@GaudaNaresh you are getting so worked up. You are going to the extreme levels, like Jihadis, who immediately give the argument that if women don't wear niqab, should they walk naked on streets?
What we need is common sense, balance in our thoughts and a natural sense of Justice which I believe every Human can comprehend.
Arm twisting husbands to pay alimony when the wife has been cheating on him is injustice.
Advocating thoughts like cheating is just two consenting adults having sex, will lead to a morally corrupt society, where the so called Adults are so quick to give consent without any responsibility towards the vows they have taken.
Adultery should always be treated as a crime. Its a crime which destroys family, destroys the very devotion of the children who view their parents as morally ideal.
You are using Developed countries as a benchmark forgetting the fact that these countries, adopted this degeneracy, a number of decades after they became developed and its destroying them from inside.
But its not just adultery, unchecked pre-marital sex is also as bad as extra-marital affairs.
We Hindus don't have the money and resources like the West. The only treasure we have is purity of our relationships. If we lose this very thing, we are then a lost case.
i am not going to extreme levels. i am pointing out the slippery slope of this law is like a 90 degree vertical cliff of Muztagh tower ( google it) drenched in ghee.
I am not here to argue about whether alimony is good or bad ( its obviously bad when its default alimony).
I am simply here to argue the pros and cons fo making law where two adults go to jail for having consensual sex.
This is an extremely difficult law to LEGISLATE when CRIMINALISED which is why even when homosexuality was criminalized, there were hardly any arrests anywhere on it - because this law is UNWORKABLE in a court of law in most cases.
I dont see where pre-marital sex is bad. where pre-marital sex is bad and fucks u up, is when you start young in their early mid teens. But every single person i've known who were virgins till 19-20 and only then got active are mostly all in stable long term monogamous relationships ( and few who go sow their wild oats all the time, that type exists everywhere too).
My point is, you are trying to bring in a law, that has the real potential of jailing 15,000 cheaters and 1.5 million innocents in the same span. So explain how hindu society wins if 1.5 million innocent men and women rot in jail while 15,000 cheatzors get what they deserve.
Also dont take it the wrong way, but i agree with the poster here who said that you guys in India are taking the wrong lessons from the west.
I dont blame you, its difficult enough for us HERE to get the right lessons and it took me a solid 3-4 years after the gender madness started here in 2nd term of Om-baba to figure out what the foc is going on.
You see, the problem of the western countries, their japanese vassals, China, etc. ISNT that they 'adopted' degeneracy. No one really 'adopts degeneracy' and wakes up one fine day going 'hey lets have sex with my kids or chop their peens off'.
What west forgot ( and its asian vassals are in the process of forgetting today) is that sanskaar comes from family and parents, not school system. westoids delegated teaching morality and moral compass to their high school teachers since the 1960s and what happens when you are a teacher of ethics to the young and impressionable ? you power trip, you experiment and you go on a moulding spree coz it doesnt carry much consequence to you ( you are the teacher afterall, not the parent or future spouse or friend).
And they STILL havent realized that the problem isnt that the school system is teaching them lgbt anal sex shit, its THEY ARE NOT INVOLVED PARENTS teaching their kids morals and spending time with them.
Guess who have the LEAST PROBLEM in the west and are the most immune to lgbtqxyzz debauchery shit ? Muslims. Guess where they get their sanskaar - at home.
Guess who are relatively speaking (to the whites) far better insulated from this debauchery ? Latinos and to a larger extent, some sort of religious asian ( hindu or buddhist or tai chi peoples).
You want these kind of sick shit to stop proliferating in society, the solution is simple : you the father and the mother come home from work and spend at least 2-3 hrs a day 3-4 days a week on weekdays with your kids and at least one whole day in the weekend.( as in interact with them, not just sit there watch tv beside them or read paper while they do homework in font of u - quality time)
Do this, spread THIS concept in hindu society and your these cases of divorce and scamming will go to negligible levels.
Try and fix this by using the state machinery ( aka gormint - legal, judicial, policia, etc) and you **WILL** create the senario of ' we cured the disease but the patient didnt survive the treatment'.
PS: Another thing that works FAR BETTER than the legal system in curtailing this - is social judgement. Guess why the whites have worked so hard to get rid of social judgement and play all 'it aint my problem if it aint involving me' ??? Coz one look at cheater here vs cheater in indian society and its very clear that is a bigger hard-counter : you getting into shit with the law for cheating or the 20 ladies and aunties and kakus in your neighbourhood treating u like a flea-ridden street dog.