Next Generation Corvettes

@haldilal reports:

The CFD models ready in hand for the NGCs and the overall profile looks quite divergent from Kamortas

And With the an L/B ratio of 7.12 and beam of 16.9m, it should give a length of 120m most tops as dictated by the RFI cap. And will displace anywhere between 3,000 to 4,000 tons. And the hull is totally new different from the Kamorta Class.

@Fatalis reports:

Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) accorded AoN for procurement of Next Generation Corvettes (NGC) at an estimated cost of approx. 36,000cr in June 2022. GRSE’s in its Q4FY23 investor call mentioned that the shipyard expects RFP to be released in second half of calendar year 2024, MDL in its Q1FY24 call has stated that the RFP is expected around the end of this year, it isn’t clear if it is the end of calendar year or the fiscal year. The project is expected to be divided between two shipyards with L1 getting 5 and L2 receiving 3 hulls.
Is this the design for NGC? The superstructure & the MF-STAR Panel are visibly different from P-17A.

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