New Members Introduction

Hi guys, french-indian here, I was a lurker on DFI under the same username
Seeing old faces here makes me happy.
The regrouping operation was a huge success. Just goes to show what us Indians are capable of once we decide to cooperate without anything holdings us back.
Like one members said to me and it has stuck with me ever since than. "TRUST IS THE ONLY EQUITY US HINDUS HAVE".
I hope all the members here will trust each other and continue to learn and grown themselves and this community.
Glad to be back .
How come Ugra Bhairav isn't here ? I mean you're as fake as they get. We need the real McCoy . We desperately need a punching bag & low grade entertainment. As you would have already made out by now , we're not too demanding , we're easily entertained.
Guys.. choose your favourite THREADS in DFI. scroll to the page beginning at 2023.

Check active members who liked and made comments , choose those who've been active recently , send them message or write on timeline.

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