Israel - Hamas Conflict

False. There were no classes that were majority slavers. Anglo saxons had the highest % of slavers amongst them.
What propaganda ? the propaganda is what YOU are peddling and completely skirting the fact that jews have never had a problem living for thousands of years with ANY non abrahamic majority population.
Show me a SINGLE example of jews having trouble with non abrahamics in historical times. Answer = zero.

He heard this chooran on 4chancels and is now regurgitating it here.
This is a popular copium among righty whiteys, that "We wuz not slayverz n sheeit, it wuz da JOOZ" and along with the classic "The holocaust is a hoax, Austrian painter dindu nuffin!"

Now whitey could also talk about Arab greens being the worldwide pros at slavery till before the age of colonialism but whiteys on the internet, and American ones offline especially hate the jooz.

btw just so you know the londonparistokyo nibba lives in America if not some other gora foreign country, perhaps he is an ABCD also, so he's at the forefront of receiving jooz social engineering experiments and degeneracy so it is understandable why he is a consoomer of 4chancel theories, and rightfully hates the (((chosen)))

However the type of kikel doing this is not the Israeli one and isn't focused on India, but generic State Department and human rights whiteys are, and green religion enjoyers also are focused on India
I'm honestly blown away by how much brainwashing these 3-letter agencies and other liberal cults have done to the average citizen in the West. It's like these people can't even tell the difference between "internal values" and "external values" anymore. I saw some clueless white chick saying Iran is a threat because it oppresses its own citizens. Seriously? Do they ever stop and look at their own country's human rights record? How is that bringing any harm to the outside world? These same Western countries have killed millions post-WW2, but they want to lecture others? They’ve completely subverted what gives a country its legitimacy, shifting the focus from external values (how you treat others) to internal values (how you run your own house).

It reminds me of this analogy I came across. On a fantasy planet, there were three races: Demons, Elves, and Humans. The Elves were misogynistic with a strict hierarchy—nobles ruled, no one could climb the ranks—but they kept their issues to themselves. They didn't mess with other races or go around causing harm. On the other hand, the Demons were all about rights and equality among their own. Demon women had equal status, there was no internal discrimination, but they were an absolute nightmare to everyone else. They would ravage human villages for flesh, manipulate kingdoms with their dark magic, and stir up wars for fun.

The modern West is basically like those Demons including every citizen who does "Muh Rights-Muh Free First World". They’ve thrown out external values and replaced them with internal values to justify their actions. They’re like a country full of bandits—everyone’s equal, enjoys rights, and all that, but they’re out there pillaging others. And when you call them out on it, they hide behind their so-called internal values, claiming that's where their legitimacy comes from.
This is the "white man's burden" with modern liberal-hooman-raites dressing.
Functionally it is the same.

Just an excuse to bully and control the non-white weaker nations while social engineering and demographic their own.

You must realize that they don't even do it from a racial or "national" perspective like their colonizing ancestors did, they believe the chooran they peddle
two words - Oil, Gas

People using the word 'viswaguru' mockingly would remove their undies and run naked on streets on their non-availability or rise in cost.
Imagine these clowns running in cities with their tiny wiener exposed and angrily shouting 'viswaguru' repeatedly.

These two are still minor compared to the big ones.
Of a few millions of our fellows working in the Gulf.

Like al-Geralam has 4 international airports by itself so you can imagine.

Any extreme #PhoolSapport from the GoI for Israel can result in another MB-Qatar joint venture operation riling up the Arab masses like it had in Nupur's time which will result in the sheikhs there going for the lowest hanging fruit that is partial deportation of Indians working there.

The jooz don't even need any #PhoolSpport, seem to be doing well by themselves.
Ukraine merc-ing for Uncle Sam against Roosi is not human rights violation.

Self-Defence is only haram if it is the "oppressor" doing it, i.e standard whiteys, the Roosis, Hindus, Israeli jooz etc.

yup, we used to talk about this "victimhood ka hierarchy".
These two are still minor compared to the big ones.
Of a few millions of our fellows working in the Gulf.

Like al-Geralam has 4 international airports by itself so you can imagine.

Any extreme #PhoolSapport from the GoI for Israel can result in another MB-Qatar joint venture operation riling up the Arab masses like it had in Nupur's time which will result in the sheikhs there going for the lowest hanging fruit that is partial deportation of Indians working there.

The jooz don't even need any #PhoolSpport, seem to be doing well by themselves.

Well, Israel population is 10 million, ours is 1400 million.

With tiny 10 mill even Israel has internal haramis screwing it. but Jews have most majority in Israel and can do what they want.
They are not dependent on muzzies for anything.

The ones they are dependent on like USA has been putting pressure on Israel for a while now.
The only reason Israel has not carpet bombed these desert pigs is due to USA - that is their external pressure.

Israel and India have different sets of challenges.
Well, Israel population is 10 million, ours is 1400 million.

With tiny 10 mill even Israel has internal haramis screwing it. but Jews have most majority in Israel and can do what they want.
They are not dependent on muzzies for anything.

The ones they are dependent on like USA has been putting pressure on Israel for a while now.
The only reason Israel has not carpet bombed these desert pigs is due to USA - that is their external pressure.

Israel and India have different sets of challenges.
Had USA's demographics been same of 40 years ago. Israel would face very less resistance from USA.
These two are still minor compared to the big ones.
Of a few millions of our fellows working in the Gulf.

Like al-Geralam has 4 international airports by itself so you can imagine.

Any extreme #PhoolSapport from the GoI for Israel can result in another MB-Qatar joint venture operation riling up the Arab masses like it had in Nupur's time which will result in the sheikhs there going for the lowest hanging fruit that is partial deportation of Indians working there.

The jooz don't even need any #PhoolSpport, seem to be doing well by themselves.
Fun fact - nearly 70% of our chaps working there happen to be peacefuls especially from Gerala aka the moplahs - world renowned toilet cleaners gardeners petty tradesmen small time smugglers garage mechanics taxi drivers cooks & waiters etc . Semi skilled to unskilled . Trust you get the drift.

The Nupur Sharma case was all Qatar propped up by Kuwait instigated by Tony " the Jew" Blinken & the State Department. MBS , UAE etc were forced to join the chorus.

The days of India fearing total expulsion of its citizens there or even partial expulsion has long gone. In the coming days they'd need us more. Oil isn't going to be the number one commodity in 2 decades.

Camel phuckers are acutely aware of this fact. They need to park those billions & trillions somewhere now that the US has shown itself to be an unreliable ally after what they did to Russian finances investment & deposits in the west .

Assuming they do indulge in punitive action which I very much doubt check out the demographic it affects the most.
Fun fact - nearly 70% of our chaps working there happen to be peacefuls especially from Gerala aka the moplahs - world renowned toilet cleaners gardeners petty tradesmen small time smugglers garage mechanics taxi drivers cooks & waiters etc . Semi skilled to unskilled . Trust you get the drift.

The Nupur Sharma case was all Qatar propped up by Kuwait instigated by Tony " the Jew" Blinken & the State Department. MBS , UAE etc were forced to join the chorus.

The days of India fearing total expulsion of its citizens there or even partial expulsion has long gone. In the coming days they'd need us more. Oil isn't going to be the number one commodity in 2 decades. Assuming they do indulge in punitive action which I very much doubt check out the demographic it affects the most.

We will have to take the demographic back to al-Geralam though, it's better they clean toilets in Riyadh and Doha instead( and send riyals and dinars back )

It is very ironic considering all the Gulf Arabs except Gatar are friendly to us but their praja remains as green as ever, therefore they can be forced into certain actions.

However, inshallah as the years pass the world becomes more and more multi-polar and uncle sam gets weaker such risks may subside
We will have to take the demographic back to al-Geralam though, it's better they clean toilets in Riyadh and Doha instead( and send riyals and dinars back )

It is very ironic considering all the Gulf Arabs except Gatar are friendly to us but their praja remains as green as ever, therefore they can be forced into certain actions.

However, inshallah as the years pass the world becomes more and more multi-polar and uncle sam gets weaker such risks may subside
We're taking them back in any case. Gelf no longer recruits as many as they used to . Malaun lungis are the new toilet cleaners now . As far as moplahs sending back Rials & Dinars go it also finds its way to organisations like PFI . The radicalization there isn't funny .

Moreover I recall a talk by JSD where he clearly stated the moplahs are the only muslim community in India with no need for any state support. They're fully independent in as far as education , health security & politics go. Not only that they've used this power to infiltrate the state organs & influence decisions.

Gerala H & C are in for a good deal of fun starting in the next 2-3 decades when the demographic shift will be apparent . You're already seeing the trailer play out .
False. There were no classes that were majority slavers. Anglo saxons had the highest % of slavers amongst them.
What propaganda ? the propaganda is what YOU are peddling and completely skirting the fact that jews have never had a problem living for thousands of years with ANY non abrahamic majority population.
Show me a SINGLE example of jews having trouble with non abrahamics in historical times. Answer = zero.

No. The issue is that no matter what I bring up or show you, you will just say it's a conspiracy theory. Your mind cannot wrap around the fact that there's a chance you may be wrong. 109 countries and leaders haven't been wrong in the past, but somehow, GaudaNaresh and 1.1 billion Indians think they are your best friend. Pattern recognition is a trait of high intelligence.
global libtards have moved the needle so far to the left, so much so that a nation protecting themselves from external threats is made to look like "human rights violations" i.e weaponisation of human rights, then even typical diplo statements talking about restoration of peace at the earliest end up looking out of ordinary.

The issue with this country is that it's not a real country. The inhabitants of this country are not true semites either
He heard this chooran on 4chancels and is now regurgitating it here.
This is a popular copium among righty whiteys, that "We wuz not slayverz n sheeit, it wuz da JOOZ" and along with the classic "The holocaust is a hoax, Austrian painter dindu nuffin!"

Now whitey could also talk about Arab greens being the worldwide pros at slavery till before the age of colonialism but whiteys on the internet, and American ones offline especially hate the jooz.

btw just so you know the londonparistokyo nibba lives in America if not some other gora foreign country, perhaps he is an ABCD also, so he's at the forefront of receiving jooz social engineering experiments and degeneracy so it is understandable why he is a consoomer of 4chancel theories, and rightfully hates the (((chosen)))

However the type of kikel doing this is not the Israeli one and isn't focused on India, but generic State Department and human rights whiteys are, and green religion enjoyers also are focused on India

I may live in the US, but I read many many books. I am not one to gobble up propaganda. I investigate things on my own before I reach any conclusion. Once again, who were the Sassoons and what role did they have in the EIC? Nobody has yet answered this but has had no quarrel lobbing insults at me.

Edit: Reference books

"The Secret History between the Blacks and the Jews"
"The Secrets of the Federal Reserve: The London Connection"
"Blood Passover: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder"
"Jewish Involvement in the black slave trade to America"
"The Jews"

A few more. Unless anybody has read any of these books, please don't tell me I'm just "gobbling up propaganda". I have done my homework. I suggest you all do the same. There is no such thing as a friend in this world, especially as it pertains to the jews.
Very much plausible.
Kids in Murica made algo to triangulate enemy position from the fan sound of their PC while playing online games.
The idea that kids in America created an algorithm to triangulate enemy positions from the fan noise of their PC while gaming is only partially correct. Yes, they might have used sound to approximate location, but that alone isn't enough for accurate triangulation. To truly pinpoint someone's position based on audio, especially in forensic cases, you need more than just one variable sound like a fan. You need a consistent and stable background noise—something that acts like a reference point. In real forensic audio work, they often rely on ambient sounds that are always present, such as the hum of a power station or a substation buzzing in the background. These noises have a predictable, steady frequency, and it's that consistency that allows investigators to make accurate calculations.

Without this sort of stable background, relying only on something like fan noise would be unreliable. The fan noise might vary based on multiple factors—speed, environment, or even whether the fan is spinning differently due to gameplay intensity. It doesn't give a clear, constant sound signature that you can base a triangulation off of. Forensic experts, on the other hand, use ambient sounds like electrical hums from infrastructure because they are always present and don't change much over time. This kind of stable noise gives them a base to compare other sounds against, making it easier to figure out exactly where someone might be located. So the truth is, for sound triangulation to work effectively, you need more than just a random sound like a fan. You need a steady background noise, like a power station hum, that acts as a reference. That's the key element that’s often overlooked when people talk about this type of audio location tracking.

And the algorithm can be done by a North Korean kid in basement. Its not that hard. But the background noise database for cross-referencing to triangulate the position needs gormint's vast resources and manpower.
The issue with this country is that it's not a real country. The inhabitants of this country are not true semites either

assuming this post is about israel, as per the current definition of a nation, they are a sovereign nation. doesn't matter whether they are "true" semite or not. there should be no ambiguity of whether a nation can defend themselves from external actors or not.

just because there is no global census on definition of terrorism, does not mean a nation should be denied it's right to protect itself from terrorism.

for an Indian, this clarity is much more important, since we face a similar threat.
Very much plausible.
Kids in Murica made algo to triangulate enemy position from the fan sound of their PC while playing online games.
Kids on reddit and 4chan have identified location of people based on position on sun and type of tress in background in the pics posted by random people online!

Triangulation is an old technique from late 90s.​
The idea that kids in America created an algorithm to triangulate enemy positions from the fan noise of their PC while gaming is only partially correct. Yes, they might have used sound to approximate location, but that alone isn't enough for accurate triangulation. To truly pinpoint someone's position based on audio, especially in forensic cases, you need more than just one variable sound like a fan. You need a consistent and stable background noise—something that acts like a reference point. In real forensic audio work, they often rely on ambient sounds that are always present, such as the hum of a power station or a substation buzzing in the background. These noises have a predictable, steady frequency, and it's that consistency that allows investigators to make accurate calculations.

Without this sort of stable background, relying only on something like fan noise would be unreliable. The fan noise might vary based on multiple factors—speed, environment, or even whether the fan is spinning differently due to gameplay intensity. It doesn't give a clear, constant sound signature that you can base a triangulation off of. Forensic experts, on the other hand, use ambient sounds like electrical hums from infrastructure because they are always present and don't change much over time. This kind of stable noise gives them a base to compare other sounds against, making it easier to figure out exactly where someone might be located. So the truth is, for sound triangulation to work effectively, you need more than just a random sound like a fan. You need a steady background noise, like a power station hum, that acts as a reference. That's the key element that’s often overlooked when people talk about this type of audio location tracking.

And the algorithm can be done by a North Korean kid in basement. Its not that hard. But the background noise database for cross-referencing to triangulate the position needs gormint's vast resources and manpower.
Never underestimate the power of basement dwelling, redbull drinking incels from Murica. Lot of crazy things have been done by them.
They kept on finding the location of flag from the pic posted by Shia Labeouf and kept harassing him!​

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