ISRO - General Discussions

This is actually really sad. We should really have surpassed Russia by now. We have the capability yet not the intent. For example we can make a IRNSS coverage for all of the asian landmass + the Indian ocean for the cost of the delhi mumbai expressway.Let's not even get into the RR of satellite internet. Tens of satellites should be launched by us every year. We have the knowhow we have the money yet everyone is waiting for some divine intervention before actually doing anything.
Probably low earth orbit? LVM3 did place nearly 6 tonnes into LEO for the OneWeb satellites 2 years ago.

This is almost certainly LVM3 M5. M6 is not, as per Anonymous Bharata, going to launch Gaganyaan-1. So M6 will be a comsat or an earth observation sat into GEO, like G2.
M6 is a com sat, G1 will launch Gaganyaan -1

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