Opinions and Discussion about Feminism.

The State has a lot to gain over licentious and promiscuous behaviour of individuals.
Adulterers will buy goods and services for enabling their act. Contraceptives, Abortion services, Hotels, Lawyer fees, Taxes of legal fees. Not to mention two great Indian weddings coming from one broken marriage. This is good business for them, they thus encourage it, immoral that they are.
oh you forgot one major thing, that many of these divorced women eventually go into workforce, so corpo-jeets get to benefit here too, and in long run state machinery get benefits in taxes and whatever things they do
After the mess they have made with their domestic violence acts and family court systems, no Indian should advocate for more state intervention in the personal lives of the citizens. Bitch, anybody can file for anything and your life would be over and makes room for yet anothet avenue of institutionalized corruption; the babudom and the milards would have a field day. Gormints should keep the fuck out of the personal lives of its citizens.
I am from kolkata.
If there was this law, i am 100% sure i'd have gone to jail at least 4 times in the 1 year i spent there few years ago....because everytime i took pangaaa with Trinamool local babus, all they'd have to do is ' eeh...shabbo ko lao aur isko frame karke andar bhejo....hindu larka ne musalmaan shadi-shuda nari ke sath kiya..chee chee.

like...i dont even live in India and havent lived much in India this whole millenium and i know this, but these gents live in India and think they are safe from every single local sarkari mai-baap with THIS law in place ? wot de foc...
oh you forgot one major thing, that many of these divorced women eventually go into workforce, so corpo-jeets get to benefit here too, and in long run state machinery get benefits in taxes and whatever things they do
Yeah good point. Totally forgot that, this whole Nari Shakti drama is one to get taxes and nudge the society towards behaviours and situations which has a probability for licentious behaviour.
Fear of the law, to begin with has to be instilled in people. What has worked for ages, will work now, no amount of modernity or practicality can substitute illegallity and immorality.

Yes, there is scope for abuse. Just like a knife can be used by a surgeon to save lives, it can be used by a murderer to end lives . Tools will always have to exist , you cannot wish away tools because their is a potential for immorals to misuse it. If you think you can get rid of your wife that way, shame on you. And may the wrath of the Law and God be on you. So a lot depends on the State's willingness to put morality as the canon of the society. There are many connected things here like polity, type of government, religious tones of society etc. however, none can override the fact that what is wrong will always be wrong.

A knife used by a surgeon that can murder affects 50 people in a city at a given time max. Your law will pretty much see tens of thousand of indians stuffed in jail and millions of older women scammed into jail easy peasy.
So explain to me how this law is benefitting society instead of harming it, when you literally gave me an easy out to get rid of my wife.

If you want morality of canon of soceity, there is already several societies like that- all you got to do is say kalima and move.

You have to explain and rationally debate this, not sluff it off as 'this is right, jo bhi hoga so dekha jayegaa'.

Especially when there is PLENTY of history of gormint making stupid law that completely fucks over society in unforeseen ways....
Ideally, the state should have no business getting involved in the private lives of consenting adults.

But, the same state acts like a pimp when it comes to financial settlements involving marital property. Lawyers and Courts have turned divorce into an industry where they leech off the higher earner which in 90% of the cases will be men as women rarely marry men who make less than them.

Frankly, a lot of issues can be solved if marital property is divided roughly based on financial contributions of each spouse instead of this BS 50-50. Husband makes 2X the Wife? Let him have 67% of marital property instead of just 50%. This'll put an end to gold digging but I fully expect women to say BS like marriage is equal partnership blah blah etc
heh, perhaps it's a cultural, normalised thing for your side of men and womenfolk into indulging open marriages, swinging and such things because muh rights but rest of the sabhya samaaj is suffering a lot from the state's one sided handling of those things - so you do you but we gotta complain about injustices

Nah, I get it. Online forums do not survive without incel cope posts, I do not complain about it at all; unless the said users have a history of making personal attacks on me. Either way, please do not mind me, my dear brand ambassador of 'Gujju Sabhya Samaj', keep following through with your alpha mard revolution without tagging me.
Ideally, the state should have no business getting involved in the private lives of consenting adults.

But, the same state acts like a pimp when it comes to financial settlements involving marital property. Lawyers and Courts have turned divorce into an industry where they leech off the higher earner which in 90% of the cases will be men as women rarely marry men who make less than them.

Frankly, a lot of issues can be solved if marital property is divided roughly based on financial contributions of each spouse instead of this BS 50-50. Husband makes 2X the Wife? Let him have 67% of marital property instead of just 50%. This'll put an end to gold digging but I fully expect women to say BS like marriage is equal partnership blah blah etc
you are forgetting salient difference.
in every single religion and every single society, marriage is a contract. So state has legal ambit to regulate and interfere.
You talking to me or rubbing on me is NOT A CONTRACT. so state has no legal ambit to get involved unless there is some legal scope- such as lack of consent, withdrawal of consent, serious harm during process, minors, etc.

I still dont understand why your wife needs to go to jail for cheating on you and not be auto divorce with no alimony.
That the state is saying pay alimony, pay even for cheater baby she made is obviously wrong, but how does THAT justify stuffing people in jail for consentual adult interaction and that which can literally be misused by every single 2-bit party worker throughout india to silence anyone ???
you are forgetting salient difference.
in every single religion and every single society, marriage is a contract. So state has legal ambit to regulate and interfere.
You talking to me or rubbing on me is NOT A CONTRACT. so state has no legal ambit to get involved unless there is some legal scope- such as lack of consent, withdrawal of consent, serious harm during process, minors, etc.

I still dont understand why your wife needs to go to jail for cheating on you and not be auto divorce with no alimony.
That the state is saying pay alimony, pay even for cheater baby she made is obviously wrong, but how does THAT justify stuffing people in jail for consentual adult interaction and that which can literally be misused by every single 2-bit party worker throughout india to silence anyone ???
I never commented on adultery. Adultery should only lead to divorce with no alimony. Jailing is stupid.
at this stage the best solution to adultery problem (including any impeding divorce + alimony extortion) is to invest in drunk truck drivers who can deliver 'happy little accidents' to miscreants

heh, perhaps it's a cultural, normalised thing for your side of men and womenfolk into indulging open marriages, swinging and such things because muh rights but rest of the sabhya samaaj is suffering a lot from the state's one sided handling of those things - so you do you but we gotta complain about injustices
you aint sabhya samaj when you literally wanna be arbi mullah dehati.
Swinging from one extreme to another is literally the most abrahamic thing one can do in life.

Your law leads to arab style society of sexual repression. If you want that, then say thats what you want, because thats exactly what you get with criminalizing infidelity.
Ideally, the state should have no business getting involved in the private lives of consenting adults.

But, the same state acts like a pimp when it comes to financial settlements involving marital property. Lawyers and Courts have turned divorce into an industry where they leech off the higher earner which in 90% of the cases will be men as women rarely marry men who make less than them.

This is not true, btw. If you are loaded and can afford a good lawyer, you can get away with paying very little alimony. Look up how Sridhar Vembu fought his divorce case. Look how Shikhar Dhawan fought his case.

Now you can argue that a lot of guys will not be so lucky and get fucked by the judiciary instead - in which case you would be right (because the Indian judiciary is elitist, whoever hires the better lawyer, wins).

Ironically, this whole thingy started because the entrepreneur guy involved in this drama wanted to get away with paying very little in settlements and enjoy custody over his son (most western nations have strict custodial frameworks, unlike in India where whoever appoints the better lawyer gets it). Look at the number of times he has talked about his son in his posts (even posted pics of him) - the PR is a dead giveaway.

This is not at all different from Elmo bringing his son to all his meetings to garner sympathy and gain an upper hand in his custodial battle with his estranged wife.
What you say- I am not disagreeing, since a person like Maun Mohan, also wanted to do everything by the book, just like Modi is doing.

But point is, while voting for him, we expected to do just the opposite to what he is doing now.
If he's giving us this raw a deal, he can stay assured his deal is also going to become as raw.

If you are an NRI, be prepared to say goodbye to those Modi-Modi rallies.
Difference is, Modi is a workaholic guy compared to pothead MMS if you look at resume of shit done.

You expected Modi to be bhagwa guru and not focus on infra and development ?!?
Like...i didnt realize people voted for Yogi Modityanath as Baba of RSS and not PM of India...
Nah, I get it. Online forums do not survive without incel cope posts, I do not complain about it at all; unless the said users have a history of making personal attacks on me. Either way, please do not mind me, my dear brand ambassador of 'Gujju Sabhya Samaj', keep following through with your alpha mard revolution without tagging me.
you were already on my ignore list, and i only responded because i saw you dragging me with other bengali's post

whatever, you do you, your state's already en route of being taken over by mullahs in some decades, enjoy while it still lasts
you aint sabhya samaj when you literally wanna be arbi mullah dehati.
Swinging from one extreme to another is literally the most abrahamic thing one can do in life.

Your law leads to arab style society of sexual repression. If you want that, then say thats what you want, because thats exactly what you get with criminalizing infidelity.
So according to you, humans have been wrong throughout history and your idea of unbridled sexual freedom is the most practical way forward?
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You expected Modi to be bhagwa guru and not focus on infra and development ?!?
Like...i didnt realize people voted for Yogi Modityanath as Baba of RSS and not PM of India...
Clearly you were not in India in 2014 then.
Answer is YES, to your question.
since we're here, another statement - anyone proven misusing rape laws and planting fake rape cases over revenge/extortion things, should be thrown in jail for same period as a proven rapist
So according to you, humans have been wrong throughout history and your idea of unbridled sexual freedom is the most practical way forward?
humans have never ever criminalized infidelity outside of islam as a legal code of law. Hamurabbi was the only other one i can think of and even then, IIRC it was '10 canings and u r done'.

So where did you get this genius idea that humans have mostly criminalized infidelity ??
It was NOT criminalized in Europe fyi even in medieval age - yes the bible says u stone the woman and all, but its actually not present in legal codes very often in human history. because as i said, its a ridiculous law to LEGISLATE without turning into arbi mullahs.

what part of 'if u cheat in ur marriage and it can be proven in court, u automatically get nothing and auto-divorce for ur spouse' sounds 'unbridled' to you ???
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since we're here, another statement - anyone proven misusing rape laws and planting fake rape cases over revenge/extortion things, should be thrown in jail for same period as a proven rapist
you should check out what happens with your type of idiot dehati laws such as Indonesian no masturbation law.
See how it works in implementation and then tell us if society is net winner or net loser with said law - something you have refused to analyze in this instance.
Maybe because as i said, you are smart enough to realize what you propose is unworkable bullshit
at this stage the best solution to adultery problem (including any impeding divorce + alimony extortion) is to invest in drunk truck drivers who can deliver 'happy little accidents' to miscreants

heh, perhaps it's a cultural, normalised thing for your side of men and womenfolk into indulging open marriages, swinging and such things because muh rights but rest of the sabhya samaaj is suffering a lot from the state's one sided handling of those things - so you do you but we gotta complain about injustices
i hate to say this, but its quite ironic to find the most docile veggie jaat in India that gave us Gandu-giri is worried about the fate of the jaat that is the most laraaku jaat against the british and supplied like 50% of all independence fighters in India combined ( not exgaggeration, 50% of cellular jail residents were bengali hindus).

That...is quite funny indeed. It is true, when push comes to shove, we bongs arent the best people to beat our chest and talk but gujju bhais ?lmao. you have never had to face push comes to shove in recent times.

You are worried about us surviving against arbi dehati followers ? good. we are worried too. But i guess we are jealous that you had a protective topi of rajputs over your veggie-desh else you wouldnt be like us beaten down hindu bongs.
You'd be like the veggie afghans when the moozies came...coz they didnt have rajput topi shield.
thats the most retarded post you've made here and you are generally a smart poster.

Maybe because as i said, you are smart enough to realize what you propose is unworkable bullshit

meh, stop using 'you're smarter/better than this' projection on me, i've said plenty of controversial things on teligram that'll surely land me in jail if publicised - but i own it all, it's outcome of "my world" and worldview

as for your longer posts about what if this that...with adultery things, this is my solution keeping all realities in mind

at this stage the best solution to adultery problem (including any impeding divorce + alimony extortion) is to invest in drunk truck drivers who can deliver 'happy little accidents' to miscreants

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