Israel Iranian proxy Conflicts

Giving me "crows and trees" vibes but who cares anyway.

Greens have already huffed the copium that Iran beat Austrian Painter's high score vs Yahoods with these missile attacks :bplease:

Israeli folks from reddit claimed that warning has been given to take shelter in bunkers. Since Israel mandated all houses should have bunkers to save their assess.

May be collateral damage averted.
The issue is that people don't really understand the average Chinese citizen. It’s deeply ingrained in their folklore, traditions, and culture, passed down for over 5,000 years. From childhood, they’re spoon-fed this idea, passed down from their ancestors, that they are somehow a superior, noble race, descended from the Yellow Emperor and some mythological creature like a lizard or dragon. The average Chinese person is raised to believe that they are part of the “Middle Kingdom,” and that all surrounding countries are lesser, deserving of being vassals. In some ways, they are similar to other supremacist ideologies, like certain extremist groups, but less overtly violent. You can see this mindset in their folklore and cultural emphasis on lineage, ancestry, race, and bloodline, which are more unchangeable than even religion in their society. The former is deadly in uniting people than religion.

You’ll notice this attitude if you encounter Chinese people in the West, as some of my friends have. Many come across as snobbish, viewing themselves as a superior race. Of course, you see this among white nationalists too, but they developed that attitude after Western hegemony. In contrast, the Chinese have carried this belief of superiority for over 5,000 years. If you compare this to the Soviets, there's a major difference. The Soviets were united by a newly formed ideology—communism—which the average person couldn’t really relate to on a personal or cultural level. It’s easier to get people to rally behind the idea of being a noble race with a noble lineage than to unite them under an abstract ideology that lacks deep roots in their identity.

Also, keep in mind that the small fraction of English-speaking Chinese you might meet, less than 0.1% of the true mainland population, are often more open-minded. But the average Chinese citizen is very different. I've read some of their wuxia/xianxia novels, and the level of racism in those stories is nauseating, far worse than anything you’d find on extremist online forums like 4chan. 4chancels could even come close to writing puke-worthy scripts compared to average chinese citizen. You can find 100s or if not 1000s of novels in Urban Novels section where there is regular ge*ocide/slavery/rape of other countries set in alterate world. Even after their so-called “century of humiliation,” the Chinese haven’t seen it as a humbling lesson but rather a temporary setback, with their sense of superiority and desire for hegemony intact.

It’s no accident that democracy doesn’t work in mainland China. Taiwan is just a small, whitewashed version of democracy. In comparison, the Soviet Union’s glasnost succeeded to some degree because the people were from diverse cultures, bound together by an artificial ideology. That ideology couldn’t truly unite people, which is why it eventually fell apart. But in China, the deep-rooted sense of racial and cultural superiority makes it much harder for such ideological shifts to take hold.

Firstly, whether chinese are racist/superiorists etc. does not have any relevance on why they dont want democracy/dont protest against their own govt's fascism.
Plenty of white superiorists out there who are super racist but are also 'muh freedom' type. So this is clearly not a superior race issue.
Personally, having lived in Vancouver for 20 years, where there are LAKHS of Chinese people and most of them are fresh off the boat from China, i'd say Chinese are not racist per se but ultra-ethnocentrists.
Meaning, Chinese dont actually care about 'muh chaptaa race with pointy eyes' thing. They care about 'muh chinese culture is the best' thing. Ie, from my experience, i've seen Chinese - particularly the older grannies/grandpas ( the typically most racist/casteist/etc members of your family) tend to not mind white/indian spouses for their grandkids, IF the said gora/brown person is full on willing to go 'muh chinese culture,muh confucianism & taoism, muh Chinese opera' stuff.
The only people Chinese are ACTUALLY racist to, are black people ( where no matter what you do, what the black dude believes in, even if he gets a fu-manchu and dress like Yongle emperor, he is still negro scum' mentality.

Secondly, Chinese do not protest much, because of two reasons:
a) they see their govt doing a good job and making them richer, which allows them to travel the world and afford things to buy.
b) the most important reason- Chinese culture's concept of 'mandate of heaven'. Personally, i admire the concept in terms of divine right of rule of kings, where Chinese are the ONLY culture to come up something quasi-rational to guage this 'divine mandate' than the otherwise flowery religious bullshit everyone else gives for why he should be king/emperor. Afterall, the concept of ' you suck, god/heaven is angry at u, so thats why there is flood/famine/barbarian invasions' is a much more stable concept over long term of divine right to rule than 'jesus came to me/mohammed came to the imaam/i am 777th descendant Yaduvanshi of Lord Krishna' type.
But translated to modern era, it becomes a tool of despotism because the mentality of ' see, heaven approves of CCP is why we are thriving under CCP and if heaven disapproved, it'd send flood/famine/barbarian invasions to signal withdrawal of support' notion.

These two points is what the west failed to anticipate about the chinese mentality.
It's a green propagandist my dude.

That said the Jooz themselves will CEASEFIRE if they take too many casualties since their current awaam is made up of pussies who cannot hold up under pressure

I don't think this is green propaganda. Hezbollah has an established track record over the last 30 years of causing highest IDF body-count whenever there is IDF ground actions in Lebanon.
Of all the hamas/hezbollah/Al-Aqsa Brigade type of pro-palestinian terrorist organisations, Hezbollah is the only one who is capable of handing Israel significant casualties in ground actions.
I think Israel might take the biological warfare route if things go south but we are long way off that for now.

But casualties like this is to be expected in the early phase. If our people think of ceasefire after just this then boy do y'all dont have any stomach for war.
I think Israel might take the biological warfare route if things go south but we are long way off that for now.

But casualties like this is to be expected in the early phase. If our people think of ceasefire after just this then boy do y'all dont have any stomach for war.

Here nobody will give a fuck unless you attach the body count to language group or caste in the narrative sense of "REEE why are only X caste soldiers dying, why aren't Y caste soldiers dying, Gormint is conspiring to kill muh Jaat bhais".

You see an ancestor of these narratives in the current "only low caste and poors make the bulk of those who die in the army" narratives stolen from Vietnam War decades of America, considering our Lefticles are talentless hacks who can only recycle gora garbage for Indian contexts

Kikels are meanwhile shivering in their trousers if there actually are yuge casualties, they will start crowding Tel Aviv screaming for CEASEFIRE NOW.

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