Indo US Relations

Kutta balancing is only applicable to Shekhar Kutta & his articles or PoVs. Swami is more in the ideological mould of his first publication The Hindu. Kutta's only ideology is self seeking. Among the more successful banias around.
Article subtly hinted at some supposed 'lack of accountability' at the R&AW - something gora mediawallahs have been shouting from their rooftops for over a year now.
It was a generalized assertion, Bilderberg absolutely isn't an 'American' conference per se.

Let me make my points clear; ORFwallahs are the de facto representatives of the Indian govt and that is precisely why I mentioned the generous amount of funds they have been receiving from the govt - they are funding these think tanks for that reason only. There is also this other think tank (being managed by the Doval family) that has been receiving govt endorsements for quite a while now.

The incumbent govt is not 'isolationist' like their predecessors. There was this interesting article on some Indian media that claimed that Modi and co were growing increasingly agonized with the way their diplomats were being cornered by goras at the WTO, the IMF etc because the foreign diplomats collaborated through their think tank types behind the scenes, had files ready on the personal lives of all the GoI representatives at table and ganged up on the Indian diplomats at crucial negotiations (concerning tariffs, arms deals etc) - at times, outnumbering them by 10:1 because the govt used to send smaller delegations and a general apathy towards multilateral meets was prevalent. The incumbent gormint had enough of all that and decided to 'collaborate' more with the foreign govt backed think tanks and their official/semi-official representatives behind the scene to prevent 'undesired' outcomes at bilateral/trilateral/multilateral meets. Think Arvind Virmani has written extensively on this policy shift, both through his columns and SM posts.

yup, a lot has changed since previous gormint, otherwise we won't be discussing BSR.

Ignore the usual kutta balancing - article makes several interesting claims;

@Azaad @ezsasa @Ultraman @mist_consecutive

The Balakot controversy just refuses to die down.
We did hit in Balakot..confirmed straight from horse's mouth 👨‍✈️🛩

Evangelical monsters, it is in best interest of India government to start publishing rankings of these universities and tell the jokers who are studying here that NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, YOU WILL NOT BE TAKEN IN INDIA PROJECTS BECAUSE YOU ARE BIASED, then these as###%es will understand the pain.

There are many members here who resides in THAT BURGERUNDY LAND they can what is the scenario there.

Evangelical monsters, it is in best interest of India government to start publishing rankings of these universities and tell the jokers who are studying here that NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, YOU WILL NOT BE TAKEN IN INDIA PROJECTS BECAUSE YOU ARE BIASED, then these as###%es will understand the pain.

There are many members here who resides in THAT BURGERUNDY LAND they can what is the scenario there.

It's not just US universities. It's significant no of US companies as well.
Which only Indicates that this is deliberative policy directive from deep state to hate hindus and modi.

with India cozying up with China and Russia more openly - I am not sure how many expected investments epecially come to fructation with US playing spoil sport.
Which only Indicates that this is deliberative policy directive from deep state to hate hindus and modi.

with India cozying up with China and Russia more openly - I am not sure how many expected investments epecially come to fructation with US playing spoil sport.

Depends on how deeply their companies view India is a good market and production base.
The investments come on our own merit to the companies, e.g Apple rather than some Deep State bheek a la Paapistan & Kangladesh
Depends on how deeply their companies view India is a good market and production base.
The investments come on our own merit to the companies, e.g Apple rather than some Deep State bheek a la Paapistan & Kangladesh
Shade I missed to mention in my precious post. I was referring Semicon. An area where US is also struggling to get industries back on their soil. And I am not sure if Taiwan will continue play chum.
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you can also include US media. Looks like US views him as an enemy??
US Media -Bastion of the Free World again owned by whom? Some Nutter put a flowchart that how all the Media-10s of them is owned by 3 Entities who inturn are part of some Democracy Endowment something something.
US Media -Bastion of the Free World again owned by whom? Some Nutter put a flowchart that how all the Media-10s of them is owned by 3 Entities who inturn are part of some Democracy Endowment something something.
many people in USA do not get their news from mainstream corporate media anymore .

Evangelical monsters, it is in best interest of India government to start publishing rankings of these universities and tell the jokers who are studying here that NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, YOU WILL NOT BE TAKEN IN INDIA PROJECTS BECAUSE YOU ARE BIASED, then these as###%es will understand the pain.

There are many members here who resides in THAT BURGERUNDY LAND they can what is the scenario there.

Cant do this with STEM & Management professionals, fyi. Should be done for arts grads though,100%.
Which only Indicates that this is deliberative policy directive from deep state to hate hindus and modi.

with India cozying up with China and Russia more openly - I am not sure how many expected investments epecially come to fructation with US playing spoil sport.

Ofcourse it is. They are right to be scared of us, like they are of the Chinese, from an internal POV. USA is a country based off of immigration and it will continue - for one, USA will never ever give up the opium of ~ half a million green cards a year, aka half a million of the world's best and brightest,that it didnt invest a dime in, coming and working for them. For two, they also won't be able to stop the seepage from the southern border.

And US is okay with this. The US-Canada-OZ immigration system works by absorbing the masses into Anglo-dom. In the past, because euros invented racism, were the most racist people on the planet and cannot deal with native diversity, they absorbed all the non anglo whites into anglo-dom.

Then white birth rates cratered after the two world wars and they realized that to keep the system going, they need non-white people, ergo, ditching of racism in official status, so that they can absorb coloured people into Anglo-dom.
This has been their play since 1990s.

However, this 'absorbing into Anglo-dom' has one major weakness: demographic weight.
Ultimately, simple math says, you can continue to suck the blood of others and turn the ones you sucked in into your own kind, **IF** your demographic pool is bigger than from which you are sucking.
Which has always been true for anglosphere wrt white people : they didnt allow non-anglos to immigrate till the late 1700s ( they'd been colonizing the coast of murrica-Canada from 1600s, so 150 year head start) and by the time they allowed, murrica had a comparable population to any Euro country.

By the time 1900s rolled around, Murrica was bigger than any white nation in population and comparable to only Russian Empire/Soviet Union and even then, ethnic anglos in murrica outnumbered ethnic Roos in Roos empire.

Now they look at India and China and their 'assimilatory system' breaks down: you cannot keep assimilating the larger population base and not, over the long term, get demographically overwhelmed and each new influx brings fresh,new entrechment from 'motherland' mentality immigrants.

So long story short, the only way for deepstate murrica to cope with this scenario, is to make sure Indians & Chinese who come to USA end up hating India or China. Only then, will they work hard themselves to gora-fy, which goras know many indians intrinsically desire ( gori mem wife).

**THIS** is the set play from the deep state+university+media nexus.

The filastini+leftoid retards+evangelicals are just useful idiots/first line of defence for team Murrica against any Indian/Chinese setting up space for THEIR narrative and cultural pride in murrica.

And its the job of us over here, to counter it, because as they say, nothing comes easy at the high table and if you want a seat at the high table, you gotta make stances as a people and a government.
@GaudaNaresh is a living proof of my personal theory of "the further the bong moves from bengal the less retarded he gets" .. Phool sapoort brozzer .. We will work towards industrialization, energy security, total green death here while you mold the west in our image. :military:
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