Modernisation of Indian Army Infantry

Wtf is this ? Kukri charging an MG nest ?
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Perhaps the most problematic thing in this pic is the fact that the Grunts are unaware; unaware that their helmets can't even stop a 9mm ball, unaware that there are things called plate carrier, unaware that if in modern combat you are in a position of bayonet charge then it means a chain of failures have already happened, unaware that Khukri is probably the worst kind of modern tactical blade and it can't be used for anything other than slashing.

But even if they're aware of all these then also nothing's going to change much as we're strictly a top-down military as opposed to the Western model of hybrid top-down/bottom-up.

So yeah; let's just wait for a catastrophe to happen...
Perhaps the most problematic thing in this pic is the fact that the Grunts are unaware; unaware that their helmets can't even stop a 9mm ball, unaware that there are things called plate carrier, unaware that if in modern combat you are in a position of bayonet charge then it means a chain of failures have already happened, unaware that Khukri is probably the worst kind of modern tactical blade and it can't be used for anything other than slashing.

But even if they're aware of all these then also nothing's going to change much as we're strictly a top-down military as opposed to the Western model of hybrid top-down/bottom-up.

So yeah; let's just wait for a catastrophe to happen...
Don’t worry a giant dose of Josh and a great howl of Jai Ho is plenty to destroy any enemy 😂.
Army had its own design bureau?
Is it manned by its own afsars?
Just to pay lip service to aatmanirbharta, they know that as long as they do this jhumla and sabotage placing of orders they can continue to import under 'emergency procurement'

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