Israel - Hamas Conflict

Never underestimate the power of basement dwelling, redbull drinking incels from Murica. Lot of crazy things have been done by them.
They kept on finding the location of flag from the pic posted by Shia Labeouf and kept harassing him!​
The best one was when they found the location of a terrorist base and passed on the info to a russian journalist who got the russian airforce to bomb it ..
No. The issue is that no matter what I bring up or show you, you will just say it's a conspiracy theory. Your mind cannot wrap around the fact that there's a chance you may be wrong. 109 countries and leaders haven't been wrong in the past, but somehow, GaudaNaresh and 1.1 billion Indians think they are your best friend. Pattern recognition is a trait of high intelligence.
No, the issue is you have ZERO to show for ANY historical evidence with problems between jews and non-jews, when the non-jews are not abrahamic.
109 countries that have done are ALL ABRAHAMIC NATIONS. Pattern recognition IS sign of intelligence. that is why we recognize the pattern: Jews get shat on by abrahamics and not others.
There is no historical evidence that proves otherwise and the proof that you are peddling your gora& muslim master's spiel while living in the west.

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