Indo US Relations

Is the QUAD Here to Stay?

I’m not convinced. With the Democrats in power, the U.S. focus is on Ukraine and Russia, and less on the Indo-Pacific. As a result, the QUAD seems more like lip service than a substantive initiative. The recent September 2024 QUAD meeting in Washington, attended by the four heads of state, felt more like a farewell to Biden than a serious diplomatic effort.

But how did the idea of the QUAD come about in the first place?

Over the last decade, China’s rapid military buildup initially seemed centered on Taiwan. However, it became clear that China’s broader goal was to assert dominance over the Indo-Pacific. As the U.S. scaled back its presence in the South China Sea, Pacific Ocean, and its military bases in the Philippines and Japan, China saw an opportunity to exert influence over these vacated spaces.

India and Australia, both threatened by Chinese aggression, were naturally alarmed. Thus, the stage was set for a broader confrontation—not just between the U.S. and China, but also with Australia and India joining the fray. Even Japan, traditionally pacifist, has had to reconsider its stance in the face of China’s ambitions.

China’s commercial naval power has grown tremendously. However, its navy remains relatively untested in battle, relying on inferior technology and reverse-engineered designs. While China’s forces may appear intimidating on paper, they lack the real-world combat experience to be effective in actual conflicts. China’s army and air force haven’t seen significant action in over 50 years, and they may struggle to project power beyond their borders.

Now, imagine China attempts to take Taiwan, landing 50,000 troops on its beaches. Even if successful at first, the Taiwanese, with American support, would likely retaliate, sinking Chinese supply ships and decimating the Chinese navy. Without resupply, those troops wouldn’t last long. Worse still, the U.S. could block critical shipping lanes between Luzon (the Philippines) and Taiwan, strangling China's trade, which is its economic lifeblood.

In response to potential Chinese aggression, the U.S. has already re-established its military presence in the Pacific, including bases in the Philippines and Japan. Meanwhile, India and Australia have also ramped up their military and naval capabilities, effectively neutralizing any Chinese threat to the Indian Ocean.

China is well aware of these risks, which is why it remains cautious. While this scenario is hypothetical, it illustrates why the U.S. proposed the QUAD—not as a NATO-like military alliance, but as a strategic, economic, and intelligence partnership between the U.S., Japan, India, and Australia. The idea is for each member to take responsibility for its own defense while coordinating closely with the others. For example, India might send naval patrols to the South China Sea or dispatch an armada to support Australia, and vice versa.

That’s the essence of the QUAD. However, its significance has faded somewhat, overshadowed by the ongoing war in Ukraine, with the U.S. playing a major role as an indirect participant. As a result, America’s interest in the Indo-Pacific has waned for the time being. Furthermore, China is not yet willing to face the full consequences of a military confrontation, and the U.S. knows this, which only further diminishes the urgency surrounding the QUAD.
"Beginning with the previous Manmohan Singh-led government, India has consistently denied visas to USCIRF members to visit the country, citing "interference" in its internal affairs, it added."

Back in the day even Congress has a spine, can't say the same if the current Cong headed by Yug Purush comes to power.
"Beginning with the previous Manmohan Singh-led government, India has consistently denied visas to USCIRF members to visit the country, citing "interference" in its internal affairs, it added."

Abrahamics continue with their hatred of the infidels.

Abrahamics continue with their hatred of the infidels.

This is not AbRaHaMiCs, this is the Burgerchods using "muh reelijus freedom khatre me hai" as yet another excuse for them to threaten to sanction us or hold up certain defence imports like those GE engines.

IIRC USCIRF used to also shit on India with the same excuses during Maunmohan Singh rule, and that was a "secular" regime.
.we can ignore evangelistic motives of west to our own peril , the power of which led to demographic changes in us vassal states of Japan, s korea , etc , remember the assassin of Japan pm was angry with pm's links to an evangelical group which allegedly caused personal distress to the assassin, the domestic politics of usa is still controlled by the evangelist
.Russia is no different, Hinduism is not a recognised religion there , temple and Geeta has met with hostility from orthodox leadership. It's very difficult to build a temple (requiring intervention of PM ABV DECADES back)
.Only France seems to be somewhat different.

A story of the golden calf

"The story of the golden calf is found in Exodus 32 in the Bible. When Moses was away for too long, the Israelites asked Aaron to make them a new god. He took their golden earrings and made a golden calf from them. The golden calf was an idol that the people worshiped instead of the real God."

When Jews were still Heathens/idol worshippers they gave their jewellery to make a golden calf and worship it.

“Whoever is for the Lord, come to me.” And all the Levites rallied to him.

"Then he said to them, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.’” The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died"

.Only the rulers and to a certain extent the citizens of certain Middle East countries seem to be turning away from radicalization and trying to reconcile with their pre abrahamic past.

Such tendencies are absent in the western sphere and so called liberalism/communism seems to be heavily influenced by abrahamic thoughts.
The best way of dealing with these reports is to just ignore them. However, there are sell-swords sitting in the Indian news rooms who will repeatedly highlight such reports to bring them into the public attention, forcing a reaction from the government.

We already know these internal enemies, the real question is what are we going to do with them and when.
Remove FDI in media to counter those coolies
.we can ignore evangelistic motives of west to our own peril , the power of which led to demographic changes in us vassal states of Japan, s korea , etc , remember the assassin of Japan pm was angry with pm's links to an evangelical group which allegedly caused personal distress to the assassin, the domestic politics of usa is still controlled by the evangelist
.Russia is no different, Hinduism is not a recognised religion there , temple and Geeta has met with hostility from orthodox leadership. It's very difficult to build a temple (requiring intervention of PM ABV DECADES back)
.Only France seems to be somewhat different.

A story of the golden calf

"The story of the golden calf is found in Exodus 32 in the Bible. When Moses was away for too long, the Israelites asked Aaron to make them a new god. He took their golden earrings and made a golden calf from them. The golden calf was an idol that the people worshiped instead of the real God."

When Jews were still Heathens/idol worshippers they gave their jewellery to make a golden calf and worship it.

“Whoever is for the Lord, come to me.” And all the Levites rallied to him.

"Then he said to them, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.’” The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died"

.Only the rulers and to a certain extent the citizens of certain Middle East countries seem to be turning away from radicalization and trying to reconcile with their pre abrahamic past.

Such tendencies are absent in the western sphere and so called liberalism/communism seems to be heavily influenced by abrahamic thoughts.
Abrahmics drive this politic religous zeal from the Roman/Greek Empire which was also very big in "civilizing" people not only in Asia but also in Europe.

Project phuck India by phucking around our fault lines proceeding on course.

Gobi and BJP won't complete their term i think
These snakes have been emboldened by the removal of Hasina.

I hope the local police of wherever and CAPFs are enough the handle the mobs, i do not trust our Chandigarh Lobby gernails at all.
.we can ignore evangelistic motives of west to our own peril , the power of which led to demographic changes in us vassal states of Japan, s korea , etc , remember the assassin of Japan pm was angry with pm's links to an evangelical group which allegedly caused personal distress to the assassin, the domestic politics of usa is still controlled by the evangelist
.Russia is no different, Hinduism is not a recognised religion there , temple and Geeta has met with hostility from orthodox leadership. It's very difficult to build a temple (requiring intervention of PM ABV DECADES back)
.Only France seems to be somewhat different.

"Evangelists" are a CIA tool to destabilize regimes opposing not bending over and spreading their cheeks for the US by converting "oppressed minorities" or even the general populace and using them against the ruling Govt.
Domestically in the US the Israelis seem to use them to generate #PhoolSapport for their country but they don't hold any other power apart from being a comedy Right wing caricature to rally the non-whitey and librandu whiteys against, control in US is held by their deepstate which pushes left-liberalism and godlessness domestically and in the fellow Goora countries.

Rooskie once again uses the ROC for control over it's people, it was so during the time of the Tsars, for the Soviets during WW2 and currently for the Putin sarkar also, nationalism is not the only way to control people, you need religion also.

The French have been hostile to all religion ever since the revolution there, their people are utterly godless and previously they were Catholics which don't have an active missionary culture today apart from those Commie Jesuits.

TLDR both you and me agree that Burger hits us via Evangelists, what we don't agree on is why Burger does this.
Gobi and BJP won't complete their term i think
These snakes have been emboldened by the removal of Hasina.

I hope the local police of wherever and CAPFs are enough the handle the mobs, i do not trust our Chandigarh Lobby gernails at all.

They have been doing this for 150+ years.
This is not new nor is this something we are seeing only for last few years.

If GOI is going to shit it self because of these acts, then we are already gone.

coming to BJP govt, it will safely complete it's term. Even Nitishwa doing this yearly jumps will not matter.
There is zero threat. Stop dhoti shivering.

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