Indo US Relations

Please give me a quick summary. Don't want to go through the video.

I do not think India is making any overtures to China. India is only talking to China at the behest of Russia but not conceding anything.
Situation in BD and myanmar, especially designs of US - is forcing modi xi talks. thats it.
Is the QUAD Here to Stay?

I’m not convinced. With the Democrats in power, the U.S. focus is on Ukraine and Russia, and less on the Indo-Pacific. As a result, the QUAD seems more like lip service than a substantive initiative. The recent September 2024 QUAD meeting in Washington, attended by the four heads of state, felt more like a farewell to Biden than a serious diplomatic effort.

But how did the idea of the QUAD come about in the first place?

Over the last decade, China’s rapid military buildup initially seemed centered on Taiwan. However, it became clear that China’s broader goal was to assert dominance over the Indo-Pacific. As the U.S. scaled back its presence in the South China Sea, Pacific Ocean, and its military bases in the Philippines and Japan, China saw an opportunity to exert influence over these vacated spaces.

India and Australia, both threatened by Chinese aggression, were naturally alarmed. Thus, the stage was set for a broader confrontation—not just between the U.S. and China, but also with Australia and India joining the fray. Even Japan, traditionally pacifist, has had to reconsider its stance in the face of China’s ambitions.

China’s commercial naval power has grown tremendously. However, its navy remains relatively untested in battle, relying on inferior technology and reverse-engineered designs. While China’s forces may appear intimidating on paper, they lack the real-world combat experience to be effective in actual conflicts. China’s army and air force haven’t seen significant action in over 50 years, and they may struggle to project power beyond their borders.

Now, imagine China attempts to take Taiwan, landing 50,000 troops on its beaches. Even if successful at first, the Taiwanese, with American support, would likely retaliate, sinking Chinese supply ships and decimating the Chinese navy. Without resupply, those troops wouldn’t last long. Worse still, the U.S. could block critical shipping lanes between Luzon (the Philippines) and Taiwan, strangling China's trade, which is its economic lifeblood.

In response to potential Chinese aggression, the U.S. has already re-established its military presence in the Pacific, including bases in the Philippines and Japan. Meanwhile, India and Australia have also ramped up their military and naval capabilities, effectively neutralizing any Chinese threat to the Indian Ocean.

China is well aware of these risks, which is why it remains cautious. While this scenario is hypothetical, it illustrates why the U.S. proposed the QUAD—not as a NATO-like military alliance, but as a strategic, economic, and intelligence partnership between the U.S., Japan, India, and Australia. The idea is for each member to take responsibility for its own defense while coordinating closely with the others. For example, India might send naval patrols to the South China Sea or dispatch an armada to support Australia, and vice versa.

That’s the essence of the QUAD. However, its significance has faded somewhat, overshadowed by the ongoing war in Ukraine, with the U.S. playing a major role as an indirect participant. As a result, America’s interest in the Indo-Pacific has waned for the time being. Furthermore, China is not yet willing to face the full consequences of a military confrontation, and the U.S. knows this, which only further diminishes the urgency surrounding the QUAD.
"Beginning with the previous Manmohan Singh-led government, India has consistently denied visas to USCIRF members to visit the country, citing "interference" in its internal affairs, it added."

Back in the day even Congress has a spine, can't say the same if the current Cong headed by Yug Purush comes to power.

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