Opinions and Discussion about Feminism.

From personal experience, the only time an Indian woman threatened me with violence and i actually felt threatened, was in 2012 in Vancouver, when i was a drunk idiot in a hospital and our Pindistani Sherni very calmly told me to shut up and wait else she is calling the charge nurse ( goonda nurse in the nursing ward) to take care of me and she is a 50 year old filipino lady - who chirped up from her desk 'if that bumbaayaa is giving you lip, i will come and beat him like his momma didnt'. and i was scared and shut up.
I am not disregarding these points infact I always say Hindu middle class suffers the most pay huge taxes but go for private hospitals where good doctors charge atleast 750-1000rs in a big city for a good doctor
Pay 1.5-2lacs for child's education and their hobbies
Crush those hobbies later knowing that's luxury in our country when basic needs aren't available to the people
On return get pathetic service from govt in terms of hospitals roads safety

But despite all this if we just produce one kid it will be much more problematic than the above listed
Yes these problems exists today and will exist in future too
Forget about demerits of dropping tfr rates in future if situation gets worse u lose your child then everything will finish who will take ur genes forward
At that time parents will definitely won't cry for above reasons
I am myself a single child and I know how it gets difficult as child grows and that definitely leaves impact on child too

As i said education is one of the factors parents are having 1 child.

To add to the list , physical stress, mental stress, expensive housing are also some of the factors.

Women now a days do not want to go through the physical aspects of pregnancy. They do not want to get tied up in bringing up more than 1 child.

A lot of women who have gone for second child are advising their friends colleagues against as it is a burden.

Lot of couples go 1 child only to shutup their parents who are pestering them for grandchildren.

On the positive side, lot of couples these days are having trouble conceiving as they wait to get " settled " in their life and have to go through the IVF route. With the help of IVF in most almost 90% cases, twins are conceived.

Lmao. such butthurt feminazis that they LITERALLY cannot see nuclear family success in any circumstances.
The wife isnt the 'cooking and sex slave night shift driver' - she is the second in a truck. Wot de foc do you think the second guy does in a truck that you see driving on the highway ? HIS job is to be the night shift driver/help with loads/cook/find food etc. like this wifey is doing. One thing these butthurt feminists forget is that this is a dehati Chinku couple and like most dehati Asians, be it desi or videshi, they can work their butts off and not complain and find solutions that work. Chinku trucking, like desi trucking and almost ALL non western trucking is a 2 man job. Everywhere. Only in west u see 1 dude in a truck cab, everywhere else u see 2.
This is a win-win for both,if as a couple they can work together, which it seems like they can, coz family gets to pocket more money via trucking instead of finding a second(or losing income from stopping due to sleep of 1 man crew) and they get each others company and occasional sexytime at work. They also seem young and dont have kids yet, so problem kyaa ?? This is dehat finding a way that should make us cushy sofa-sitting city people a bit ashamed.

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