In agreement. This one I can see how its being played out for common Indians who get newly hooked to internet via first smart phone. The news curated on Google, the videos being recommended on Youtube or facebook are first and most impactful social engineering process they undergo over which Govt has no control. People may not agree but Cambridge Analytica findings are being further used to direct more precise social engineering methods and 2024 elections were affected by them. This duly led to reduction of mandate of Modi.
Brits or Islamists needed their physical presence to bring chasms in society to further their colonialism. New form of colonialism is all about using less labour intensive but leveraging technology, turncoats, threats and grooming.
Social Engineering using social media is example of using Technology to groom favorable opinion for onself and not so favorable opinion which neo colonial powers dont like.
i'll just add context to why i wrote that op which triggered this convo.
after modi visited russia recently, one must have noticed flurry of attempts by BD and Paki journos in WH and pentagon briefings to get a specific response from spokespersons which they didn't get. they were trying to elicit a response which goes along the lines of "since modi went to meet putin, India is bad".
but this is not new, this has been happening for decades, irrespective of political party in power.
some of the recent ones are..
"India bought oil from russia, India is not pro-democracy".
"Modi has majority in parliament, India is a electoral-autocracy".
"India tested ASAT, India is triggering arms race".
"India tested Agni, India is triggering nuclear arms race".
"India bought rafale, India is triggering arms race in sooth asia".
"India did not sign RCEP, India is protectionist".
"India passed citizen amendment law, India is anti-muslim".
this is a theme. anything the country does, there is an attempt to demonise us , and there is a target painted on our back. much of it originates outside of the country, aided and amplified by proxies within.
that post of mine and murican ambassador's influencer project is linked to the amplification from within aspect.
yesterday there was discussion on newX, sanjaya baru was using western talking points.
we can't stop these themes, but atleast be aware that there is a format and a pattern to it, if and when the next one pops up.