While the development of lca is delayed good thing is that we have in meantime developed weapons which allow lca mk1a to be as potent as a medium jet.
Astra mk2 can outclass any missile barring meteor class. Mk3 coming soon outclassing anything available.
Tara kit allows increasing range of standard munitions.
Rudram gives it potent anti radiation and ground strike capabilities of upto 300 km range.
Saaw allows it hit enemy airfields from safe distance.
And it will get wingman in form of cats warrior or whater cca comes up in future .
Cats hunter will provide it with stealth cruise missiles.
Nasm - mr will allow it to strike ships from 300 km away.
Bramhos ng is comes shall be even more potent.
It's desi aesa will allow seemless integration with all future weapons.
It can do almost all missions expected of a f16 or mirage .
And we will have 220 of these.