Israel - Hamas Conflict

Isarel ain't surrounded by two nuclear nations, and well armed & better fighting forces, your moves should be calculated, Yes you can learn some of the stuffs, imp thing's management of air defence, how to achieve maximum results, critical Intel on enemies

This is actually a constructive post that furthers Indian interests. It's very different from the rabid pro-Israeli shilling in this thread.
If you knew the history of "Indian Jews", and Judaicism in general, you wouldn't say this. Btw, they have been a problem in every single country they have ever been. Do you truly believe India is suddenly an exception? (Ans: No). I will never acknowledge a falsehood. Satyameva Jayate.
What problem have the Indian Jews caused, now or 2000 years ago?
Who do you think the Sassoons were and what do you think, if any, their role was in the Opium wars? Just one family, of many.

You have a clear preconceived bias, very positive, towards jews. I was once just like you. I firmly believed that India-Israel had mutual enemies and as a result India must support Israel. But it's not an equal partnership. The love I was showing to zionism wasn't being shown back to me, for any atrocious act an Indian Muslim committed against my fellow Hindu. In fact, the more I looked, the more I found the evil nexus between Islam-Judaicism. The deeper I looked, the more disgusted I became.

I strongly encourage you to hold these two conflicting beliefs, suspended, in your mind. Research the opposite position. See what you find. Do not use google to investigate. Satyameva Jayate.
This is because of ignorance on their part.

edit: Where also can I find the chat-chat thread??? lol
so discrimination against jews dont exist where they have jews for 2000 years, due to ignorance on their part. Makes a lotta sense. It is because they are non-abrahamic, not because they dont have exposure to jews.
Who do you think the Sassoons were and what do you think, if any, their role was in the Opium wars? Just one family, of many.

You have a clear preconceived bias, very positive, towards jews. I was once just like you. I firmly believed that India-Israel had mutual enemies and as a result India must support Israel. But it's not an equal partnership. The love I was showing to zionism wasn't being shown back to me, for any atrocious act an Indian Muslim committed against my fellow Hindu. In fact, the more I looked, the more I found the evil nexus between Islam-Judaicism. The deeper I looked, the more disgusted I became.

I strongly encourage you to hold these two conflicting beliefs, suspended, in your mind. Research the opposite position. See what you find. Do not use google to investigate. Satyameva Jayate.
Yeah man Jews actively try to prosletyze Hindus, destroyed their temples, looted their property and took their women as Sex Slaves. Jews very very Bad..yehi sunna chahte ho ? Lo suna diya
Yeah man Jews actively try to prosletyze Hindus, destroyed their temples, looted their property and took their women as Sex Slaves. Jews very very Bad..yehi sunna chahte ho ? Lo suna diya

Once again, an overly simplistic view of a highly nuanced and complex topic. Rather than make these non sequitar type posts, you should try to fundamentally understand how the jewish mind thinks. Prosleytization and mullization are just symptoms. But this requires some level of intelligence and the ability to hold conflicting ideas in your mind simultaneously. I'm not sure you or others are capable of higher order sophisticated thought.
Tell me, over 1000 years, what did these "jihadi scum" do to you? The 1000-year historical ills you're referencing can be traced to the Judaics that you, very clearly, rabidly support. But please, and I'm being sincere, educate me. Do you know what language Syria can trace it's name to?
You've no idea how much Jihadis hate us Hindus. They will not think twice before killing us & our kids , raping our women & defiling our temples. You don't know the civilizational trauma that our ancestors have suffered at the hands of islamist scum. The day of reckoning is coming soon for this barbaric cult & for traitors within .
Once again, an overly simplistic view of a highly nuanced and complex topic. Rather than make these non sequitar type posts, you should try to fundamentally understand how the jewish mind thinks. Prosleytization and mullization are just symptoms. But this requires some level of intelligence and the ability to hold conflicting ideas in your mind simultaneously. I'm not sure you or others are capable of higher order sophisticated thought.
One of the objectives of our civilization will be to eradicate all abrahamic faith and erasing their existence from history from this subcontinent and all of Asia as abrahamic faiths fundamentally cannot co-exist with non-believers due to the nature of abrahamic faith, it's just green is the first one on the list.

You think you're so smart, you're not, you're just a wannabe pretending to be smart but are nothing more than ignorant and arrogant.

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