Israel Iranian War

This is like a never ending war, which will probably end with the collapse of Israel. Killing several thousands or even hundred thousands Hamas or Hezbollah operators won't make much difference.

2 billion mlecchas, irrespective of their eduction or nationality, are driven by a purpose, eliminating Jews. No amount of operations or tech advancement can change this fact given they have miniscule population. Israel survives as long as the world is unipolar, controlled by US. As we approach the mid of this century, world will be shifting to multi polarisation.

Will it end all Jews? No, but Israel as a country has much lower survival chances.

No, they will rather neuter the greens in the immediate area, they have succeeded partially with the Gulf Arabs and with Jordan and Egypt( needs a US backed dictator to keep the MB away from the chair there, but still )
Iran can be regime changed and their rabit behavior will go away, same with Erdogan of Turkey.

2 billion may want to kill jooz but only some have the capability

The world is already multipolar in the context that countries aren't enslaved to US as in the past
It is still unipolar in the sense that Uncle Sam is the only party that can wield the stick without consequences

This is a NatSec issue because these are all Irani simps, Just because Iran is not openly hostile to India now doesn't mean it won't be in the future so all their clout and influence operations must be excised from the domestic greens.

Kargil and Lucknow are in India, not Iran.

Come on this is no different from Israelis cheering the deaths of innocent lives in Lebanon and Gaza Strip. They all deserve each other.

You would also cheer if Packie pigs kidnap, murder and rape our fellows and the armed forces blast some pakis, some terrorists and some "innocent civilians", aforementioned "civilians" would too cheer for dead and raped kuffar hindoos btw like your innocent civilians did in Gaza on October 7th.

It's not BoTh SiDeS it's just one side doing the same stuff all over the world, it's just in some places like China, Israel and Russia they get their comeuppance.
I think these were no value missiles designed to draw out the David's Sling and Arrows before they send in their sophisticated missiles. That is what I would do. Saturate the areas so the enemy expend all their defensive weaponry and then follow up with more accurate missiles and take out the high value targets such as runways, airplane shelters, HQs, intelligence nodes, power plans, nuclear facilities, etc.

But I do agree with you on one thing: Iran will definitely for in a world of hurt on another level. Question is: can Iran withstand it? And will Russia or China step in to save Iran from Israel in order to poke a finger in the eyes of US and/or EU?

This is a fake attack just like last time, if they do a serious attack with many casualties then the mullah regime will be regime changed violently, they know this and so they avoid any serious attacks.

The Russians are incapable of stepping in, and the Chinese are pussies so will not step in to save the mullah regime.

All the Burgers and Kikes have to do is bomb their infrastructure and IRGC sites, I'm sure they have specific targets already in case of any eventuality, the rest will be taken care off by the various AZADEH AZADEH mobs of Irani protestors, both of the fabulous women,freedom life variety and various ethnic/religious secessionists

The kursi of the mullah regime is on shaky ground, they know this and that is why do not try to escalate as much as they should.
No, they will rather neuter the greens in the immediate area, they have succeeded partially with the Gulf Arabs and with Jordan and Egypt( needs a US backed dictator to keep the MB away from the chair there, but still )
Iran can be regime changed and their rabit behavior will go away, same with Erdogan of Turkey.

2 billion may want to kill jooz but only some have the capability

The world is already multipolar in the context that countries aren't enslaved to US as in the past
It is still unipolar in the sense that Uncle Sam is the only party that can wield the stick without consequences

This is a NatSec issue because these are all Irani simps, Just because Iran is not openly hostile to India now doesn't mean it won't be in the future so all their clout and influence operations must be excised from the domestic greens.

Kargil and Lucknow are in India, not Iran.

You would also cheer if Packie pigs kidnap, murder and rape our fellows and the armed forces blast some pakis, some terrorists and some "innocent civilians", aforementioned "civilians" would too cheer for dead and raped kuffar hindoos btw like your innocent civilians did in Gaza on October 7th.

It's not BoTh SiDeS it's just one side doing the same stuff all over the world, it's just in some places like China, Israel and Russia they get their comeuppance.
Don’t think that I’m one of them. I’m just calling out the bullshit because they are trying to involve us in a conflict entirely of their own making which we do not want to be involved in.

So dial down a notch when responding to my posts.
I don't know how much Israel can really put up a fight, these kind of attacks can saturate, if war breaks out, pretty much oil will go straight up.
I don't know how much Israel can really put up a fight, these kind of attacks can saturate, if war breaks out, pretty much oil will go straight up.

They can't put up a fight, they are cowards and pussies, the current generation i mean.

They should thank their grandparents generation that Jordan & Egypt are neutered and Gulf Arabs except Qutter want friendly relations.

So all they have to face are 2rs jihadi groups and some Poorsians throwing shitty missiles half-heartedly just to save face among their support base.

If you ask me this will war will end with the same Status Quo as before, since they don't have the will to make Gaza filastini mukt and absorb casualties and bad PR, neither can they maintain a buffer upto the Litani river to keep the Hizbullah back because that also involves Occupation.

Things will get really interesting through when the Poorsians finally get their Atim Bumb, they will then threaten the jooz with it every 5 secs like our beloved Padosi Mulq does with us.
Iran: We fired 1,000,000 missiles! We have taken revenge! We the bestest. We STRONK! :peace:

Israel: Sheesh... see below PIGS. :pig: :boxing: :playball::moderator:

So Israel keeps eliminating big shots including Iran Prez, Haramas, Haniya, Nasrlulla, Hizlulla, Chouthi but all Iran can do is fire missiles without any proven destruction. The only destruction we saw is a unfortunate man on whom a destroyed missile fell.

Iran: We fired 1,000,000 missiles! We have taken revenge! We the bestest. We STRONK! :peace:

Israel: Sheesh... see below PIGS. :pig: :boxing: :playball::moderator:

So Israel keeps eliminating big shots including Iran Prez, Haramas, Haniya, Nasrlulla, Hizlulla, Chouthi but all Iran can do is fire missiles without any proven destruction. The only destruction we saw is a unfortunate man on whom a destroyed missile fell.

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The previous Iran prez was removed by his own guys so that the current MoDeRaTe puppet could take the chair and pull wool over gora's and Irani awaam's eyes.
They can't put up a fight, they are cowards and pussies, the current generation i mean.

They should thank their grandparents generation that Jordan & Egypt are neutered and Gulf Arabs except Qutter want friendly relations.

So all they have to face are 2rs jihadi groups and some Poorsians throwing shitty missiles half-heartedly just to save face among their support base.

If you ask me this will war will end with the same Status Quo as before, since they don't have the will to make Gaza filastini mukt and absorb casualties and bad PR, neither can they maintain a buffer upto the Litani river to keep the Hizbullah back because that also involves Occupation.

Things will get really interesting through when the Poorsians finally get their Atim Bumb, they will then threaten the jooz with it every 5 secs like our beloved Padosi Mulq does with us.

You mistake Israeli society as Indian hindu.
hindu society : comprised mostly of: wokie left-wing globalist Soros pawns who hate India + right of centre people who are right wing but centrist overall. BJP, VHP, RSS, etc are all 'right of center' groups.

Israeli soceity : comprised mostly of: wokie left wing globalist Soros pawns who hate Israel + ULTRA-right wing nationalists who wanna make filastini kebabs for their dogs.

They do not have much of what you'd call a 'centrist' ideology, much of the west does not, because western culture & abrahamic faiths do not promote centrism like eastern philosophies and cultures do.
You mistake Israeli society as Indian hindu.
hindu society : comprised mostly of: wokie left-wing globalist Soros pawns who hate India + right of centre people who are right wing but centrist overall. BJP, VHP, RSS, etc are all 'right of center' groups.

Israeli soceity : comprised mostly of: wokie left wing globalist Soros pawns who hate Israel + ULTRA-right wing nationalists who wanna make filastini kebabs for their dogs.

They do not have much of what you'd call a 'centrist' ideology, much of the west does not, because western culture & abrahamic faiths do not promote centrism like eastern philosophies and cultures do.

Their people majority are wokie left wing pussies with useless but energetic right wing, like good for a riot and not much else.

Our people are majority muh caste, muh language retards but they are neither woke nor pussies and ofc the right wing is there.

The key difference is that Israel has a pragmatic and competent deepstate that takes all actions necessary for surirval of the Jewish state and defeat of it's enemies.

India has groups similar to deepstate but that's more to push agenda of phoren masta or to buy military maal from phoren vendor, absolutely fuck all to protect the civilizational state, our khadi-jackets led by our illustrious Leaderji try though, but Babooze, Suit Boot, Milaards not on their side.

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