ father, Dineshwar Prasad, a former R&AW officer.

“Goel needed to step in to help these guys because the organisation’s interests were involved,” one senior officer said. “In doing so, he showed a high level of commitment to the [agency], but also indiscretion, because things like this should never be discussed over the air, no matter how secure you think your phone is.”

@Azaad @ezsasa @Ultraman @mist_consecutive
Even when operations were successful, the outcomes weren’t always as anticipated. R&AW’s Pakistan desk head, R Kumar—once a contender for the top job—provided pinpoint coordinates for the Jaish-e-Mohammad seminary bombed by India after the 2019 Pulwama attack. Errors in targeting, though, meant that the seminary remained undamaged, while the crisis escalated to dangerous levels for both countries.

The Balakot controversy just refuses to die down.
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Bilderberg isn't an American conference.

ORF is small leagues compared to Bilderberg. Even if the President of USA attends ORF conferences, it's small leagues compared to what Bilderberg is. You seriously have no clue what Bilderberg is. It's members are more powerful than literal PM's and Presidents of countries.
So what is the conclusion he's there for the good of India or some personal aspirations?
Ignore the usual kutta balancing - article makes several interesting claims;
Kutta balancing is only applicable to Shekhar Kutta & his articles or PoVs. Swami is more in the ideological mould of his first publication The Hindu. Kutta's only ideology is self seeking. Among the more successful banias around.

While on Balakote , most seem to have forgotten there were 3 or 4 other sites which were targeted . Till date we don't know what those sites were or what were the casualties like ?
Bilderberg isn't an American conference.
It was a generalized assertion, Bilderberg absolutely isn't an 'American' conference per se.

ORF is small leagues compared to Bilderberg. Even if the President of USA attends ORF conferences, it's small leagues compared to what Bilderberg is. You seriously have no clue what Bilderberg is. It's members are more powerful than literal PM's and Presidents of countries.

Let me make my points clear; ORFwallahs are the de facto representatives of the Indian govt and that is precisely why I mentioned the generous amount of funds they have been receiving from the govt - they are funding these think tanks for that reason only. There is also this other think tank (being managed by the Doval family) that has been receiving govt endorsements for quite a while now.

The incumbent govt is not 'isolationist' like their predecessors. There was this interesting article on some Indian media that claimed that Modi and co were growing increasingly agonized with the way their diplomats were being cornered by goras at the WTO, the IMF etc because the foreign diplomats collaborated through their think tank types behind the scenes, had files ready on the personal lives of all the GoI representatives at table and ganged up on the Indian diplomats at crucial negotiations (concerning tariffs, arms deals etc) - at times, outnumbering them by 10:1 because the govt used to send smaller delegations and a general apathy towards multilateral meets was prevalent. The incumbent gormint had enough of all that and decided to 'collaborate' more with the foreign govt backed think tanks and their official/semi-official representatives behind the scene to prevent 'undesired' outcomes at bilateral/trilateral/multilateral meets. Think Arvind Virmani has written extensively on this policy shift, both through his columns and SM posts.

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