Russian Ukrainian War

This dude Durov thought USA, EU are the best places for Freedom of Speech, lol 🤣

NATO, EU & Americ*nt piglets are one of the most totalitarian place to live.
In those countries dumbocracy & freedumb of speech are guaranteed as long as you toe the host govt. line
It's not correct to use this name on an Indian forum, but did the British public lose support for Churchill after the failed Dieppe Raid?
Also, who told you that it was all over there? It's like they said they captured New Jork 2 weeks ago, but fighting continues there.
P.S. You know, I don't watch your videos.
The Dieppe raid lasted only one day, and the Brits retreated, but that not what happened in Krynky. The Krynky raid went on for 5 months. Its okay to be wrong, but not okay to stay wrong. Yes, and I know you don't watch the videos I do but here are two from the most pro Ukrainian sources that I know of.

The Dieppe raid lasted only one day, and the Brits retreated, but that not what happened in Krynky. The Krynky raid went on for 5 months. Its okay to be wrong, but not okay to stay wrong. Yes, and I know you don't watch the videos I do but here are two from the most pro Ukrainian sources that I know of.


I don't watch any videos from you - neither pro-Russian, nor pro-Ukrainian. :)
Because all these are versions and assumptions. Nobody knows the plans of our General Staff and, as it turned out in the example of the Kursk region, even our partners don't know.
Now we have a bridgehead on the left bank of the Dnieper. Krynki is only a former settlement. It disappeared, but the bridgehead is not.
If it is gone, then there will again be a high density of mining, which dooms the assault to failure.
There is an example with last year's offensive, where they wanted to encircle Melitopol in 10 days, but in fact in 3 months they only broke through a pocket to the "dragon's teeth" near the village of Robotino.
The fact that you don't know about the bridgehead is just a limitation of information. Everyone has it, but to varying degrees. For example, I didn't know that we continue to use Tochka-U. I thought the missiles for them had long since run out.
About the versions. For example, the main prison seamstress Strelkov/Girkin thinks that the attack on Kursk region is a diversionary blow from the attack on Crimea. There are dozens of different versions. So, just wait and see what happens.


A beachhead Малая земля (Small land) - term. 8 month (11000 killed)​

A bridgehead Невский пятачок (Small zone of Neva-river) - term 2.5 year (more 50000 killed)
I don't watch any videos from you - neither pro-Russian, nor pro-Ukrainian. :)
Because all these are versions and assumptions. Nobody knows the plans of our General Staff and, as it turned out in the example of the Kursk region, even our partners don't know.
Now we have a bridgehead on the left bank of the Dnieper. Krynki is only a former settlement. It disappeared, but the bridgehead is not.
If it is gone, then there will again be a high density of mining, which dooms the assault to failure.
There is an example with last year's offensive, where they wanted to encircle Melitopol in 10 days, but in fact in 3 months they only broke through a pocket to the "dragon's teeth" near the village of Robotino.
The fact that you don't know about the bridgehead is just a limitation of information. Everyone has it, but to varying degrees. For example, I didn't know that we continue to use Tochka-U. I thought the missiles for them had long since run out.
About the versions. For example, the main prison seamstress Strelkov/Girkin thinks that the attack on Kursk region is a diversionary blow from the attack on Crimea. There are dozens of different versions. So, just wait and see what happens.
You should watch those videos, because most of the time they get it right. I get it wrong sometimes, but for the most part my predictions turn out to be correct. For example right after the Russians took Bakhmut, I said Avdivka will fall next. It took awhile but it fell none the less. I also said the counter offensive late last summer would also fail, and it did, but I do have to say anyone with an IQ over 90 could have predicted that. My IQ is 140.
I don't watch any videos from you - neither pro-Russian, nor pro-Ukrainian. :)
Because all these are versions and assumptions. Nobody knows the plans of our General Staff and, as it turned out in the example of the Kursk region, even our partners don't know.
Now we have a bridgehead on the left bank of the Dnieper. Krynki is only a former settlement. It disappeared, but the bridgehead is not.
If it is gone, then there will again be a high density of mining, which dooms the assault to failure.
There is an example with last year's offensive, where they wanted to encircle Melitopol in 10 days, but in fact in 3 months they only broke through a pocket to the "dragon's teeth" near the village of Robotino.
The fact that you don't know about the bridgehead is just a limitation of information. Everyone has it, but to varying degrees. For example, I didn't know that we continue to use Tochka-U. I thought the missiles for them had long since run out.
About the versions. For example, the main prison seamstress Strelkov/Girkin thinks that the attack on Kursk region is a diversionary blow from the attack on Crimea. There are dozens of different versions. So, just wait and see what happens.
You don't think things all the way through. For example one of those sources was the Kyiv independent. I saw a lot of post where you used them as a source, but when I use them, you then claim you don't use them because of their "versions" and "assumption". I risk looking like a fool from a lot of people on this forum for arguing with you, but all I can say in my defense is it's mostly for entertainment value.
I hope that bridgehead on the Dnieper does attack. It will help speed up the end of this war. You probably didn't hear about the large build up of forces in Belarus north of Kiev. Perhaps they will attack, perhaps not, but if they do, you heard it from my sources. If you did hear about it then your sources and mine are saying the same thing, something for you to think about.
I hope that bridgehead on the Dnieper does attack. It will help speed up the end of this war. You probably didn't hear about the large build up of forces in Belarus north of Kiev. Perhaps they will attack, perhaps not, but if they do, you heard it from my sources. If you did hear about it then your sources and mine are saying the same thing, something for you to think about.
Strangely, Kiev ordered as well as requested (all at a same time) Belarus to remove it's forces from it's own border administered to inner side or else it might fetch fatal consequences.. ! its like, my neighbour ordering me how i arrange my bedroom!
Strangely, Kiev ordered as well as requested (all at a same time) Belarus to remove it's forces from it's own border administered to inner side or else it might fetch fatal consequences.. ! its like, my neighbour ordering me how i arrange my bedroom!
Exactly, and it's funny that they think Belarus will listen to them. I think Ukraine forgot Belarus allowed Russia to invade Ukraine through their country at the start of this. If they are brave enough to allow that, what makes Ukraine think harsh language is going to scare them now?
You don't think things all the way through. For example one of those sources was the Kyiv independent. I saw a lot of post where you used them as a source, but when I use them, you then claim you don't use them because of their "versions" and "assumption". I risk looking like a fool from a lot of people on this forum for arguing with you, but all I can say in my defense is it's mostly for entertainment value.
Aren't you tired of bragging about your IQ?
Was the article in the Kyiv independent written by the Chief of the General Staff? No, it was an ordinary journalist. Therefore, this is also a section of "versions and assumptions". It is like information that caused outrage in society, that there were twice as many missing people as dead. But this always happens when defending a bridgehead/beachhead.
The numbers of losses during the Normandy landings were also clarified for several years. A missing person is only declared dead three years later.
There was such an absurd case: a Soviet soldier disappeared in Afghanistan. He was declared dead, but in the mid-90s he returned from captivity.
Surely there were such cases in Vietnam too.
The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry warned the Belarusian Foreign Ministry based on the data it received from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. If they risk attacking, the Mozir Oil Refinery is close and the fire there will be clearly visible.
Footage of the Russian kamikaze drone "Lancet-51" striking a Ukrainian T-64BV tank. The video was filmed on August 11 in the village of Cherkasskoye Porechny, Kursk region of Russia. The video is unique in that the drone strike was filmed by the Ukrainian and Russian armies simultaneously. At first glance, the Ukrainian T-64BV tank withstood the drone strike, apparently due to the tank's net protection, but after moving forward, it stopped and a fire started inside. It is unknown whether the crew managed to leave the tank, but as a result of the fire and detonation of ammunition, the tank was completely destroyed.


Democrats need peace in Ukraine asap (before election) so that trump doesn't get it's credit and a plank to garner votes, Bharat ( S Jaisankar) had said last year it was not time yet for our intervention, now that it has happened, maybe twofaced quadraple agent Zelensky is awaiting signal from his Chinese masters or awaiting Putins command .
Exactly, and it's funny that they think Belarus will listen to them. I think Ukraine forgot Belarus allowed Russia to invade Ukraine through their country at the start of this. If they are brave enough to allow that, what makes Ukraine think harsh language is going to scare them now?
As per the news and data available on www. 3 things are understood as basic

1. Kursk invasion was meant to divert russi forces from Donetsk/ pokrovsk attack parallel to take grab of a good chunk of land for future bargaining chip.
2. To redeploy and thin the russi troops stationed at Nova Kakhovka and kharson as the area was cold for a long time, to the northern sector at sumy and kursk sector. That way a fast land attack could cut off the land supply route to crimea.
3. The invasion inside russ soil would boost the moral and keep the arms donation train running.

But the plan seems to have a little hunch now, as every armor column/stormtroopers ukrn sent to recon the R200 to NPP were ambushed way ahead, and the most front runner troops( feeling really jealous, starlink set with each platoon and vehicle!) were taken out after lancet strikes made them blind by taking out most of the ew units running at front. Guess at least 60 tanks with 200+ armor support / troop carriers incl 3/4 himars launchers were taken out in first 10 days of invasion.

Adding salt to the blister, now belarus has it's(?) 1/3 army standing at kiev's border ... so to mirror them, some good no. of ukrn reserve and active personals with armor support are to go idle there instead of thrusting front runs.

fun fact is that, russia too has now not many soldiers left at fronts either. Basically it gona end up like a fight between 2 losers- it seems.
Aren't you tired of bragging about your IQ?
Was the article in the Kyiv independent written by the Chief of the General Staff? No, it was an ordinary journalist. Therefore, this is also a section of "versions and assumptions". It is like information that caused outrage in society, that there were twice as many missing people as dead. But this always happens when defending a bridgehead/beachhead.
The numbers of losses during the Normandy landings were also clarified for several years. A missing person is only declared dead three years later.
There was such an absurd case: a Soviet soldier disappeared in Afghanistan. He was declared dead, but in the mid-90s he returned from captivity.
Surely there were such cases in Vietnam too.
The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry warned the Belarusian Foreign Ministry based on the data it received from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. If they risk attacking, the Mozir Oil Refinery is close and the fire there will be clearly visible.
Not really, my point in bringing it up my IQ was that your Chief of the General staff and the rest of his idiot generals IQs are below a 90. You don't attack land that is loaded with all kinds of mines. You don't attack without air cover, and you don't attack an enemy that built massive fortifications all along the area of attack. Not to mention when the enemy has more tanks, drones, missiles, planes, helicopters ect. ect. ect. But the bozos decided to do it anyway and they are still scratching their heads on why it failed.
Not really, my point in bringing it up my IQ was that your Chief of the General staff and the rest of his idiot generals IQs are below a 90. You don't attack land that is loaded with all kinds of mines. You don't attack without air cover, and you don't attack an enemy that built massive fortifications all along the area of attack. Not to mention when the enemy has more tanks, drones, missiles, planes, helicopters ect. ect. ect. But the bozos decided to do it anyway and they are still scratching their heads on why it failed.
According to this logic (yours and that of the couch rapist), we shouldn’t even resist. Probably the same as all of Europe separately, because each European country has fewer weapons. But these principles remained in the 19th century.

Democrats need peace in Ukraine asap (before election) so that trump doesn't get it's credit and a plank to garner votes, Bharat ( S Jaisankar) had said last year it was not time yet for our intervention, now that it has happened, maybe twofaced quadraple agent Zelensky is awaiting signal from his Chinese masters or awaiting Putins command .

Read more at:

The many faces of zelensky
He keeps salivating at his Chinese masters seeking their validation, supplies Russian gas to his European masters , unashamedly enriching from the sale, but finds faults with Indian sale of Russian oil products to Europe , which helps maintain global economy from collapsing by stabilizing oil prices, India also engages with Russia for a peaceful solution.

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