New Members Introduction

Any idea how many members were at DFI? Has everybody joined here? If not word has to be spread at DFI that the new website is alive and working. They can join here.

Unfortunately, the threads and Data from DFI will not be transferred here but we will have to learn to live without it.
Any idea how many members were at DFI? Has everybody joined here? If not word has to be spread at DFI that the new website is alive and working. They can join here.

Unfortunately, the threads and Data from DFI will not be transferred here but we will have to learn to live without it.
Dfi had 24000 members but out of that 1000 to 2000 were adbots. Some 500 were alt accounts
Hello members !
Was lurking in the previous forum for a month, registered in that forum, didn't get the confirmation mail though.
Great to see a new replacement up and running before the old one is gone.

Happy to join this forum, eager to learn new things.

About myself - Engg grad student from M.P., with specific interest in geopolitics & defense.
Hello members !
Was lurking in the previous forum for a month, registered in that forum, didn't get the confirmation mail though.
Great to see a new replacement up and running before the old one is gone.

Happy to join this forum, eager to learn new things.

About myself - Engg grad student from M.P., with specific interest in geopolitics & defense.
Check spam folder in your gmail
Is it possible to identify outsiders (foreigners) in this forum who are subverting this forum? They are usually two types. First, trying to sell something as opposed to local stuff by proving local as inferior. Second, is simply trying to gather military information.

Both are unwanted but could not be stopped. Hence identifying them is easiest way to keep them under check.

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